in airhawk-project •  7 years ago  (edited)

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I intend to enlighten and also give an eye opener to my audience about the growing blockchain that is about to pull great strength in world economy. It's a platform that allows creators to deliver content to it consumers without any third party or stress. Media protocol as the name applies is the medium through which the content creator and the content consumer can reach each other. Its also a platform for interaction between creator and consumer and also a place where consumers needs can be met.
Media protocol acts as an exchange medium for those having content (owners of content) and looking for content (consumers of content) thereby reducing the risk consumers and owners of content being defrauded of their content or money. Media protocol allows owners of content to dedicate a particular incentives for those purchasing their content as a reward for the consumer of the content. There is never a need for a middle man in any business carried out on this platform. All you need to do is to chat with the owner of content via WhatsApp, wechat or SMS.

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This is the application that the medium protocol has put up to enable both content owners and consumers interact. This app has undergone so many test run including that of the ethereum and it has proven to be a successful one. The app provides proof of concept for the protocol, a reference architecture for those that will be building their decentralized application on the media protocol platform and it provides bootstrapped engagement inside the ecosystem, bringing about adoption and onboarding users. Also this app is a media and news update system that keeps users up-to-date of each and every content available to consumers. Users will also see incentives given for each content with the use of the app. The CRYPTOcatnip can be downloaded with the use of iOS and android phones.

The name of the token used on this platform is the MPT and the number of token that will be sold is 2,600,000,000MPT, the platform for the token is ethereum.

Consumers of content can earn MPT for interacting with owners of content, they can also receive the MPT for purchasing or buying of a content. This token will be in the media protocol wallet which will be provided by the platform and they can be redeemable. Also owners of content will be compensated when their goods is consumed more frequently.

Media protocol is the platform that is set out to benefit everyone. Its goal is to create a medium where people with various contents (which can be in any form either goods or services) interact. It is consumer friendly because consumer of any goods can come up into platform using the CRYPTOcatnip app to find and purchase goods and all these are done with a little token required. The CRYPTOcatnip app can be downloaded with the use of iOS and android phones from their respective play store or app store. Also owners of content benefit from this platform because it provides a place for them where they can display or advertise their content with just a small amount of token.
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For more information about MEDIA Procotol, please visit the following useful links:
Telagram ANN:
Telegram community:
Btt Name: promudy
Btt Profile link:;u=2050345
Eth Address: 0xc1F5ac9C8b7F8A3FadE6C65E903ab94467a431EE

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Media protocol has given us a reason to be in a more positive environment where content owners can earn from their work and not be constantly thrown under the bus by content marketers. This is one I've been waiting to see launch.

Your reviews are apt. Is there a way to join in the sales? I need to be enlightened on this