RE: And you claim to be 'awake', smdh.

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And you claim to be 'awake', smdh.

in anarchy •  7 years ago 

Yeah so if you think it's the police that are the problem we are quite simply not on the same page. I think the laws need to be changed and we probably need to repeal the drug laws but I don't think the police are the problem. Even with the drug laws though I still don't think people should be doing them. Police also do some revenue generation with speeding tickets and stuff but even with that I'm not sure people should be doing 100+ on the expressway or 50 mph in a residential zone where children are playing.

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So, you agree that freedom is not your goal, just a more a palatable, to you, slavery, and you are fine with armed thugs running things?
Its ok to rob folks that dont want to pay as long as the money is spent protecting them from everybody except the thugs that force them to pay?

Perfection is not an option, put me down for letting folks find their own solutions free from institutional coercive rule by force.

I would like way more freedom and way less government with no income taxes but I think we do need a criminal justice system public roads and trash collection and a military with about 10% of the current spending level and maybe some other stuff but we do need to begin scaling back government.
I think we had a pretty decent government before the income taxes. We need to begin scaling back I don't think we can eliminate all of our social welfare programs overnight and we should start by cutting things like military spending.

Ok, now we are getting somewhere.
All thosethings can be organized from the locals up.
We dont tear out the interstates because they were financed by extortion any more than we let walmart's trucks sit idle because there isnt enough waltons to drive them all.
We start where we are and move forward.
Absent coercive rule from higher on the pyramid.
Empowered to get our jobs done without waiting for orders from on high.

Local government is better. After we scale back defense spending we should probably kill things like the department of education which is unconstitutional anyways.
The Feds do interstate commerce so they should help with the highways.
Under any form of leadership or government you generally need contributions. We should have smaller government so there is much less theft.

Or, we could let the people be free and the things they dont donate to dont get done.

The military industry's stocks nose dived yesterday because of not having a bush/clinton crime operative in the white house and peace breaking out in korea.

We live in a democracy. We should try and convince the mobs to support more freedom. It seems to me that they generally support more tax slavery. :(
Interesting but not surprising. That might make a good blog post.

Those doing the indoctrinating have been doing it for longer than most of us know.
We are at the cutting edge of the awakening.
Once freedom makes it to the nightly news instead of propoganda every night, then we will see things changing faster.

Yeah possibly thousands of years.
lol Perhaps if steemit takes off though.
Perhaps steemit can change the world. It is nice having an open platform.