I think Trump was surprised by how well he did in the primaries and also that he won the nomination. The thing I find interesting about him is his facile ability to lie, get caught, and blow it off as a joke or sarcasm.
The Washington Post did a great article about Trump's lawsuit against Tim O'Brian who wrote Trump Nation. In 2007 O'Brian's lawyers collected a lot of Trump's public statements and then compared them to business filings, tax returns etc. They then deposed Trump and caught him in many lies.
What struck me, though, is that Trump seemed to create his own reality. If he perceived something about a person, it became reality for him. Or he would constantly enhance the value of things. For example, he said he was paid $1 million for a single speech. He was actually paid $400,000. He told the lawyers that publicity for the speech had added to his brand, so he felt that the publicity was worth $600,000. So even thought he got $400k, he thought the real value of the speech was 1 million. Some things he says are outright lies. Others are a part of his reality on planet Trump.