"American God's " Fanart (WIP) Mr. Wednesday

in art •  8 years ago  (edited)

From The TV Series, "American Gods."

22 x 19 inches, 190lb watercolor paper, watercolor and gouache.

I love how the clouds are turning out, I was uncertain exactly how to capture the vision I had in an idea. Ideas are intangible, you can't pick them up like a computer. So the real struggle is bringing the idea into this fleshy world and giving it life. It's kinda painful and delightful and addictive all at the same time.

Yesterday was AWESOME! The house was quiet and I was able to slip into my artsy-fartsy side of my mind with ease. No Monkey's jumping around (grand-kids). I hope they are having fun on their vacation because I am having a wonderful time while they are on vacation.

Mr. Wednesday is going to live in my library by my mythology books. I like this painting so much I am keeping it, unless someone offers me some outrageous sum of money. Most folk are not going to appreciate Mr. Wednesday and I will every time I look at him. I decided to work on one half of the painting from background to foreground because people wanted to see this or that finished. So today I will finish up the other half of this painting and spend Sunday cleaning up the piece. I will post the finished piece this coming Monday. This will be the last time I post a work in progress (wip) for Mr. Wednesday.

Thank You

Thank you for your comments, your honest and heartfelt critiques, your ideas and thoughts exploring this idea with me. I am surprised how much I love communicating in this way. I really love exploring ideas with other people, something new I discovered about myself on Steemit, besides improving my painting skill-set this last year.

Where Did Odin Come From?

Lessons on Manliness

Odin was not the first god.

Before humanity existed and even before sky or ground or wind, there existed a gaping abyss known as Ginnungagap. At one end of the gap flamed elemental fire and at the other end blew elemental ice. The cold and the heat met in the gap, and the drops formed a frost ogre named Ymir. As frost continued to melt in the gap, a cow emerged named Audhumbla. She fed Ymir with her milk, and she was in turn nourished by salt licks that formed in the ice. As Audhumbla licked away, she uncovered Buri, the first of the Norse gods. Buri had a son named Bor, who with the giantess Bestla had three sons: Odin, along with his brothers Vili and Ve. The three brothers killed Ymir and constructed the world with his corpse. The frost ogre’s blood became the seas and lakes, his flesh the earth, and his bones the mountains.

After assembling the world, Bor’s three sons also created the first humans, Ask (the man) and Embla (the woman). Odin had the most important task, imbuing the first people with spirit and life, while Vili and Ve gave the power of movement and the capability of understanding, as well as clothing and names. Because of Odin’s role in creating the Norse universe, he became known as the Giver of Life.

Sketch and Story

I started with an eye!

First Layers Of Colors

Second Layer

Mr. Wednesday's Hands

Mr. Wednesday's Ravens

some_text A link to My Blog

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More and more fantastic! Really, such a cool idea. I've only seen the first two episodes, and I'm guessing you're current on the show- is it always dark? I thought it was fascinating, but I wasn't sure if I could handle it if it didn't have some levity to balance it :)

On an unrelated note...I discovered a member called dim753 who has been commenting all over the place, but apparently not voting on any posts, only his own comments. This is happening with a lot of people, but this one is a good commenter therefore pisses me off a bit. I went down his steemd account and he hadn't upvoted a post in days, I noticed that you had upvoted his comment then unvoted it, so I'm assuming you also discovered he didn't vote?
Anyway, ugh, from spamming to scamming. This may be a new popular post topic, so far it's almost running under the radar. (I generally don't make posts about such things, but I might make an exception for this)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

yes i discovered dim hadn't been upvoting but he makes wonderful thoughtful comments most of the time. i felt torn because i like him/her, i don't know if this commenter is replenishing sp or a chronic issue with self voting comments without upvoting. you could upvote self and comment all day long! trendo does the same thing but he is good company too...if the person just left a few words i'd be upset. i don't know what to do.

American Gods is a dark distopian type of show but all the gore and violence is done so beautifully with many symbolic details, it keeps me hooked and not many shows can do that!

I know what you mean, but I looked at his steemd account a half hour after he commented to me, not for the first time, and not only didn't he vote is voting power is ninety some percent. For the past two days which is as far as I went back, he hasn't upvoted anything but his own comments but I see him getting comment rewards from many people, mamma sitta, mrs. steemit, kus-knee, just some examples. And meesterboom called him out on my post, he hasn't responded. I've noticed many people doing this recently, though most of them have been the type that have language difficulties. This dim individual bothers me more.

I'll probably give American Gods another chance, all because I am inspired by your beautiful work :)

First I try to comment in all people i follow because in my job i spend more than 70% of time in a computer so i can comment and post while i'm in my job,

second i can upvote comment or just see a post, i comment in almost all the people i follow because if i follow them is for the simple reason that i like their content and the person clearly, the spam here is a problem but you can't call every people that no upvote you as spamer person you have to analize what he/she says first before judge.

That's all i have to say in the case of reddust she is one of my favorite steemers i really like her content as her art and the words she says i learn a lot of thing from her.

So if you see someone in the middle of gangster that person is a gangster? nah you don't know what is happening there

I did check, very carefully. I went to your steemd account and looked at two days of your time on here. The only one you upvoted in those two days was yourself, your own comments. .But you commented on a lot of people, all of them giving you upvotes.

I don't like to be the 'bad guy' actually I hate it. But I also can't allow things to go on right in front of me and do and say nothing. If not voting on anyone for days was somehow an accident...I don't know. Your vote power was very high, so that wasn't the problem.

She noticed by herself that you didn't vote on her post which is why she unvoted you, I was only confirming this. As you also did the same to me and some other people I know.

I hope from now on you would be sure to vote on the people whose posts you comment on. That's a good practice to have here.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Are you aware of the accounts like this one: https://steemd.com/@dim753 Where everyone can see your practices? Just to be sure, I checked once again. And I see that you did upvote reddust's rose post at fifty percent, and you've upvoted hilarski, and otherwise only your own comments, as I said, for days. So many, many comments you've written to people, telling them nice things...why not upvote their posts? And why, if reddust is one of your favorites, would you only upvote her post at fifty percent when your voting power is over ninety, when you don't have enough sp for it to even matter. I'm sorry, but that is the truth. When I was at your level I never gave a thought to the percentage of an upvote, all were one hundred, everyone I voted on. Even now I don't vote lower than 25% and lately that's even rare because I feel it's too little. And I never ever insult an authors' blog by visiting it and not upvoting.
Perhaps you didn't see this as an insult. Or perhaps you didn't realize people could see what you do or don't do. It is on the blockchain. There's nothing you can do to change it. You can only change going forward.

And I only take this much of my time to explain because, as I said, I dislike being the bad guy. And I hope you will understand what it is I'm saying and why.

Go forth and be generous fellow steemian.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Yes i know the tool man i have to say you something play as you want to play you can't obligate people to think as you, i love to have my voting power in 85-100% because is my goal so you can do the same or not that will be your problem, you don't know my goals or my ideas you can see someone as yaan he has a goal i know he works smooth now.

Man simply be yourself that's it if you see i'm doing something totally irrelevant please say me, and again here you can see a post upvote and comment that's it.

people as you help me to be strong in my goals and ideas you don't know where i'm from how i grew you don't know many things in my life and just see how you judge me without know nothig about me makes me feel really sad.

But thanks to take the time to reply my comment. Regards and Blessings

Cool stuff! I really enjoyed american gods, found it a great success, and I'm glad to see it's inspiring other artists now :)

I hope we all reflect on our godlike aspects ;-)

wow i wished i could draw like you

You can draw like me @skrzypietz, anyone can draw if they systematically sit down every day and practice on how to draw objects correctly. Human's when they put their mind to developing abilities can do anything they can imagine. That's why we are related to the gods ;-)

I was interested in Scandinavian mythology since I was a school girl, it always enthralled me so much! Only by that time I saw nothing strange in, for example, giving an eye for wisdom, or hanging himself by a leg to Yggdrasil:)

This is the first time I've read Viking lore or the Northern people of Europe mythology and I am loving it. Because I've studied Christian, Muslim, Jewish mythology, along with Buddhist (Korean, Burmese, and Tibetan), and Hindu mythology I can see striking similarities. I read a lot of Joseph Campbell and authors of Sophia Perennis philosopy.

I studied all of them at university, cause as you know all the art of the past was based on some kind of religions, and we had to know something about all of them. I truthly enjoyed these classes:)

my college courses didn't touch norse mythology and i took philosophy courses, we didn't get into philosophical metaphysics or myth, just boring logic and fallacy. i study myth because they are ancient stories teaching us how to be human beings😁

That's another type of vision:) I love them just because they're exiting. Full versions of Greek mythology are bloody and way more action then any hot movie now;)

Very nice!! I loved the colour combination. American Gods is one of my favourite books and i liked the series very much also. I ve wanted for quite some time to create some artwork too, glad for reminding me:):)

You can't miss using complementary color schemes. I haven't read Neils Book on American Gods but I've read a few of his other books. My husband just got me the Audio book of American Gods so I can listen to the story whilst I paint. Thank you @georgeboya.

Ah i miss you mom:( @reddust

You hardly know me, you need to come visit my comment section on my current articles, make a relevant comment, engage me with some interesting writing and I will come and visit you too. Just because you call me Mom does not make a connection, we need to work on developing a relationship and I loath chat-rooms. I like to talk in the open where everyone can comment.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

yeah thats true, just trying to make relationship be better, cause almost 2 week i didnt open steemit , and didnt visit ur account, i miss ur drawing :)

then after i open steemit again, i saw this post and i reflect said miss u mom... sry

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hugs, I wish we lived closer, I used to befriend my son's friends, they would come to the house and play and I would cook for them, take them for hikes and swimming. We can be good friends, work with me and we will become good friends, maybe if we become steemit millionaires we can visit each other. Until then we will support each other through networking, sharing our hopes and dreams, upvoting and commenting on each others posts.

Hugs, yeah I wish too, my big hope I can visit ur place mom, playing with ur son!
evrything is possible I should hardwork to make it cometrue, btw can we talk on steemitchat

WOW your paitings take my heart away. What an amazing painter you are. I also love sketching but dont know fine paiting like you do. Actually im inspired by you. And the content you choose is so strong. Followed and upvoted. Much love my new friend ❤

thank you @bindu, you can improve, i feel i'm not that good, but over the last year posting my work on steemit, i've drawn and painted every day with the view to improve my skills and share my inner creative journey plus my wonderlust about the back story regarding my paintings subject, whether it be a bug, god or fanart! keep your focus on improving skill set and engaging your viewer, you'll be amazed how much you will grow and make friends along the way.

Nice Art mam @reddust

Thank you @being-human

I cannot emphasize enough how amazing your art is and how good you really are red. Greetz! :)

I just checked out your blog, darn I missed your recent posts. I wish steemit inc would have a favorites tab that notified me when my favorite authors posted Thank you @jonjon1.

Hey mate, it's no bother red, i haven't been posting much really just a track here and there. I do more curating at the mo. That favs tab is actually a really good idea you know, definitely need something like that. :)

I agree with you ! The clouds seem to go really well because they simply look fantastic :) I'm certain that the finished product will be really nice.

I am developing confidence in my abilities now! I think this piece will turn out swimmingly lololol Thank you for supporting me, talking with me every day whilst I worked on this piece. I appreciate your company @trendo. I guess I am not totally antisocial.

You should be confident because you're really good :P haha you're definitely not antisocial :D

I feel antisocial, I have to force myself to communicate ;-/ thank you for helping me come out of my shell.

i appriciate u on ur amarircan GODS posts @reddust keep it up in steemit comunity...have a great day

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thank you @shencoin, I try to be a positive member of the Steemit community. We need community managers, people that work the comment sections, and curators but we also need hard working original creators, my strengths are not managing or curating, but I support the groups I like that are helping manage communities with some of my sp.

ur mission is great and i with u in ur work @reddust

wow right part of the art looks amazing

yeah I hit the flow yesterday ;-)

i am loving the creation process
you are very talented mam :)

Thank you @cutiepie

it was great to know about Odin good work going :)

I enjoyed reading about Norse mythology and Odin in particular almost as much as I enjoyed painting Mr. Wednesday.

Its nearly about to the Perfection,amazing to see the Clouds turn out incredibly good :)

I am now going off-line and start working on the left side of the painting, I am starting with the clouds. Thank you @blazing <3

That's awesome i will be waiting to see that <3

you are an amazing artist and a great person too!!

Thank you @steemphotography, I have to work on being nice, I wasn't born into a very nice, or kind family. I am like my paintings, a work in progress that will never be finished...lolol

very good. Progress

Thank you @elfrances185

This art is really amazing :D

Yay, the Saga continues :)

I'm really like your "American Gods" posts..
Wel done @reddust mam...
I appreciate your work always..nice...

Amazing art..keep it up..
Resteem & upvoted