RE: #Punchanazi - Antifa - BAMN

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#Punchanazi - Antifa - BAMN

in antifa •  7 years ago 

You would have to be near a pretty good library, or find one online to buy.

I know you can get some of the titles I push on amazon.

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I haven't been to a library in years. I should look up where the local one is around me. could be awesome, lol I have no clue though.

Once you have a card you should be able to special order books from other libraries, though my titles are quite rare in print, depend on what state you are in, they might have one.

if at worse I can download the pdf to my phone.
reading an actual book is just so much more enjoyable to me then a screen.

I'd rather have a physical copy, too, but the rarity of the titles I would want preclude it.

I got time in mexico to read the old classic texts, that couldn't have happened if I had to be kept responsible for a physical copy.

yeah physical copys do have drawbacks.

I saved the pdf o when I have some free time I can sit down and do some serious reading on it.

Reading is the escape from the wage plantation, if you ask me.

Yeah reading is a wonderful escape.
Good book and some free time is one of the best.

And if it leads you to nirvana, that much the better, eh?

I stopped reading for pleasure and took up reading for knowledge, mostly.