RE: And you claim to be 'awake', smdh.

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And you claim to be 'awake', smdh.

in anarchy •  7 years ago 

Thats the idea, more time to live life, less time in the mines to enrich the owners.

If i leave a working car, i have not consumed it, only a portion of its time.
Same with houses.
I think you should have as grand a house as you can build, or get folks to build for you.
When you die, it will pass into other hands.

Depreciation is a crapitalust trap.
Without money to enslave us it loses its meaning.
Without money there are no fees or taxes.

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Unfortunately the government likes to tax nicer more expensive houses more and the bigger the house the more it costs to heat and cool it.
Some depreciation makes sense. Clothes and other things do wear out over time. I think it's unfortunate that people seem to overvalue new cars and undervalue used cars.
Money and other assets can enslave you or work for you.
Fees and taxes can happen even without money.

Can we have organization and order without getting robbed at gunpoint?
I think so.
It just requires reacquiring our shame.
And dont say it cant happen, any consent can be engineered.

Fees and taxes can exist without money, but not without force.
Again, if people are shamelessly bums then nobody is forcing you to interact with them.
You cant say that now.

No. Maybe in a feminist dream world it is possible but not in the real world.

You cant know until it has tried and failed without rule by force forcing its failure.

We still havent gotten that chance because freedom is not on the agenda, and never will be as long as the slaves continue to falsely think themselves free.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure things out. Perhaps if we executed all the thugs maybe we could do it. That might be like a million or more thugs though. I think about 1/2 of prisoners should not be there but I'd estimate that at least 10% of people in our prisons are major thugs.

Its just a matter of crowdsourcing.
There are people in mexico that look for bad people to hurt because nobody cares if bad people get hurt.
It will be the same wherever freedom exists.
Do you care if i hurt the bad person in your neighborhood?

Maybe if we brought back the lynch mobs it would work in the USA. I kind of like the trial by jury system though. It's more expensive to have a trial and jail system but I'm not sure killing whoever the mob feels like is the way to go.

Well, as long as there are twelve of them and evidence is presented, isnt that the standard?
If youve never been to court you have no clue what a joke it is.
Why do they have a 99% plea deal rate but lose far more trials.
Because they scare folks with threats and lawyers suck.
Better a mob, if you ask me.
At least then the mob disbands and doesnt set themselves up as a ruling class.