More Huichol Peyote Stitch motorcycle and Bicycle Helmets, Ripple just overtook Ethereum hah hah... Ripple CAN be #1 for just a few million dollars of pump money. Fyrstikken could even do it. and with his profit he could pump steem! win win

in art •  6 years ago 







Had to share these huichol peyote stitch bicycle and motorcycle helmets. Did you all hear US President Donald Teump admit that we ARE going to have a USMC north American Economic trade union... and I WONDER what sort of steem based smart media token we will use for the new AMERO currency yaaaaay... DONT BE SCARED and dont he like @elgeko and try to bring up all this ancient fear porn from all these old people who think any sort of regional or global governance model is IMMEDITALY some new world order illuminati Rothschild mark of the beast system... it's just so sad how @elgeko is so obsessed with trying to look cool and make it seem like the future is always going to be bad, just because he cant handle the truth that not all Reptillians are evil... just like how not all Jews are bad... and most khazarian are fake Jews anyway and if more of them.followed the old testaments common sense stuff. with an open mind to how it has always been edited by man, well then we can get somewhere

But we have to stop the extra terrestrials racism which by the way, was given to earth humanity... we were never this prejudice in our own past. I mean Ancient Rome began as a WHITE place and yet we let in African "black" people and various Mediterranean and Arab "brown" or "darker" skinned people.. but now European "whites" are tanning and tattooing the white right out of their bodies so who is really black and who is really white? The game of racial divide and conquer must end and inter racial couples need to be able to have fun and experiment without people on the right claiming interracial mixing is somehow evil OR the freaks on the LEFT who OVERLY push the race mixing like as if we MUST do it for the survival of all humanity hahaha we have to fund a BALANCE ... find a BALANCE... race is the MOST important hot topic issue of today's political because EXCEPT FOR USA, racial groups in the west TEND to vote in blocks.. in cubes.. Haha BRING ME MY CUBE MORTY... get in the CUBE get in the CUBE morty... turn into a CUBE

Now you can get inside the cube, at the kaba, a zack in the box, growing zacks in boxes and popping up on my surfboard i am alladin i am the global axon, ackzon, ackzoff... i am the millenial falcON... falcon, falcoff. HEY i still have a CLAPPER... we should have HUMANs turned on and off with a clapper!

I CAN CAST Firu in a commercial where she advertised a Viagra Injection module that is voice and clap activated... so when she is in the mood for sex, all she has to do is clap on, and a bluetooth powered device in her "friends" boxers uses transdermal heating like a nicotine patch , or just straight up injects Cildenafil into his balls on her clap command... Literallly "turning on" her boyfriend. The human clapper!

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