in animals •  8 years ago 

Today is a very happy day!

Runaway was one of the first doe rabbits that we got. She is Pinkie-Pepper’s bunny. Even though our other doe rabbits have all been successfully bread before, Runaway never got pregnant. Time and time again we would try, but no baby bunnies ever came out.

Unfortunately, if this doe was not able to bear young, that means that it would be time for her to join us for dinner…. If you know what I mean.

Recently, we decided to give her one last chance. Pinkie-Pepper and @papa-pepper did not really want to have her for dinner, so we gave her another opportunity. Thankfully it worked!

Late last night, Runaway gave birth to one little bunny. Overnight, she had eleven more, making it a litter of 12 baby bunnies.

Baby bunnies can make a child happy enough, but having your successfully breed and bear young is even more cause for celebration! Now Runaway has joined her sisters Brownie and Polkadot in the wonderful world of motherhood!

Pinkie-Pepper is even planning to do her own photo shoot of these little ones to share in a few days, so stay tuned and we will keep you posted!


This amazing @little-peppers logo was generously provided by @rigaronib.

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More bunnies you say?

Pinkie pepper, what a cutie!!
All the little peppers must take after mama pepper!! ;-)
Congratulations to Runaway!!

She looks very happy with the new bunny.

awwww that's cute!... You already named them all?

you gotta love the little peppers

Well done Runaway Rabbit!
There's nothing like a dinner invitation to to get the motivation up ;-)

Looking forward to lots of cute baby bunny photos.


I bred rabbits too! I bred American Chincilla. They are about 11-15 lbs and usually have about 9-15 babies at a time. They are wonderful momma's and loving, cuddly bunnies. What is your breed?

We have one Chinchilla and the rest are Rex.

Well done ranaway, all you needed was practice, now you know what to do you will be able to produce enough babies to keep Pinkie happy, and live on to your dotage.
A bit like me realy.
Waiting for your post all about it, soon.


And that's great news! Baby bunnies!

Will update. Thanks!

Remind me of my baby Chinchilla many years ago!

Congrats on the little bunnies!!

More Bunnies to join you for dinner in the future!! Does @pinky-pepper feel okay with your decision to "let them join you for dinner"?

Such a lovely little story of fecundity on the farm in the springtime. Shades of Charlotte's Web even. I highly recommend the book, the movie or the cartoon.

Ah, @papapepper you know, they say if a man has a bit too much of the rogue in him, the Good Lord gives him daughters!

Hey Pinkie-Pepper, I want to ask you something. Why did you name your pet bunny Runaway?

It ran away a few times, but we always got it back. Runaway Rabbit seemed like the best name for her.

Congratulations on the birth of the new bunnies. Too Cute.

Very cute bunnies 🐰. I am happy that Runaway did not join you for dinner!

Soooooooo cute!!!

That's a lot of little bunnies! It will be fun to see Pinkie-pepper's photos!

Most Excellent ! Sorry about your loss though ... errm (stew) lol, j/k Ya, 1st timers get nervous sometimes, she did great though, Gratz ! Lots of smiles, that's what make papas happy so its a good story !

They are so cute even a bit ugly :)

We used to have meat rabbits. Baby bunny days are the best days!

Congratulations on your new arrivals!

Remember that rabbit poop is really high in Nitrogen and can be applied directly to your garden without having to worry about burning the plants.


Hi @little-peppers, nice post, enjoy your new small bunnies!!

You were right Pinky-pepper.... Runaway was ready for a nesting box. Woo Hoo!!! More baby bunnies.

Thanks @grandpa-pepper! She knew!

More babies yay! Congratulations Runaway!

Rabbits are one of the few animals that you can potty train.

I love rabbits! I had one as a kid and another one a few years ago!

Those are so adorable! Love them

So adorable. The bunny is cute too! ;)