Mercy Me | Art Painting And Poetry

in art •  8 years ago 

detail pic / partial view

Mercy Me
Acrylic paint on canvas
by nathanjtaylor

The art process in pics:

first layers establishing color and light source

sketching out with paint the idea and form of image

adding more color and giving form to the subject

detail pic / partial view (the heart growing in the tree of life)

detail pic / partial view (feathers, the spiral/spirit, the roots, and tree)

final artwork

Mercy Me 

Everybody makes mistakes.
I say that to myself,
to remind me to forgive
myself and others.
I have a mentality to always seek
excellence in everything I do,
which makes life hard
when I fall down.
However, we can learn with each tumble,
and there is a blessing in the lesson.
Glory comes when we stand up
After we fall and walk again.

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nice :) nice art and nice written

Very cool art and you remind me to forgive.

I enjoyed reading your poem, I am also starting to post under the poetry tag. Check out my work and if you like it I would appreciate your follow. More than likely I will follow you back, as I am trying to keep up with all steemit poetry writers. @beginningtoend

I'm amazed by how the picture transformed from turquoise-purple into the radiance of the finished picture :-) And beautiful poem, the theme is very much alive in me! I'm very interested in, when this realisation comes to us - I mean, the point of forgiving is hard to argue against - but when do we start doing it, is there a turning point?

If you are interested in more poetry on the light and dark sides of life, please also check my poem