The sketch for today ^_^

in art •  8 years ago 

Thinking about flowers and woodland creatures, This morning I sketched this raccoon between some blue flowers.

He has a smiling faces, I think he's happy to stay there ^_^

As usual, it's just a fast and simple sketch that I done to have fun and exercise my hands, I hope you like it ^_^

See ya soon


silvia beneforti
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It is a very cute raccoon.

thanks ^_^

Cute! Also somehow looks strangely human, must be the posture.

Yessss, he has an human posture ^^ Thanks so much, @ocrdu ^^

nice drawing..its ur best part of art and ur drawing is best all photos are beautifull

many thanks ^_^

Finally found a new amazing artist @silviabeneforti

Thanks so much, @journeyoflife ^_^

No problem

It's so damn cute! Whyyyy is it so cute?:):):)

Raccoons are sooo cute!!! they have the funny black mask on their eyes and they seems the Beagle Bands of Disney ^_^


Thanks so much, @camilla ^_^

Looks so simple and beautiful at the same time! You can use your talent to decorate books for children.

Many thanks for your nice words ^_^

It is fantastic!

thanks so much, @amedeo !!! ^_^

This honestly looks like it could be a pokemon

like the first stage of evolution

maybe he's a pokemon with a mask of raccoon :D lol

what a nice dude :D resteemed

Thanks!!! :D

I love it , simple and so nice :)

Thanks so much ^_^

This raccoon is so cute. I would love to see you draw a Rocket Raccoon in your art style.

maybe I'll try for the next sketch ^_^

Very beautiful!

Many thanks, @cleateles ! ^_^

Aw, he's adorable! How'd you get the paper background so nicely white?

At first, I use a sketchbook with the white sheets , after I use a putty rubber to clean the background after I sketched ^_^

Oh what a good idea!

I love it!

life is the flower for which love is the honey


thanks!!! ^_^

Very nice.

thanks so much, @bigbear ^_^

Your drawings are sooooo cute @silviabeneforti :)))

thanks :D

This is so cute, you made my day happier 😁

Thanks for you nice words ^_^

So cute! Love it!

Thanks so much ^_^

🌷Wow, he's so cute! If you don't mind, I shall call him "Raccoon-ski" :) Maybe he's Polish?

Maybe he's Polish or maybe not ^_^