Mister Sudness and A Few Words I Wrote Just To Fill Minds With The Things I Felt Like Putting There

in art •  6 years ago  (edited)

I'm not sure of what words I'll say today.
There will be words though; oh yes, many words.

Oh so many, many words.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Mr Sudness.jpeg
Mister Sudness

My Mind

It tells me everything is possible.

I dream a lot.  I've been this way since I was a kid.  I don't want to wake up.

When I first started here, I didn't like saying 'I'.  I didn't want this blog to be about me.  At least, not the me I know.

They say we, should not.

I refuse to listen, yet I hear them loud and clear.

Sitting on a bench one day, was a man.  How can a man be sitting on a bench one day when a man is a man?


I seem to be confused about something.

What is it though?  The words, or the scenery?

They say it's a ghost town.  Even I noticed.  Thought it was a bad thing until I realized something.

I'm a ghost.

And this is my town.

Read between these lines before they're outdated.

The power went out in many places.  My lights are still on.  The rest are gone.

Watch me stay.  Put your worry away.  I have all day.  Let us play.

A cryptic message from beyond spawned by a beautiful bond between man and bench, both near a pond.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"Experimenting with brainwaves since the 20th century."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.

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Since I'm not feeling up to making a comment of my own, I'll just quote @meesterboom that

Then fire becomes man and man becomes fire in the flames of what we once were. Indeed, verily so

Over here.

Since I'm feeling overworked today and have a case of the mush brain, I'll just say Meesterboom's response to all this was pretty damn cool.


I live in a ghost town myself so I understand right now why you frowned when the power went down. There are lots of fish little and big looking to get little and big parts of that pond, but most of them seem to think that when the lights go out for a little while that means it's time to get out of the ghost town for good. The good don't go, though, because the good know there's going to be a lot more dough here when the power comes back up, Mister Sudness. Everything is possible. Hmm.

By the sounds of this response, you're really good at reading between the lines.

What a cutie! I picture his skin having the texture of steamed Chinese dumplings.

You must be shopping for art on an empty stomach again.

There is no I, only me observing the false I. But ultimately, there is no observer either. It turns out that stuff doesn't need anyone to watch it in order to just be. The observer is the thing that is being observed.

I'd also like to add:

Why do they call it taking a dump, when really you are leaving a dump? After all; you aren't really taking it anywhere.

What is the difference between an orange?



Does it take longer to get to your place from Arizona or by plane?

Take the underground toboggan.

Ah, the underground toboggan. My preferred mode of transportation. All that downhill travel gets pretty hot, though, underground after 100 miles or so.

Halloween was a perfect reflection of this place, mine was the only light on the street, and still I was left with half a basket of candy...what is this world coming to??

The people are becoming afraid of the monsters.

"When I first started here, I didn't like saying 'I'. I didn't want this blog to be about me. At least, not the me I know."

Haha. When I took English classes we had to write in MLA format and using I could cost you points. That conditioning took a long time to break. I still have trouble writing about myself though.

I'm not sure what to say, as me, in my comment section, if I can't speak of myself. Who else can I be here?

I feel like this is a riddle but that might just be the drugs talking. Either way, I am going to say that the answer is a beetle. Did I win?

Close! The answer was Beethoven.

I thought the answer was 42.

Sitting on a bench one day, was a man. How can a man be sitting on a bench one day when a man is a man?

"I am a" is one of the most retarded statements one can make (without consideration at least) as it is identifying with what one does thinking that it makes them what they are. It is lazy self-discovery.

I suppose I should have said, "I'm a lazy ghost." Ha!


You know what I mean. There is a difference in the spoken language and the belief that what one does is who they are. I am always me, no matter the changes in what I do.

You are always you. If I was you, I would be me, being you.

We are ghosts who are part of this town ... it is good to think of others and not always ourselves! .. So you have thought very well !.

You have a good day! 😉

You have a good day as well!

I am not sure but I see that man must live his present and expel negative thoughts and arrange his thoughts and make them positive my friend

I feel we can't have positive without negative. A good balance is key. Too much of 'either, or', black or white, up or down; always seems to lead to disappointment.

Are we all in the present? Or all ghosts from the past inhabiting this blockchain??

I think then is now but here isn't there.

Nice one friend. I can see that everyone is having a good time on this super great platform. Let us enjoy it while it lasts, we dont know what HF21 would bring

#actual-content? The audacity! The nerve!

I did see it, though, the art, and I read the words. Does that mean I am also a ghost?

Look how many trending posts I have though! Raping the reward pool! And yes, we're all dead.

Damn, I haven't been paying enough attention. I thought we were still just doomed.

This stucked me with a much more reflected meaning....

The power went out in many places. My lights are still on. The rest are gone.

I know you're not a ghost, you're as real as this content