Morning Molotov's.....

in art •  7 years ago 

I typed a bunch of shit.... then deleted it. The field goals have been moved so far in these arguments i'm not even sure what game is being played anymore. Class warfare is really what's going on here, and people are so far up their own teams asses they are being used to destroy the only ones that can help them succeed. It's genius actually, just stir the pot, let the plebs destroy themselves, then swoop in as the savior to clean up the mess and intact a few new rules and regulations. Rinse/Repeat....Can we say Roman Empire anyone?

morning molotov.jpg

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I like the pic....dont get the text. :3

There is a huge gentrification going on in San Francisco right now... a lot of people that have been here for generations are getting pushed out of the city and removed from housed they have lived in for decades.. just so a bunch of new silicon valley dicks can come thru and play wall street gods here... it's really disgusting what's going on... and the police are being used as the riches own gang.. they are killing unarmed homeless people here, the amount of harassment and nonsensical rules trying to be enforced now is just a joke... my homie makes over 100k a year and can't afford to live in the city, i can't imagine the majority of people who make half that.... what are we supposed to do? Just say fuck it you guys win here's all our memories, houses, bars, coffee shops, local stores..... sorry for the passion it's just a big deal in our city atm

...honestly I cant even imagine smth big like this. No reason to appologise for the passion....idk what id do if i was beeing kicked from my home...or any of my friends. Just awful.

Looks like there is a criminal here. He drew what he did with molotovs and he threw molotovs to drawing as well. Just burned it up!

This pic pretty much sums up how I feel. Looking at it invokes a certain emotion in me.

Legit... was really hoping that it would invoke that feeling in some people

Scarcity vs abundance... We live in a world of abundance, the only limitation is our imagination. For some reason people keep getting caught up in a scarcity mindset. Fear, and tribalism are the two main threats to our civilization. Wars are just a fundamental lack of trust. The bonds of community should be the bonds of humanity. Much love! thanks for sharing : )