Join Us For Ayahuasca, DMT And Peyote At Anarchapulco 2019steemCreated with Sketch.

in anarchapulco •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Man I wish I could go! It’s right up on top of my bucket list to try ayahuasca and 5-MEO-DMT. Hopefully someday il get the pleasure to have these experiences

Posted using Partiko iOS

Man, I was thinking like this exactly one year ago as well about Anarchapulco. And then Steem went up. Sure, I have no clue whether that will happen again in time. But you are the co-creator of our creatrix. Use your intention and thought to bend the universe in your favors and manifest your dreams.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh bro! Truer words aren't often spoken. Maybe see you in Anarchapulco sometime in the near future.

great info - the price also turns me away a bit, but it is what it is as they say.... Not everyone is able to give stuff away for free.

Yeah and have a look at the shamans line-up. It is pretty expensive to send them all to Mexico and an impressive line-up. I feel like some of the most powerful human beings will be in and outside of these ceremonies.

its going to be a blast and all the people speaking there are definitley from my tribe
some of the people there ive been reading for over 25 to 30 yrs
berwick ive been reading about just under 7 years
this will be the best anarchapulco to date and unfortunatley my first one i missed all the rest
have a great day anarchists

I wouldn't call it unfortunate that you missef the others. You are coming just at the right moment for yourself. We will organize a Steem party before the main event starts. Keep an eye on my channel for that. :)

you said that perfectly i couldnt argue/debate that if i wanted
cheers and thank you

i see you have an article on costa rica
do you live there and if so what is the taxes like there and what about the police state
also im thinking of moving to nicaraugua for a while have you ever been there
have a good day

Yes, I live in Costa Rica. I don't know much about taxes as I have never paid them before. Costa Rica has no military and police is pretty friendly here.

Nicaragua is in a state of civil war, you should be very careful about moving there. There are hundreds of refugess coming to Costa Rica every day from there.

and thats exactly why i asked you
thank you very much for the info
some have told me the violence is only in the countries capital city manuega
have a grea day and thanks for the info

Well, I don't know exactly where happens what. Many of the refugees are potentially economic refugees as wages in Costa Rica are way higher.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. How does Jesus, Kratos (God of War Game?) and Christianity fit in and what is going back and forth? Could you elaborate that?

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Ok, you probably mean the plant that creates some form of opiod. What does that have to do with anything? And why the downvote? :)

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

So the downvote was for the greater good of all Steemians. I can live with that.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Very much appreciated. :)

Add Jenkem to that list of mind-expanders, cause I’m bringing all the ingredients!

Unrelatedly, anyone know where to find the tastiest-yet-hygienically-questionable taqueria on the way to Acapulco?