📷Animal photography Monday by @juliank: Snake Monday #8 Green Anaconda

in animalphotography •  7 years ago 

Green Anaconda

The Green Anaconda is found in South America, in the Amazon and Orinoco rivers (both rivers are connected through Rio Negro). It reaches a length of up to 10 m (the record is a female snake with a length of 11.43 m and a weight of over 100 kilograms.) This is the largest snake in the world considering the weight, bur foe its length it lags behind the mesh python but if they are both equal size the anaconda is two times heavier than him. Generally, the large anacondas are about 6 - 7 m long. They feeds on fish (younger snakes) and on large animals such as crayfish, capybara and birds (adults). Larger specimens can be potentially dangerous to humans, unlike the mesh python, anaconda rarely attacks humans. Their skin gets an oily coat underneath, which is meant to protect the new skin and help the old one to detach easily. The eyes of the snake can look really white, or milky when this stage of the shed is reached. Female yields to about 40 small ones. The anacondas does not live well in a terrarium and rarely breeds in zoos.


Camera: Sony a6300
Lens: Sony 18-105mm f4

The following photo is my entry for the daily photography contest- Monday #animalphotography organized by @juliank.

All the pictures that i am posting are @originalworks
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I am Venezuelan, in my country there is an area where there are Anacondas I have seen and touched them, they are giant, they are very interesting animals, your vote in my comment is very helpful, thanks

i have never seen a big one, just some small ones..

Тука вече стана страшно, минах на бегом покрай изображението, защото от дете се страхувам от змии, а този твой екземпляр е стряскащ . .. За разлика от шоколадовите картинки хахаха!

хаха това вече не е за любителите на шоколад 😄 поста е за по особени любители

Good Shot. Anacondas sind echt impressionante Tiere!

Danke :)

Радвам се ,че не съм се срещал с такова нещо. Пепелянки,усойници и смоци съм имал честа да срешна доста пъти ,но от тези големите не и най вероятно за мое щастие.

хаха да макар и да не са много опасни за хората