How does a Social Art project begin?

in art •  6 years ago 


You've got to start somewhere.

Most people want to know what the outputs will be. Is it a film? Or a play or a book? Or maybe an exhibition or a conference? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe all of those.

The form is really not important at the beginning. What's important is the scope of social interaction and what sorts of questions you're looking to answer rather than what you're going to make out of it. I find it easiest to throw that scope as wide as possible and then, through questions and answers and getting people confused and seeing what sorts of mistakes or assumptions they make or I've made, we grope our way towards something clearer, something we all recognise, even if we don't understand it yet.

It's not something I propose and then get you to agree to, it's more like something I say I'm going to do, whatever and you can join in and influence it or not, it's up to you.

If you're just confused enough, but not so much that you're irritated, then I'm doing it right.

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