RE: But The Government Will Storm My Farm If I Start A Co-op!

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But The Government Will Storm My Farm If I Start A Co-op!

in anarchy •  8 years ago 

Loved your video! Its really great to see you in person & put a face to the lovely soul you type on a keyboard to lol x

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Aww, thank you @hattorihanzo!! I'm glad you liked the video, and I'm assuming you are a fellow voluntaryist/anarchist?

I would say i am a activist/anarchist. Is that the same as volunteryist.

Yes, voluntaryism sounds just like the name: That everything should be voluntary. Not forced, and certainly not by threats of violence or incarceration.

Then absolutely! :)

YAY!!! Really all it is, is a word for anarchy, that hasn't been co-opted and destroyed by the so-called "powers that be". They have made the word Anarchy, a dirty word, and when regular folks hear that word, they are programmed to think of death and destruction, not the true meaning: Without Rulers.