We are the Robots - Wir sind die Roboter [English/German]

in art •  7 years ago 

Dear readers,

while the whole family was knocked out by a flu virus during the last days, I started to dream about a little robot helper.

How cool would it be, if a little helper would take care of the housekeeping, including shopping, cooking and doing the laundry?

Just getting "sick" wouldn't be allowed for "Little Roby", or it would end tragically...

Liebe Leser,

während unsere Familie in den letzten Tagen durch einen Grippevirus außer Gefecht gesetzt wurde, habe ich angfangen, von einem kleinen Roboter-Gehilfen zu träumen.

Wie cool wäre es, wenn ein kleiner Helfer den Haushalt machen würde samt Einkaufen, Kochen und Wäsche Waschen?

Nur selber "krank" werden dürfe "Little Roby" nicht, das wäre tragisch...

"Little Roby" - Biro drawing (Feb 2018)

Where does the word "robot" come from?

The word robot was coined by artist Josef Čapek, the brother of famed Czechoslovakian author Karel Čapek. Karel Čapek was, among other things, a science fiction author before there was something officially known as science fiction, in subject matter along the same vein as George Orwell. He introduced the word in a play called R.U.R. The full title translating into English as Rossum’s Universal Robots, which debuted in January of 1921.


Woher kommt eigentlich das Wort "Roboter"?

Eines der eher seltenen deutschen Lehnwörter aus dem Tschechischen ist das Wort Roboter „künstlicher Mensch, Automat“. 1920 benutzte der Dramatiker Karel Čapek erstmals den Begriff robot „Roboter“, und zwar in dem utopischen Drama R. U. R. (Rossums Universal–Robots). In der Geschichte baut die Firma Rossum auf biochemischem Weg erzeugte Fronarbeiter: Roboter.



While writing this play, he struggled to come up with a word to name the robots, initially settling on ‘laboři’, from the Latin ‘labor’. He discussed this with his brother, Josef, and Josef suggested ‘roboti’, which gave rise to the English ‘robot’. ‘Roboti’ derives from the Old Church Slavanic ‘rabota’, meaning ‘servitude’, which in turn comes from ‘rabu’, meaning ‘slave’.


Eigentlich stammt das tschechische Wort robot, das in dieser Form ins Englische entlehnt wurde, von Karels Bruder Josef Čapek, und für die deutsche Endung –er sorgte der deutsche Übersetzer des Stücks. Grundlage des tschech. Wortes ist das Substantiv robota „Arbeit, Fronarbeit“, das auf das altkirchenslawische rab „Sklave“ zurückgeht.


Kraftwerk cover

To let you think about the interactions between digital and analog worlds, here finally is a cool violin cover of Kraftwerk's song "Robots".
Zum Schluss noch eine Coverversion von Kraftwerks "Roboter", die euch noch einmal über die Interaktion zwischen digitaler und analoger Welt reflektieren lassen soll.

Balanescu quartet - (Kraftwerk) Robots

Do you like robots?

Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading and stay curious!

Stehst du auf Roboter?

Ich freue mich auf deinen Kommentar!

Danke für's Lesen und bleibt nachdenklich!


creativity is based on freedom


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Even illness can't stymie your creativity!

Your Roby is a cute little guy with a really friendly "Ausstrahlung." I really think you and @katharsisdrill should start selling T-Shirts with your drawings on them for SBD.

Roby made me think of a ancient SiFi film that made "Robby the Robot" famous in America.

Thanks Alan, we still need to find an on demand print-shop, that accepts cryptos. It's on my list.
The robot clip is awesome, never heard of "Robby the Robot" before ;-)

I was thinking more along the lines of T-shirts you could take to Steemit meetups or ship yourselves in the EU -- they would be pretty light if you fold them into a small package envelope.

People you know and trust could transfer the SBD and could produce as needed ;-) I'd be interested.

Meine Meinung ist dass wir (die Menschen) mittlerweile zu Roboter mutiert worden sind. Tag ein, Tag aus und immer die gleiche Muster: Aufstehen- Einschalten, Arbeiten bleib gleich (Sklaven so oder so),Essen-Schmieren, Schlaffen-Stand-buy usw... Wo ist den da unterschied?
My opinion is that we (humans) have become mutated into robots. Day in, day out and always the same pattern: getting up - switching on, working remains the same (slaves one way or another), eating - smearing, sleeping - standby, etc ... Where is the difference?

Naja, also dass wir schlafen und essen, das unterscheidet uns ja eigentlich eher von Robotern...

Was vielleicht ähnlich ist, ist dass viele Menschen sich lieber von anderen "einprogrammieren" lassen, was sie zu denken haben, was in oder out, gut oder schlecht, richtig oder falsch ist, anstatt selbst zu denken.
Aber solange wir Menschen Liebe und Mitgefühl pflegen, wird uns so schnell kein Roboter das Wasser reichen können.

I certainly wouldn't mind robot taking care of the housework bc i suck at it. I received the drawing and items you sent me, thank you very much!

Yay, who doesn‘t? Glad you received the package. Enjoy!

Hope you all start feeling better soon!

Here's a little tune following the theme :)
Instead of Save the Robots... it can be 'Name the Robots'

Thanks Jeff, the tune is amazing. It's a great cross-over mix of fusion, ska, punk... and they are really jammin' it! I've never heard of them before. Great find, that will definitely help me to recover ;-)

They consider themselves Trance-Fusion Jamtronica... Only a 4 man band consisting of a bassist, guitarist, drummer and keyboarder that sends them off to other planets. Definitely my favorite band to see live. Glad you enjoyed @shortcut!

Yeah! Definitely would love to see them playing live. Until then I'm going to watch some of their shows on youtube :-)

Awesome. They have loads of live shows on their YouTube channel with professional audio and video. They usually give a free livestream of their shows with the same. It's always a treat.


Really cool! Thanks again :-)

Hi @shortcut,

Wie cool wäre es, wenn ein kleiner Helfer den Haushalt machen würde samt Einkaufen, Kochen und Wäsche Waschen?

Vielleicht sollte man noch einmal ältere Ansätze verfolgen. Das sah doch schon mal gut aus :D

Cooles Teil! Kommt meiner Vorstellung schon recht nahe. Danke für‘s Teilen!

Gerne. Der könnte noch etwas "handlicher" & "Platz sparender" sein.
Aber wer weiß!? Vielleicht konnte der sich damals schon zusammen falten und dann als Sitzball in die Ecke rollen. :D

Tja was Fieberträume so anrichten können 😂

Früher gab es schon bei uns Robi Tobi und das FliBaTüt (hieß das so?) und nicht erst seit Wall E sind Roboter gesellschaftsfähig. Bei uns kreist seit längerer Zeit unser Freund der Staubsaug-Roboter.
In sofern stehe ich natürlich auf Roboter.
Mir fällt gerade ein das ich früher einen Dickie Toys Roboter hatte, so mit Qualm aus dem Kopf usw 😂

Haha, an Robbi, Tobbi und das Fliewatüüt kann ich mich auch noch gut erinnern.

Die qualmenden Roboter sagen mir im Moment nichts, aber ich erinnere mich, dass ich selbst mal einen Roboter aus einem Schuhkarton mit eingebautem Kassettenrecorder gebaut habe, der hat zwar nicht gequalmt, konnte aber "sprechen" und dank eingebauter Taschenlampe sogar blinken...

Funktionieren die Staubsaugerroboter mittlerweile so gut, dass sich das lohnt?

B0C06C49-496E-433D-911A-673C3BBA4E14.jpeg So sah der kleine Freund aus 😂 der konnte hin und her fahren, irgendwas reden und aus dem Mund qualmen. Ach und die Augen haben geblinkt. War irgendwie toller China Schrott 😂

Cool! Jetzt erinnere ich mich daran ;-)

Heh, I lived through the 80s without ever hearing of Kraftwerk. Then I heard one of their songs on Mr. Robot, and I looked them up. Have been listening to their greatest hits a lot lately. And now my 50-year-old loves The Robots.

Awesome! If you had lived in Germany in the' 80s, you couldn't have missed them. At least because of their influence on electronic music in general, they are highly appreciated here. But it's cool, that you discovered them now: Better late than never; -)

Re-reading what I wrote: I meant 5-year-old! Yeah, they're good stuff. Also weird to hear that one of their songs was totally homaged/stolen by Cold Play.

Yes, Coldplay is not the only band, who borrowed from Kraftwerk. Usually they don't like this kind of tribute, though.

Du liebst Roboter, soviel steht fest.

Haha, ja :-) Wahrscheinlich, weil ich mich selbst manchmal wie einer fühle.

I think that robots are good to automate some things, but for some things I really doubt they can take over. When I get sick I still have to do all things I usually do, here and offline, cook and do stuff for my family, nobody really can help with that because my husband is out at work the whole day long ( literary 6am-10pm )so the only one who is left here is me. But, still, even if I had tech capability to get robot doing these things... I don't know, I don't think I would do it.
But... I have a microwave!
That counts right?

Haha, I don't think so ;-) I wouldn't mind using a bot for the laundry or for cleaning the dishes. On the other hand I'd fear, that such a bot would collect personal data about me. What I eat and drink and if I'm healthy or not.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Your dreams may be coming true sooner than you think

Awesome, thanks for sharing!
My main concern would be, that such a robot could be abused for surveillance...

They already are.

Interessanter Post, irgendwie sind wir ja schon fast an dem Punkt. Stell dir vor, Alexa & co. bekämen noch Beine...werde dir auf jeden Fall mal folgen :)

Danke dir! So gern ich mir Alexa mit Beinen vorstellen mag, ein bisschen Angst macht mir das auch. Am Ende bewege ich mich gar nicht mehr und überlasse mein Leben den Maschinen...

Am Ende wird auch unser Gehirn das einzige sein, das nicht so einfach ersetzbar ist. Grade die Tage hab ich Ghost in the Shell gesehen, passt sehr gut dazu...

I didn't know Robot basically means slave. But it makes sense because robots are designed to make our lives easier the same way slaves would if we were allowed to own them. Great work on the drawing. Also, I love the music as well.

Thanks :-) One of the greatest fears about creating (artificially) intelligent robots is, that they might not want to resign themselves to their fate of being slaves and stand up against it one day...

As far as i know, they instantly can create their own language !! Very scary ! :-o
I like your robot though :-)

Thanks for your appreciation :-) Have you heard of AI-robot Sophia? There are already some discussions going on, if she's going to destroy all human beings one day...

Personally I'm not too scared about robots, at least if they aren't armed with real weapons.

No, i have not seen this one... i will watch it later on tonight!
I have the feeling it will give me the chills and a couple of sleepless night ! :-D
Thank You so much !

i do like robots,
we know that it gives and ease to humanity with proper use but it also has a disadvantage when possessed by the wrong

Sollte "Little Roby" tatsächlich um die Ecke kommen, schick ihn doch bitte danach auch noch bei mir vorbei! Das Virus hat auch hier zugeschlagen! ;D
LG Mo*

Mach ich ;-) Auf jeden Fall schickt er schon einmal gute Besserungswünsche!

Danke, dass ist schon mal die halbe Miete! ;D

Well, actually robots are a theme that always has made me think a lot, especially because we as humans are making them more and more intelligents. is actually a posibility that a war between robots may occur if they get enoughly smarters?. (btw: I love Androids <3)

Thanks for your opinion. Sounds a bit like science fiction, doesn't it?

absolutely, is even scary thinking on it, isn't it?

excellent this was once again and i hope everyone is good now be healthy and full of energy :D

Thank you! It's getting better :-)

if the robot is like hollywood movie i-robot, then i willing to owe some one of them.

It's a story behind the story......!

Nice post.

My version :-D

how many flags.jpg

Haha, awesome ;-)

Are you a comment bot? - If not, say something meanigful.




Yeah! All kudos go to @katharsisdrill for creating him ;-)

Hehe - ja da hab ich "meinen Senf" auch schon hinterlassen und bekundet, dass ich den Commentphant (wie auch gewünscht) hier und da mal einsetzen werde.

Sehr geile Idee :)

Thanks for sharing i will done upvote I always see your post. And follow you

Very nice post..I like robot..it can be help my working but I fer.