Can aging be reversed? Here's all you need to know to combat aging and live a Healthy Life

in aging •  3 years ago 


Are you worried about hurting joints and wrinkling skin? Have you finally decided to quit your unhealthy and lethal lifestyle and start caring about your body? Then I have some good news for you. We all know for a fact that aging is irreversible. But it doesn't mean we can't control or slow down aging. Different factors determine aging and its progression.

Scientific studies show that people with a healthy and hyperactive lifestyle live longer than those with a sluggish lifestyle.

Here is how exercise affects your age

  • Telomere Elongation

Studies show that exercise lessens the risk factor of many fatal diseases. Exercise repairs the DNA (Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Min) by elongating the telomeres that prevent the cells from dying. Telomeres are the ends of DNA strands. Telomeres shorten as we age. When telomeres shrink to a critical length and cannot further shorten, the cell cannot divide and dies. Exercise slows down the shortening of telomeres. In this way, it delays aging.

  • Myokines Production

When a muscle contracts, it produces tiny molecules called myokines. Myokines are part of the defense system of the body. They combat diseases. Just as exercise stimulates their production, low metabolic activity diminishes it. So if you want a disease-free life, you better get out of your couch and burn some calories.

  • Lower chances of Diseases

Studies show that exercise decreases the risk of many deadly diseases. It reduces the chances of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Regular exercise is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure. It also improves our mental health. Chances of stroke, Alzheimer or dementia are much lower in people with physically active lifestyles.

  • Hormone Release

Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins act on the brain and produce a positive relieving impact on the body.
Insulin regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism by increasing blood glucose. Exercise suppresses insulin secretion. As a consequence, the body burns stored fat as fuel. It reduces obesity.
Exercise releases testosterone hormone. It enhances muscle regeneration.
BDNF hormone is produced during physical activity. It regenerates brain cells.

Best Ways to Combat aging

Aging is a poorly understood process. Researches reveal that exercise aids in combating aging and living a youthful life despite older age.

  • Jogging

Sometimes it is best to keep it simple. The health benefits of jogging are more than any other physical exercise. Walk a few kilometers daily, and you will be at the best of your health. Jogging will improve your metabolism and reduce body cholesterol. A 20-mile walk per week lowers the risk of metabolic syndrome.


You might have heard that the Japanese live longer than many advanced countries like USA and UK. But what do they do to make them live longer than developed countries with great medical facilities? You guessed it. The answer is jogging. According to A National Health and Nutrition Survey, Japanese men walk 6,846 steps a day, while Japanese women walk 5,867 steps each day.

According to research conducted between 1999 and 2002, a 40 minutes jog for men and a 30 minutes jog for women increases the life expectancy by nine years.

  • Diet

Dietary habits play a vital role in a healthy life. A healthy diet is equally important as a daily workout. Quit smoking, alcohol, and junk food. Include raw fruits and vegetables that contain carotenoids and antioxidants in your diet. Vitamins and nutrient-rich diets improve metabolism.


Leafy green vegetables like spinach and broccoli are rich in vitamin-A, vitamin-C, and antioxidants.
Walnuts and almonds are a source of essential fats and minerals that are beneficial for the skin.
Green tea and dark chocolate are a source of antioxidants that help to reverse aging.
Avocado and pomegranate have large amounts of vitamin A, E, and C.
Fat-soluble vitamins and minerals are abundant in salmon fish that improve skin elasticity.
Apples, berries, and grapes contain an antioxidant called quercetin. It is a flavonoid that saves from the dangers like cancer and hypertension.

Precautionary Measures

In order to have a long healthy lifestyle, you must follow certain precautionary measures.

  • Quit smoking. The risk of developing lung cancer is much higher in smokers. Smoking has adverse effects on health. It accelerates aging.
  • Avoid Junk food. You don't have to cut off junk foods completely and only eat plant-based products but minimize your junk food consumption.
  • Lower your alcohol consumption. Alcohol is damaging to the skin.
  • Use a sunblock.
  • It's a common saying

    Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.

    I hope this article added value to your life.


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