The Power Of Words and Handing Over Our Power

in anarchy •  6 years ago 

Yes words hold power. Some words bring up strong emotions in us and some can tear us down. Words have the power to motivate and to help bring change, yet words can also bring about rage.

I am a big believer in the Power of Manifestation, of putting you intentions out into the world, saying those words in order to facilitate it happening. It is one way in which we can tap into our power.By putting our strength into the words we use, we give them power.

My sister was recently told that her Cancer is aggressive and with that word came so much fear. It made me really angry when she told me this, because surely the health professionals could have come up with a term that was not so aggressive in itself. Why could they not have said it was progressing quickly. Why did they have to use a word that really instills fear.

Well actually I know why, because they expect my sister to feel powerless and agree to whatever they say. I am not saying that they say it intentionally, but when we deal with most health professionals they expect us to hand over our power and just let them dictate what treatment we will receive. This is the way it has always been, because they have been taught that they know our bodies better than we do, that they are the experts. So they expect nothing less then full co operation from us, because what do we know?

We couldn't possible know more about our own bodies than them. This is something I have always struggled with, because in some ways yeah maybe they do with all their diagnostic machines, but ultimately this attitude has been pushed on us, up to the point that so many of us do not know our own bodies, because wait for it, we no longer need to.

Seriously, the one thing in our lives that is really ours and we don't know it, we can't really identify where certain pains are coming from. But worst than that, we actually see this as an excuse to not look after our bodies, cos those professionals over there can fix us up if needs be. My mum has a pace maker, I can not imagine how that must feel, having this machine inside your body.

On the one hand she wouldn't be here if she didn't, but on the other she got away with not looking after herself. I understand that modern medicine has improved a lot of people's lives, but it also allows people to become more disconnected with there own bodies. People get away with neglecting their health because they know at the end of the day something can be done about it, without them really having to do much themselves.

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I believe this mentality has to change, because how can we really become empowered if we continue to hand over our power to others and not pay attention our own bodies. This needs to be a priority. It is not possible to suddenly stop using doctors some of us have become too dependant on them. But what we can to is get to know our own bodies. Spend time each day, possibly at night in bed and consciously check in with your body and see how it feels.

Start with your feet or your head and see do you feel any pain or discomfort, any tightness. If you do then focus your mind on that part and breathe in healing and breathe out the discomfort or pain. This is something we can all do for ourselves. This is something I try to do most nights, if I haven't fallen asleep from the exhaustion of the day.

As always I would love to know your thoughts on this.

I would also love to know what other things can we do to help us reconnect with our bodies.

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Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.

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I couldn't agree more about the power of words and manifestation. Send you and your family lots of love and support and HEAPS of positive energy to your sister. Thank you for a wonderful read.

thank you @mumma-monza, I really appreciate that xx

Someone once told me "words are formed of letters. They are spelled. When you speak words it is like casting spells. Be cautious in your choice of words for what you speak can become your reality".
I'm so sorry that your sister was given such devastating news. My uncle passed away last week. He too had cancer. He only found out 3 weeks before and I think that had he not known, could he still be here now? He had a beautiful life and enjoyed it to the fullest though.

Sending you positive thoughts of healing and love to your sister, you and your family. <3

thank you @holisticmom, I am really sorry to hear about your uncle. Yeah words are like spells, I have never real thought of them like that but it is true xx


Words are definitely spells. That's why it's called spell-ing.

And, unfortunately, some of the most powerful spells are cast by the white-coated priest/authority figures of the medical system.

I'd like to say at this point that most of them are genuinely doing what they think is best, based on their paradigm of what they've been taught and, as you mentioned, many lives have been saved by modern medicine.

However, the belief systems attached to this have separated us from our natural healing ability. An example of this is that people often get better on the way to the doctors. Just the knowledge that they are going to see the "man with the cure" can ignite their own healing power. What a shame that we aren't taught to access this from an early age.

Wishing the best for your sister Aishlinn.

that is very true Sam, yeah a lot to believe that what they are doing is for the best, but this is all what they have been told, it just really is so dis empowering when so many become dependant on those authority figures. Thank you Sam for your wishes xx

You have two very powerful lessons here.

Words are magic, and, take responsibility for your health.

I’m sorry your sisters doctors are so obtuse with words. Much health to her.

thank you @metzli xx

Yes, words are powerful indeed! Sending lots of blessings and love to your family, and God's grace and strength as well as Godspeed healing upon your sister. Xx

thank you so much @alimamasstory xx

I wish your sister and your family the best. The medical profession has such a long way to go to get to a more human, empathetic place. They have a very important job and they know a lot of stuff, but even though they are often rushed, just taking a moment to acknowledge the patient's humanity makes all the difference.

Exactly @orangina, holistic care is definitely missing xx

First of all, I don't understand the tag here. What does 'anarchy' has to do with what you're writing?
Also, even though I applaude your talk about the power in us, I'm sorry but sometimes it's not enough. I mean I also had loved ones who had to deal with cancer and they just died - so what? They didn't have enough power in them? Or did the doctors scare them? (not on purpose, as you mention, but still - can that be the reason?)
We all have a path in life. And some of us are more powerful than others. This doesn't mean it's the solution to everything - that's my humble opinion...

Hi @meanmommy33, I am sorry to hear you have lost some one to cancer, I have no right to talk about anyone else's experience with cancer and never would. I only know that the word aggressive scared my sister and that get me thinking about how they could have used a different word. that was what I was talking about in regards to the power of words.

I believe everyone has a lot of power in them, but unfortunately we are not generally encouraged by some to see that, the power I am talking about is that inner voice, that gut feeling that so many times we just ignore, it kind of gets pushed aside from a young age when we are taught to listen to others for guidance and not ourselves. I really never intended to upset anyone or imply that some people are more powerful than others, I am sorry if that is how it came across. I also do not want to imply that I know the solution for everything.
In regards to anarchy I guess it means different things to different people, to me it means Freedom, the freedom to live how I want and the freedom to be who I am, that freedom is also in giving people the freedom to control their own lives. What I wrote about here is only my opinion and how I see things, In my eyes a lot of people are slaves to the medical system.this is certainly not by choice, but unfortunately the health system has become a huge business in the world today, it generates a lot of money. I find that very worrying and finding ways to move away from that dependency in my eyes is part of what anarchy is about.
Thank you for sharing your opinion with me, again I am sorry that this post upset you.

Haha ... you thought I was upset? Not really - I was just reading it, and re-reading it trying to understand what you mean.
Now that you explained it kinda makes more sense - the way you have it in your mind - but still makes absolut no sense in my book, considering how I think things.

I mean yeah, the power of words, I get that part - also the personal experience (it did seem a bit generalized though). But anarchy meaning freedom...hmm... I can't get that. About the medical system either. 'Huge business'. I lost a loved one from cancer because he was doing homeopathy instead of using the 'business'... which eventually killed him because it was BS comparing to actual medicine.

But yeah, I guess we're all allowed to have our own opinion considering our proper experiences. Nothing bad with that, and certainly not enough to upset me. It was just a matter of comprehension [and I don't consider myself stupid so I was confused haha]

I'm glad that I didn't upset you, , I am sorry about your loved one, my sister is getting treatment at a hospital, a really good friend of mine did too but she passed away earlier this year, it is such a complex illness that I have no idea what works and what doesn't. I really can't pass judgement on that.
But yes we do have different opinions and in some ways that keeps life interesting, would be boring if we all thought the same.