The grand new and spectacular Apsu contest - Results

in apsu •  6 years ago 

Hello all my friends and foes,

In this contest (which has now ended), the people participating were to leave comments in order to participate. I promised to reply to the questions with art.

I have now answered all the questions on the last post regarding the competition. I have picked the winners, but first I have the questions in more or less random order - these are not yet the results.

"WTF is wrong with you?"

the tear drops
which fall
off from the withering soul

the shady pine
on the desert of light
devoiding all life

only the reality is wrong
with no excuse

"Can you carve a wooden dildo from one block of wood?"


"If Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers how many peppers didn’t Peter piper pick?"

Vain yksi yö enää
on tumma varjo meidän yllä
sen jälkeen valo meille tuo
elämän ajan.

Yö on pitkä,
ja kaikki kuolee sen alta
vain säilössä olevat
ovat pelastuneet

Ei yksikään muu.
Enää koskaan.

"Do you like to suck dick?"

Suzy had gone out with her friends. Her boyfriend had left her on Tuesday and now her friends invited her out to cheer her up.
She wasn't very excited but promised to come for a few drinks. After those few drinks, she was happy she had gone with them.

Suzy had been dancing already a while and she was really on fire. She had felt bad all week, but now she was feeling awesome. On the dance floor she saw a man staring at her - a cute guy, bald and slim.
As Suzy moved to the bar from the floor, the man approached her, offering to buy her a drink. He had a really nice, friendly smile and Suzy could see he wanted her.
"What's your name?", asked Suzy.
"You can call me D. What's your name?"
"I'm Suzy. Buy me a drink and then you're coming to dance with me."
The man smiled and nodded. And then they danced. She had no clue how long they had danced, but she was feeling amazing as D was touching her while dancing and it felt good.

It didn't take long until Suzy couldn't hold herself any longer. She grabbed D's arm and took him to the toilets.
"I'll give you a blowjob you'll remember forever", Suzy promised when she had closed the door behind them.
She could see the excitement on D's face.
As Suzy unzipped his pants and pulled them down she gave one more look to D.
"Where's the D, D?", asked Suzy with the confused expression.
"It's D for Deborah."

"Can you make birdhouses so magnificent that no bird can enter it without breaking into prayer?"


"Isn’t that small for a glory hole?"


"I have nothing. Except: why am I not so good at: "Ask me any question, any question at all." -thingy things?"


"I don't know if you have been drinking but did you mean prizes or prices in your post header?"

The day has come
what I have feaaaaareeeeeed
mistake has been made
alone by meeeeeeeeeee

Only the shame and fear
will keep me strong
otherwise in the end
I'll make it agaaaaaaaiiiin

(chorus)It was all a mistake, made alone by me
I have betrayed your trust, will you ever be able to forgive?
The pain stings me like the katana of samurai
The only true way, to cleanse the mistake

I have decided never to make a mistake agaaaain
The only way for me to walk, is to use the wisdom of the past
Even in the ancient times, all of this was knoooooown
My wife will become a widoooooooooow


"why is the third place awarded more than a second place?"


"Where's all the blood?"

All the blood is in
the vain veins of man of flesh
and his life, is none

"Why the non-stop shops have locks?"

"Is this a valid question?"


Thank you for going through all the wonderful questions and my very replies to them.

The three best questions were...

  1. @cryptoandcoffee
  2. @fieryfootprints
  3. @gotmeens

I will now proceed to pay rewards to the winners.

Congratulations and thank you for participating!

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you would make me work for the answer ;)

Most of us have to work for the answers. That's mostly because I'm assuming art is not meant to be understood, otherwise it's bad art.

At least I didn't have to work for the answer as it was in front of you @jasonrussell. Thanks apsu. Your posts are entertaining and have never seen a bald headed Deborah lol.

Well your question was the best one so I thought I'd give you a clear reply. I could have gone with the cryptik option, but that didn't work out in the end as good.

Wow you got a bunch of entries. I especially like the art ones, although the poetry ones are nice too :D

Keep up the contests APSU!~ <3

I did and I was glad, I should have a similar one as this was fun. I kind of ran out of questions when I started to have real fun :)

I had thought in advance that all of this is art! I would have wanted to do a sculpture too, but I did get to do some poetry and a song too, so can't complain.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Anything can be art when you embrace your creativity. This seemed like a very enjoyable contest, plus you got to see a lot of amazing original content from everyone :D

Bruh, a sculpture would be too intense. But a song? WOW


If you have been a penis, is that a... beenis?

Nice artanswer! Tulkitsen tämän sturkoosinvalkoisen taivaan nationalistiseksi merimaisemaksi ja arvostan suuresti mansi- ja mustikoita ruohikolla. Ja jotain... keltahillaa?

Perhana, nyt tekee mieli kirsi-, mansi- ja mustikoita. Ei hillaa. Onneksi niin ei tarvitse lähteä lappiin.

Se kuvataa vain elämän ihanuutta ja vapautta, eikä elämää tarvitse vain rajoittaa itsensä kehittämiseen vaan nauttimiseen. Nuo olivat lähinnä erilaisia niittykukkia, koitin katsoa värimaailmaa omasta pihasta, tuolla on jotain sinertävää kukkaa, erilaisia keltaisia kukkia ja puna-apilaa.

Onneksi marjoja saa kaupasta rahaa vastaan :)

Somebody call the MoMA! We've got a fantastic new exhibition!

I'm gonna call YOUR MOMA.

I had to google what MoMA is. Thank you!

thank you. But now I am jealous because your answer to my question looks like a cool art.

Thank you, I was originally going for something more abstract but it turned out like that.
Congratulations once more! It was a very good question and I hope the drawing answers to your question.

Dope dude!!

Pope dude?