in anarchy •  7 years ago  (edited)

A. Abolition of private ownership of goods and capital (excluding land): Ancoms are against individuals owning goods that create other goods (capital) so under that logic, private ownership and renting of plows, knives, sewing threads are evil. That is ridiculous. Ultimately how do ancoms propose to ''abolish capital''? How do they propose to prevent me from owning or renting capital (not land)? How can they prevent me from selling my labor or buying others labor. The only way is violence. Enforcing their ''authority'' over me. So i cannot trust ancoms.

B. Abolition of wage salary: most employment in this statist world is exploitation, but the mere act of selling or buying labor and services is not evil and is not exploitation. Wage Salary is not inherently evil. Again, how would they act against an anarchist that hires his neighbor? The only physical way to prevent it is through force. What if I want to tutor my neighbor and get paid for it; Im selling/buying labor but Im not harming anyone nor exercising authority over them. Extend that logic to other scenarios and ancoms have no grounds to ‘’abolish’’ wages.

C. Equality: There is no such thing as equality in the real world, neither of opportunity nor of outcome. Each individual will have different access to opportunities, knowledge, genetics, talents, support from family and Friends (some might be orphans, have zero support), Access to different geographical terrains, etc (we can’t all have a piece of land next to a body of water). It is physically impossible, and is evil, to force equality of opportunity and equality of outcome. Ultimately, none of that is necessary to abolish authoritarianism, rulers, statism and establish freedom. Freedom and anarchy is possible without equality, its completely independent from it. Equality is irrelevant to freedom. However, it is recommended to empower individuals to prevent power gaps that could lead to sources of control and authority. Voluntary hierarchies are also discouraged for the same reason. A voluntary leader with too much power over to his peers could easily become authoritarian. Note to voluntarists: The whole notion of voluntary hierarchies, voluntary submission to others, is stupid to individualists. Submission is weakness.

2.pngBy Individualist573

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Well said. I just thought, would worker possession of "means of production" not mean that everybody is an entrepreneur? Followed and looking forward to more of your posts.

yeah! anarchosindicalism is ok, its actually moe fair to workers and their earnings. but that doesnt give them the right to ''abolish'' private entrepreneurship. Besides in the real world nothing would get done by only sindicalists.

For a more indepth analysis and a critique of anarchocapitalism please see my other post:

and leave your thoughts! :)