Oh Shit! I Forgot Kentucky Was a State!

in anarchy •  6 years ago 

So since Donny T took office I've been casually observing without really joining dialogue beyond commenting/arguing on the occasional YouTube video.


The whole situation however devolved very quickly into some of my best insult comedy work in over a decade.

And while I am quite proud of the insults on merit alone, I've been severely lacking in even a semblance of intelligent dialogue with anyone. Which begs the question: are trumpanzee Cultists exactly as dumb and willfully ignorant as I think they are? Or is there possibly some biological/physiological difference in us I'm missing?

I was given this notion by a friend and maybe it's true, maybe not. I definitely feel like many people I encounter (then verbally curb stomp) on YouTube are just living their lives primarily driven by fear.

The caravan horde, Muslims, baby killers, brown people, gay people, trans people, educated people of any shade darker than beige. I mean goddamn. Is the world really that terrifying?

I've made no secret about the fact that i believe anarchy is the eventual path to freedom for everyone. But I don't for one second believe Americans are ready to have it thrust upon them. Too many guns and too many mental health issues.

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Y'all would tear each other apart.... bloodbath. But steps could be taken now which would maybe be us there quicker like a national holiday for federal elections.....which leads me to Kentucky and the, as Trevor Noah put it today, chicken clitoris which is Mitch McConnell.

Fuck this fucking guy. He is currently the key log in any forward progress on a federal level. Trump is, well....we all have our opinions on that guy.

So I'm calling you out Kentucky....Alabama took heat from both sides on Jeff Sessions, then we lost the national championship game ...boohoo I know. But now for all of us, contact this motherfucker and make him do his job.

I hate government and am not in the US right now so even if y'all go to war with Russia tomorrow, it won't affect me personally too too much. But for the good of all our people, please do something!

Alright....I reckon that'll be my rant for today. This is good. Much more productive than all the hate I inevitably spew all over YouTube.

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