Anarchy is Not Just a Childish "Phase"; Government is the Childish Phase

in anarchy •  8 years ago 


Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.

-Carl Jung

There are people who thought anarchism was just a "phase" that I would grow out of; they saw my "beliefs" as a way to lash out. They thought I was being juvenile so they did not take me or my ideas seriously.

But I am still here, advocating freedom seven years later.

These long years consisted of long days, thinking about and meditating on liberty, contradicting various ideas, and rebutting the contradictions until I discovered a synthesis—until I finally hit on the fabled AH-HA moment.(html comment removed: more)

Now I know I will always be an anarchist. Some aspects of my philosophy have undergone restructuring and change, but my urge for unadulterated freedom has grown stronger.

Anyone who believes anarchy is just a "phase" or an aspect of adolescent turmoil has failed to grasp the spirit of the age.

Things are changing; times are different. Many people of all ages and backgrounds finally realize the philosophical maturity of anarchy. They no longer want to be straitjacketed by violent laws and poisonous cultures. They want to live under actual freedom, not this pseudo-freedom peddled by parasitical politicians.

Only one Childish Phase Exists: Government

In reality, only one less mature "phase" exists.

It is the phase of humanity's dark past, which consists of the belief that ruling people is necessary. This ugly, brutish phase is what people are stuck in. It is the idea that violence must be used to organize society. Make it function. And create prosperity. It is the phase of government. It is what people must grow beyond. And it is why anarchists have cropped up by the multitudes.

The anarchists have risen from the ashes of humanity's decadent past to contradict the darkness of the old regime. They are here to turn consensus culture on its head. They seek to reverse the trend of authority-worship and expose people to a beautiful truth.

As a result, government apologists are starting to shed their shackles and confront freedom without fear. They are leaving the childish phase behind and breaking through the cocoon of statism.

They are metamorphosing into the butterfly; changing from a lower form to a higher one; from unconscious violence to conscious love; from Statism to a state of anarchy—the most beautiful and powerful transformation a human individual can make.

I am glad I made this transition. I hope all anarchists can help carry more over. The world on this side is much more beautiful, emotionally relevant, and peaceful.

If you are not an anarchist, would you be willing to take a peak at this more wholesome world? The beyond is beautiful, and anarchists can tell you all about it.


My name is Sterlin. Follow me @ Psychologic-Anarchist. I also run the Psychologic-Anarchist Facebook page and produce many YouTube videos. My interests lie in the intersection of counseling psychology and anarchism. I write about the depredations of psychiatry, and also the new philosophy of compassionate anarchism. We have a large community devoted to discussing psychology and relational voluntaryism.


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I've been a follower of yours on Facebook for nearly a year, and I'm glad to see you've really been a success on Steemit!

When I first started identifying with Anarchism, I noticed a distinctly different language pattern used by Statists compared to philosophical Anarchists. Aside from the use of predictable and exhaustible talking points, which they are unable to defend beyond the first layer of discussion; there is a clear admittance to ones own inability, and projecting that onto others.

The identified theme of life that "We see others as we are, not as they are", is absolutely crucial to understanding how to most gently guide people towards philosophical anarchism. Knowing how to speak the language of a Statist is crucial to revealing the obvious flaws in that line of thinking.

I seriously enjoy your work, and am happy to see someone else blending psychology with practical philosophy!

It is so weird that I feel like I am reading my own thoughts from years of watching the human rights go from bad to worse. Those who stand up for what is right are treated like an outsider. But at the same time, so many close their eyes to what is happening and blocking out what should happen. I am glad there are finally people who are speaking up about what needs to happen. It was an eye opener to me years ago when my son was 6-7, and he saw whatever was happening on the news and asked me why people can't just learn to get along. The only answer I could give him was that the world is full of selfish people. @sterlinluxan, I am glad that you did not give up with any of this. With these posts that speak so much truth, we may have a chance to change the world, even if it's just by sharing your thoughts on here. You are one person, caring enough to share what you are learning, and touching the minds/hearts of so many. We are here to stand by your side.

I should also add to this. I know this may not be the perfect solution to our dysfunctional world, but it could be a start. A small start is better than no start, right?

Thank you so much for sharing, Pixiehunter. I really appreciate these kind comments and the fact that you follow my content. I also want to thank you for sharing information about your own son, and him wondering why people can't get a long. That means the world to me. And I totally agree with you. I think we will be able to finally create change and create a better world. Much of the legwork involves the message, as well as using platforms like Steemit. :)

You're welcome @sterlinluxan

Some good ideas, but I'd say anarchy is an illusion and so is government in the same way as religion is an illusion and so is atheism.

You might want to check out some of our discussions in this post:

One thing I pointed out in that thread:

I think many people go to churches for the social connections. Also, think about it this way. Imagine that Star Wars fan clubs receive religious funding from the government and the meetings happen every Sunday morning. You have a pastor who analyzes virtues that you can learn from Yoda's words and the life lessons that you can learn from scenes from the movies. Then you meditate on how you can act more like Yoda to live a more fruitful life. To end the meeting, you sing the theme song from the movies. I think that could be a great time and adds marginal value to my life. I think both religious fundamentalists and gnostic atheists are foolish for taking things too seriously. Just chill and have a great time! :D

So much in the same way, government is simply the most effective gang that was able to take power and dominate over all the other gangs. This is the inevitability of human nature. However, as power gets too centralized, bureaucracy slows down progress and upsets many people. That is the time for anarchists to rise up to tear down the ineffective government. What we are experiencing today is much like the fall of the Roman Empire and much of the resentment and interest in anarchy are justified.

However, I would argue that it's impossible to fully decentralize. For examples, we have whales on Steemit, who have more power than others to an obscenely unequal degree. So Steemit has aspects of centralization and decentralization and although there are no mods, we basically have vigilantes who enforce social equity. Vigilante whales befriend each other and can basically become a Steemit mafia who sets the tone for the culture of the site. This isn't bad; nobody has bad intentions, but as you build upon this system, it could very well resemble a government after a sufficiently long enough time period.

This is another good post that explains the inevitability of inequality, which will lead to centralization:

Here I argue that we can make government decentralized and crowdfunded/crowdsourced:



Hey @limitless, I really appreciate you taking the time to comment and elucidate your position, but there are some things you said that I disagree with and find to be inaccurate. Allow me to quote you.

You said:

"However, I would argue that it's impossible to fully decentralize. For examples, we have whales on Steemit, who have more power than others to an obscenely unequal degree. So Steemit has aspects of centralization and decentralization and although there are no mods, we basically have vigilantes who enforce social equity. Vigilante whales befriend each other and can basically become a Steemit mafia who sets the tone for the culture of the site. This isn't bad; nobody has bad intentions, but as you build upon this system, it could very well resemble a government after a sufficiently long enough time period."

You seem to be forgetting that there are stops in place to prevent that kind of collusion between whales. It is the reason that time-rated voting exists, plus the very powerful down-voting function. If anyone noticed full stop collusion, we could cooperatively down vote the party they are colluding to up vote. In other words, their power is not unstoppable or omnipotent. So it is really inaccurate to conclude that this platform could resemble a government, because the system is specifically and elegantly designed to mitigate that consequence.

As a final point, there is also the assumption that more whales and content creators will grow and create a substantial network effect, which would make it impossible for one group of whales to dominate all the rest because of all the competing entities and near-perfect economic architecture of the system. But again, even if the whales found a way to game the system, we have mechanisms to thwart that kind of abuse.

You made some other points, which were more specific to my post, but we can discuss those in a moment. It would take quite a bit of typing to adequately address every area your brought up.

You can have all users downvote @dantheman and it won't make any dent. I like Dan, but if he goes crazy, there is nothing you can do but to leave the platform.

Also, that argument for the network effect is weak. Network effect typically explains the growth of the exponential value of a network as more users join. It says nothing about the distribution of equity within a network. You can have increase inequality of the equity of nodes while the whole network grows stronger.

For example, far more people lived in poverty 100 years ago than today, but there are far more billionaires today. The income inequality for bankers have increased, yet the poorest people are also better off than before. However, each individual poor person has far less financial power to combat the elites. Nobody can win lawsuits nowadays unless they spend millions on lawyers.

Thanks for the hasty reply.

I was using network effect in the sense of suggesting that the more players involved the more diversified the individuals, but I see your point in terms of that usage.

I think your concerns are mostly invalid, though. Enough down votes can significantly impact problems with collusion, and this has been addressed time and time again by the dev team. And even in the worst case scenario, the system can be tweaked to mitigate their impact. I already think that there are enough inbuilt incentives on the platform to block that problem. And you didn't really acknowledge that voting power decreases overtime, throughout a day, which helps thwart collusive abuse.

What you are saying seems to indicate a lack of full appreciation for this platform and its ability to handle exigencies.

I'm simply a thinker who likes to look at the picture from all perspectives. I think the development team is great, but at the same time, criticism of the system is also justified.

What you are saying seems to indicate a lack of full appreciation for this platform and its ability to handle exigencies.

Look at your own arguments against government. Do you have a lack of appreciation for government and its ability to handle exigencies?
Very smart people in the government have time and time again explained away all the problems you see in society, but does that truly invalidate your opinions about anarchy?
Don't fall into the trap of rebelling against one form of governance to blind trust in another. There's two sides of the coin for every issue.
You're a smart guy, so that's why I'm giving you a hard time. I don't even bother debating idiots.

What is "downvote"? I see no such function.

You should be in every newspaper and every news show. There is nothing childish about not getting violent with people for no reason. Keep on with yourself, man.

Thanks a lot, @erroneous-logic . I really appreciate the support. I plan on continuing to post pure anarchist content, as well as my views on psychology and psychiatry as they pertain to society, relationships, and anarchists.

Then I shall keep reading you.

But there is a reason. Aggression has high Returns-on-investment: I blogged about it here in regards to a debate between Vitalik Buterin of Ethereum and Balaji Srivansan, who is a board partner at Andreessen Horowitz and the founder of

Read their full discussion here:

balajis Balaji S. Srinivasan tweeted @ 31 Jul 2016 - 05:09 UTC

The non-aggression principle doesn't really contend with the fact that billions of years of evolution has shown the ROI of aggression.

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Great post @sterlinluxan,
I believe that, although government isn't a necessity in modern day society, It can still be a very useful mechanism for ensuring that everyone who belongs to this society is provided with certain services that can enhance their life in many different ways. Obviously we currently live in a time where politicians and other individuals in positions of power are abusing such power for their own benefit. Politicians are supposed to be considered as public servants, But instead with the help of corporate entities, they have moved themselves to a position of ruling that is beginning to form into a modern version of Feudalism. Perhaps if we could use the advanced technology that we have at our disposal to create a fairer more democratic version of society, Then politicians would have less control over the populace and could act more as workers that are hired by society.

Now I'm not too familiar with american politics, Or Ronald Reagan at that, But this speech pretty much sums up how I feel about government.

would love to know your thoughts on this.

What I've learned from those close to me that I've discoursed with is that there is a real fear by people. Not just the pop culture fear we hear about every 4 years or when budgets need to be increased, but the inherent fear of pain or death. Especially when it concerns family. These are the shackles we have to fight against, and it's always been anarchists who are left standing when the best laid plans of government inevitably fail.

May I ask what state you're in, if you're in the US, that is?

Thank you for your post and posts. I don't know if you have but if you haven't I feel like you should read this.

I will check it out. Thanks!

But we need government...if not who will take all our tax money to fix the holes in the road? :)

Haha. Right!

Thanks for this post sterlinuxan.

Not a problem. Just trying to spread the good word of anarchism.

Anarchism is my anti-fame
For many think I am the same
They think as chaos does it be
Not knowing it really means free

Free to do as you choose
Choosing yourself what to lose

No one else can force your way
Truly you choose where to stay

Anarchy may truly be my bane
Due to those who poorly explain

You are not one of that sort
So please this is no retort

In the world more anarchy find
For then no more enslaved mind

It seems that many who come to anarchism in their adolescence, leave before they truly understand what it is they are advocating for. I truly appreciate the rise of compassionate anarchism and voluntarism that seems to be on the rise. Thank you for being a voice for that.

Jidd. Absolutely. No problem. I am glad to contribute whatever ideas I can to our cause in order to get more people involved. Eventually, I will try to write a book on the subject.

Thanks for being part of the community.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Nice Stache :)

Thanks! :)

Sterlin...I think we agree on most points...the only real difference is I look at the Government as a 'tool'...a construct used by the State in order to subjugate the Will of the People...Even Communism has a State...Leninism had the Oligarchy that takes according to 'ability' of the People & gives according to NOT 'need' but 'worth'...and WHO determines that 'worth'?...The Party...Government is a bureaucratic structure used for believe that with Anarchy this government is powered by volunteers paid by the People directly...wealth is just a conveyance for transfer...everybody serves the Anarchy in what they have trained & educated themselves to do...Government is a transitory vehicle to eventually be eliminated once everyone knows their own job in society...

Government is the tool that, by the violation of the rights of others, "provides" "services".
Government only exists by means of the violation of the rights of others.
Yes; it's a point worth repeating. I usually do so at least once everyday if I'm online at all.

It's not "even" communism; it's communism. Communism is the control of everything, the ownership of everything, by the State. Anarchy and government are mutually exclusive. Either people are systematically free and respectful of the rights of others, or systematically enslaved. Government does not work by volunteerism. It is always force. If it is not force - if it is voluntary - it is not government. Government and anarchy are mutually exclusive. No, repeating it won't make it true or false, but repeating the truth when most people have spent at least 12 years hearing utter, complete, and thorough bullshit, it takes a while for the truth to reinvigorate in the minds of those who are indoctrinated. The Communist ideal is the State as a transitionary tool, and it's a utopian dream, because you cannot get to freedom by means of slavery, by means of being owned by other people, by means of having a ruler. The transition period is people watching the active destroy and decay of humanity and the earth... and going, "Holy shit that's stupid." And realizing the only way forward is true freedom:

Anarchy - the lack of rulers. Also known as the consistent application of rules in society, with no exceptions (like the police). None are above and beyond the rules of society, as gods to men. This is also known as freedom. Or sovereignty.

Strange thing is... you can buy stuff rather than having stuff being taken from you by a ruler and then them buying stuff for you after they take their "cut"... I know, strange idea. That your effort is yours and you can actually use your own effort to get your own stuff. You know, the concept that you own your labor and can decide how and where it will go. Strange shit, yeah? It's like we're on shrooms.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

People don't want anarchism, because they realize it's not in their individual interests - And rightly so.

See the DAO hack and the ETH fork or the Bitfinex hacks and the cause for forks.

An anarchist's perspective would be to consider these hacks as making a system more robust.

Indeed, anarchism only creates a more efficient world by leaving inefficiencies open to drastic exploits.

Most people don't want to sacrifice convenience for abstraction, including myself, so it stands to reason to prefer conventional government.

Free market can solve those hacks and prevent the need for government. Only your own fear and lack of faith in entrepreneurship cause you to prefer the shortcut of government violence.


Nailed it.

I have something to add.

How can one be scared of private exploits, when government is the largest exploiter of all? Not only will they hack into your equipment if they need to, but they will do it with people cheering and apologizing for it. If it happens on the free market without the illusion of authority to back it, it will be considered a crime or an offense rather than celebrated.

GOOOOOOOOOOD POST))))Anarchy - the mother of order

You're a genius brew a very interesting blog)

There's a balance to be struck. Without rules and consequences humans are complete animals. Humans are hardwired to dominate and governance is necessary to level the playing field. The trick is to figure out how much freedom is sacrificed for how much security. Balance.

Lack of government does not require a lack of rules and consequences. To the contrary, government gives a blanket exception to an entire class of people, rulers, to operate without said rules and consequences. Without government, an action that violates another's rights is punished with the use of self-defense or an organised resistance. The real trick is to get people to realize that through love of oneself and one's connections, government is not only unnecessary, but also supremely abusive of individual autonomy.

Ah, but who decides when another's rights have been violated? And who decides at what point the punishment is just and at what point it is unjust, thereby violating the rights of the perpetrator?

I love the work of Aquinas, Hobbes, Locke et al but damn, anyone that has been to a kids birthday party has hard time understanding how a society without a big nasty gubberment would function. It's a mess...

I think all current western govs are bloated disasters. But I think the answer is not anarchy but decentralization. Yes, decentralized autonomous companies that are voted in and out by humans based on their programming. They carry out their 'platform' or algo impartially and transparently. The amount of bullshit in the world would drop by an order of magnitude. It's like going from human operated cars to self-driving cars. They don't work in all situations, but the ones that do work are a beautiful thing. Power corrupts, so give it to a machine. Terrifying, yes?

Awesome article! Just upvoted. Please upvote my recent post. Cheers! :-)

Anarchism and psychology...great stuff,look forwards to your future posts

Sterlin, I think this is a very apt observation you've made about the maturity of statists. Asking the question, "Without government, who would build the roads?," is very much like asking "Without slavery, who would pick the cotton?"

On a side note...Remember to vote up comments in the thread as well as the's essential here...Everybody can be a whale if we all make an effort to add value to each other!
Please take time to read my post...I shall do likewise with yours...Agree or Disagree...I love comments! Vote on everything!

I'm a fan of anyone who quotes Jung and talks about Anarchism. Great post Sterlin.