Advent of Code occurs at Dec 01 to 25 where each day, you will need to solve a puzzle. It is Festival and the problem statement is mostly related to Christmas.
Day 09 - Rope Bridge
import sys
file1 = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
seen = set()
H = (0, 0)
T = (0, 0)
prevH = H
while True:
line = file1.readline()
if not line:
a, b = line.strip().split()
for _ in range(int(b)):
prevH = H
if a == "R":
H = (H[0], H[1] + 1)
elif a == "U":
H = (H[0] - 1, H[1])
elif a == "L":
H = (H[0], H[1] - 1)
elif a == "D":
H = (H[0] + 1, H[1])
if abs(H[0] - T[0]) <= 1 and abs(H[1] - T[1]) <= 1:
T = prevH
import sys
from collections import deque
from math import inf
file1 = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
seen = set()
snake = [(0, 0) for _ in range(10)]
def get_near(A, B):
rr, cc = A
r, c = B
def dis(r0, c0, r1, c1):
return abs(r0 - r1) + abs(c0 - c1)
D = inf
for dr in range(-1, 2):
for dc in range(-1, 2):
if dr != 0 or dc != 0:
d = dis(rr + dr, cc + dc, r, c)
if d < D:
D = d
ans = (rr + dr, cc + dc)
return ans
while True:
line = file1.readline()
if not line:
a, b = line.strip().split()
for _ in range(int(b)):
x = snake[-1]
if a == "R":
H = (x[0], x[1] + 1)
elif a == "U":
H = (x[0] - 1, x[1])
elif a == "L":
H = (x[0], x[1] - 1)
elif a == "D":
H = (x[0] + 1, x[1])
snake[-1] = H
for i in range(8, -1, -1):
if (abs(snake[i][0] - snake[i + 1][0]) <= 1) and abs(snake[i][1] - snake[i + 1][1]) <= 1:
snake[i] = get_near(snake[i], snake[i + 1])
Q1 is basically a snake game. However, the Q2 is tricky - the body movement needs to be based on the rules, and not just follow its previous piece.