RE: #Orcheva Project: Logo and Cover Design for @htliao

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#Orcheva Project: Logo and Cover Design for @htliao

in art •  8 years ago 

yeaaayy...thankyou..hei, what your drawing today..? 😁

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I drawing a coffee crot hahaha

Flag!! 🚩 hhahhahahahaa

hahhaha kampret.

ko yg kampret nyet...hahahhahaa

Can't decide what to draw as always....I do have Chopper to ink though don't feel like inking lol

yaaayy...can't wait..i think i want to draw usop or someone else today..have a suggestion.?

I think Franky is the most difficult one to draw for me...and Usopp

franky, will try for him.. 😬