I Want A Dog. Advice for a Loner Person.steemCreated with Sketch.

in animal •  8 years ago 

I wonder which breed has been your best experience. I love dogs and german sherperds always kills me when I approach one. Mostly puppies.

If you are a dog owner. Can you tell me which dog breed has been the best?

I'm a loner guy. Maybe a German Sherperd might be a good choice?


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Its depend of your lifestyle. If your are a sedentary person probably a breed that tend to be very active or require a lot of exercise is not going to best the best choice for you. if you are an introvert but physically active person then I would recommend a Labrador or a Golden Retriever. If you are not physically active then a small breed like a shit zu or Maltese can be considered.

I think mutts are the best. Go to a shelter. Visit with a bunch of them. Take the one that makes you happiest.

I was just googling the images haha. Thanks mate :]

I know they get a bad rap, but Pit Bulls are amazing pets. We rescued ours at 10 months old (please rescue/adopt instead of using puppy mills). She has been the most incredible companion. Loving, (so affectionate), active, loyal, she totally adopted our schedule, she is a pleaser and is very smart (we taught her all the usual tricks, and even to "speak" loudly and softly, she totally knows the difference). I highly recommend using Petfinder.com. Usually dogs that are fostered are well cared for, even trained and they can give you insight into their personalities. We LOVE being dog owners. Highly recommend it, there is no love like love from man's best friend. :)

I didn't knew about the website haha. You caught my attention with Pit Bulls. Thank you for your advice @breshepard