The Truth Or Dare Challenge: I Promise To Tell The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth

in alicedaretruth •  6 years ago 

I got nominated by @julietIsrael. Well, here we are. First, the rules

  1. You can choose either "Truth" or "Dare" or choose both if you want and make a post on it :)

  2. Use the main hashtag as #alicedaretruth

  3. All are free to participate. Nomination is not compulsory

  4. You need to nominate two or more people for the challenge to continue forward

  5. Every post to contain the link to my original post

  6. MOST IMPORTANTLY : Feel free to change the "Dare" and "Truth" challenges as you seem fit when you nominate someone. Or you can keep it the same as below its your choice.

Here is the link to the Original Post

Here We Go....

1. When was the last time you cried and why?

That’s a curious question. I can’t remember the last time I excactly cried. But only yesterday, while seeing WOODLAWN (A Movie), I was moved to tears. Did tears actually cascade my cheek? I can’t remember. I’m quite emotional though.

2. If you could hire someone to do one thing for you, what would it be?

Write. I get a lot of ideas and creative stuff. Most time I see these ideas in my head as clear as day and then mess it up when I begin writing. It’s not as if I don’t have the words, I just feel lazy to write them. So I don’t mind having someone I would dictate to who would do the writing for me.

3. What is the one thing you are most afraid of and why?

The one thing I fear the most is helplessness: the feeling that I can’t help myself and those around me. If I cannot see my way out of a situation, I usually panic and do stupid things.

4. Power to fly or power to be invisible

I choose to fly. It would save me a lot of time and stress. Being invisible sounds like too much work. Stuff like that can breed paranoia and suspecsion. Plus, nerds are already kinda invisible.

5. If you only had a minute to get out of your house, what would you grab and why?

Depends on why I had to get out of the house but I’ll choose my cell phone for now. I can use it to check on others, take advantage of the utility applications in it and make transactions.

6. If you are stuck on an island with someone from steemit who would that person be and why?

@akintunde. He’s proactive and we share similair perspectives on certian issues.

7. The most smartest person on steemit according to you is?

I don’t have an answer. Why? Not enough data. I would have set up an objective measurement for smartness first and then interact with everyone on the platform. Seems like a waste of time too.

8. The most funniest person on steemit according to you is?

See above.

9. Reveal the one thing that you always wanted to say to someone to steemit

To the folks behind @curie, thanks a million!

10. Your crush on steemit would be?


11. What’s the first thing that comes to your mind about me?

Your love for money


@akintunde, @jo5h, @eddy-18 and @seesladen

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Has @curie ever liked your post :)

A couple of times

Wow..that's nice...