I Missed 5 Airplanes At Once - Borders And Airports Suck

in anarchy •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Was für ein Alptraum! Wir leiden mit Dir! Das war eine harte Prùfung! Aber Du hast es ùberwunden und gelernt, wie man solch eine Situation überlebt. Hake es unter Erfahrung ab! (Es gibt keine schlechten Erfahrungen, man reift an allem, was man erlebt!)
Gut daß Du wieder zu Hause bei Deinen Lieben bist! Seid in Liebe zusammen! 1000 Grüße !

Ja, sehe ich genauso. Es sollte einfach so sein. Schade um das Geld aber egal. Bin ja auf gutem Weg damit. Aber es war vor allem eine grße Lektion für mich und zeigt mir dass ich noch sehr hart an mir arbeiten muss, damit so etwas beim nächsten Mal gar nicht erst passiert - oder falls doch, dass ich selbst besser reagieren kann.

Wow! Amazing how this beautiful magical Universe works, huh? I'm so happy for you that things worked out the way they did and that you're back home and with your family. And here I am, just checking in with you as I've made it onto Steemit, as you suggested. Thank you. Of course, I'm completely clueless, yet feeling my way along, nonetheless. And really enjoying it. First forays. Baby steps. It was such a treat to meet and hang out with you in the mountains, with Guy. Wasn't it wonderful? Life-changing. Life-affirming. Joy. Dropping into heart consciousness. Sending hugest happiness for you and your family and I hope to see you all in the UK next time, maybe. Love, Jane x

Totally agree! It was an amazing journey and I very happy to have shared a part of the path with you.

Glad you made it here. I gave you a few tips for your first posts. Be patient here as things will need time for you to enfold. Try to put one little post out there every day without getting into any stress. This will put you forward and then things can start to become more clear to you step by step.

Lots of love from Costa Rica. :)

Thank you! Let's see how this trip rumbles...x

@flauwy BRO I'm so sorry to hear that! Especially after that ridiculously amazing conference! I know a few people who had trouble getting home but not quite like that. Glad you got home safe though.

It was really great meeting you in Acapulco! The Crystal Method WHAAAT!? Let's stay in touch and I will definitely see you there next year! Cheers!

Johnny, fantastic to hear from you. I really enjoyed your presence in Anarchapulco although I think we had by far not enough time to really get to know each other. I would love to change that even before the next event. Maybe we can Skype and discuss ideas. I would love to get more involved in your activism and I already have a cool idea how. Not sure if you know my animated Steem puppet "Steemy" but I could create one for alternative media as a next-level video presenter/host/moderator. That was going through my mind for a long time now and you and Bruce might be ideal for that little experiment.

Oh no, what a nightmare and depression. I can hardly believe it. I feel with you and I am glad about the positive outcome with the return trip to the family in Costa Rica. Finally breathe again and relax again :-)

Thx Ingo, it was what it was. I guess I was just not meant to go back to Iquitos yet. It was a big lesson for me to continue working on my character. There is much to do. ;)

Que duro, por lo menos pudo volver a costa rica otra vez sin tanto problema. Bienvenido!

Pura Vida! que buena nota ver mas personas ticas por aca!

Costa Rica es al más bueno país mundial! Pura Vida!

Oh Gosh!

This was something that could very well have happened to me... us creative folk, we're the worst at taking stuff seriously and end up making these mistakes!

Glad to see you're still kickin man, I've been missing your posts.

I thought for a moment this experience will kill my enthusiasm. It felt like the dark side got me for a moment. being back home ensures me that this is far from the truth and I that I was missed here heavily. My daughter's only word yesterday was "papito, papito, papito"!

got stuck in the customs in San Francisco one time my airline had put my middle name in the wrong place and the TSA realized it was me but that was the rules was the rules dident do not lose my plane but a was in customs fore 2 hours. am always super Early in case.
home sweet home :)

US customs is the worst!

what is this brother 5 missed in once. so sad to hear it

Yeah it was a big waste of money but I certainly learned a lot about myself and that there is much work to do to no let something like that ever happen again.

good to hear that. Don,t waste money on that. Do some charity instead it will help you more. i wish you a good and healthy life. :-)

wow can't even imagine that situation you made it in the last phewww

And you don't want to, either! But home sweet home. ;)

i think the day made some bad experiences.
it's not the matter man.
if the end is well,all is well.

Well said. In the end it turend out right.

So sorry to hear about the missed flights and all the rigamarole. Glad you made it home to your family. I'm sure they're thrilled to have you back!

That's what made the whole thing seem like a kick-in-the-butt from the universe to make it home to my family. ;)

well after that day you would have slept for hours damn

Funnily I feel more awake than ever - spiritualy!

oh no it was very sad news for you.

Sad in the moment but now I am happy being home.

Bad customer service! I am so sorry to hear that @flauwy.

It was my own fault, I guess. A lesson in staying cool and in sync with the universe.

The universe has other plan for us sometimes @flauwy, we might not like it but maybe it's for our own good. There was an earthquake in Peru just the other day right? Anyway, I was actually waiting on your your video from the Amazon jungle maybe some other time. :) Take care. :)

I feel you! I missed my flight twice in my life, one time I even had to sleep at the airport in because of this 😂

I slept several times at the airport due to early flights. Not cool but not as bad as missing your plane. Big test in patience this is.

Yes, patience and mindset, the best thing you can do is making the best out of it. I've had some great conversations with people that also stayed at the airport that night. At first it felt like a disaster, but now it's a precious memory for me, I don't want to forget.

Welcome back!

Thanks! See you very soon!

wow bro if i were at your place i would have give up

I felt like giving up all day long. If it wouldn't have been for the support of my family I would crawled into a hole and hide there forever. I am glad I learned my lesson and I work to become stronger now.

epic day oh this is quite a mad day

Epic shitty day and yet I am grateful for the lesson it taught me.

What a crazy story. Moral of the story: read the fine print and understand the terms and conditions. Glad that you're back with your family now :)

So true, I must not stay so ignorant about small things like that - particular when trying to cross borders!

Bad Support service! I am so sorry @flauwy.

I'm sorry that you were unable to make your journey my friend .. equally sometimes things happen for a reason (although it can be difficult to see in the moment) and it certainly sounds as though you're feeling spiriually complete after your journey to Mexico. Glad you're home safe and well and in the arms of your family.

We all fail, what matters is that we learn from it. You clearly did that with reflection and even sharing the lesson.

Wow!! Glad you are home safe friend :)

so sad sir!