Today is my wife's wedding anniversary. XD

in anniversary •  7 years ago 


Today is my wife 's wedding anniversary.
Now it's October 20, a year later, but nothing special.
Last year at this time I had made this promise to my wife.
I will make you very happy in the future.

A year later ...
Nothing has changed in particular.
If I look for a few changes, I have come to the Crypto-currency market and made my own profit.
I have paid all the mortgage loans to the bank and turned it into the possession of my wife (but I am the wife's house tenant)

Ah! There is one more thing. I gave my wife a wristwatch to celebrate my profits.

Of course, the same amount as my investment
I think there are investors who have more than double or three times more than me.
But I'm not like Warren Buffett.
I've been talking about investment, but I've seen a lot of losses, not just earnings.

So it was
I have opted for securitization rather than reinvestment to see greater profits
I can not believe that this choice has made the slightest consequence of not changing my family's life.

Of course, the number of people who participated in this market later than I did
I know that there are people who will say, 'Is not you better than me?'
But one thing that came to my mind when I came into this market
It is true that the income of another person has nothing to do with my life.

Over a year spent in this market
I have often heard rumors that a number of people around me have become 'great rich'.
Perhaps they have a much bigger risk than me,
It would have been the forerunners who prevailed in this market and endured difficult times.

But even if they become 'great rich', what does it matter to me?

My wife's wedding anniversary today ...
I remember when my wife and I were investing in each other's lives.

I think I was very successful in my investment of marriage
Was his wife's investment in life successful?
I will ask myself again today.

And I will love, devote, and earn more so that I can feel that my wife's marriage investment is

a 'successful investment' </ h3>

I love you honey ~ I'll make more money ~ ^^

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Great post, tomorrow is my wife's birthday. I can tell you she is my best investment ^^. I can't remember how many times she has helped me when I have needed support. We pull each other, when someone is feeling down and behind the other gives a big boost of love.

Amazing - a good long life together

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its great how crypto currency has made you happy and independant!
But the part that i love is that.. after all this also.. you still love youre wife and youre a humble person...
Keep it up..!!!!

Awesome Post !

It's both your anniversary, and congrats on both the marriage and the financial progress!