RE: Anarchism Exposed: Part 1 - Clarifying my stance and defining Anarchism

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Anarchism Exposed: Part 1 - Clarifying my stance and defining Anarchism

in anarchism •  9 years ago 

Indeed, and my point is that centralized government is generally consensual (except in minority of tyrannical governments), so the push for Anarchy in most cases wouldn't offer anything different.

There is no option to opt out where a significant group of people can enforce particular government. This problem would almost certainly remain in an anarchic system.

I refer to the focus on voluntarism as trivial, because it's nonenforceable. All it takes a sufficiently influential and interested actor to oppress your freedom.

You can if that right is crowdsourced as it were - i.e. 1 million villagers pooling $1 into a security fund to kill malicious actors, endowing that machine with the right to enforce civility by killing.

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"Centralized government is generally consensual"

What are you talking about? All I have to do is point out that taxation is involuntary. ALWAYS. Without "government" extorting its subjects it couldn't even exist. The push for anarchy is for a voluntary coexistence.