The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in art •  6 years ago 

Digital art made by @xpilar

Miami 1 A.jpg

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The reflection and the feel of the image looks so real wow

thank you


Modesty is a very beautiful thing that is issued only by the heart of a pure believer who knows God. The humble have a great reward for Allah. They have a good reward in the world. You will not find a humble person who is not hated among people. Everyone loves the humble and loves to sit with them and loves their meals. And no one can hear their biography or news.
In an old place in a village there was a poor young man named Khan and this young man was so poor that he did not accept marriage because of the narrowness of the situation, the lack of a hand and the lack of provision, and how this man worked hard and found great And did not leave anything from trade or blacksmithing or carpentry unless he worked in it, and yet could not ask about his wages, and it was his custom to take what is given from the owner Work without talking or discuss in the lack of these funds or not and what it is entitled to the work of a higher wage, and He did not reject any work at all, no matter how hard, exhausting and tired. He liked to work so that he could spend and not beg of people.
Khan's qualities made everyone love him to a great extent, and they preferred to work with them alone. It was usually Khan that at the end of each working day after finishing his arduous labor and before returning home to take a bath in the river , Was visiting one of the great scholars of the owners of prestige and dignity and was very revered scientists and humble them, and was not late to sit under the feet of this world, which was loved by all the people of the village.
One day Khan sensed that the world was tired and looked at him with signs of fatigue and exhaustion. He said to the world: "You seem to be tired today, so come to my house to serve you all my time and give you all the means you need so that you will not miss me for a moment. Galilee to Khan and I felt the love of him, and told him the world: Go to your home and arranged your things and then come take me go with you.
Khan felt a sense of pride and pride, because this wonderful world will become a guest to serve and care for him, although there are many who wish to go with them the world of Galilee, but the world chose Khan without others to solve it with his beautiful face and wonderful talent, and immediately Khan went to his home and prepared well and arranged it And then he went on his way to go to him to come and receive him in his house, but as he went, he found a man of old age who said to him: "No son, I have not eaten for a long time and I am very hungry now.
Khan said to him: Come with me, Grand Sheikh and went to his home and gave him some of the foods that he had prepared in advance, and when the old man of food called for the blessing of Khan and God bless him and desire to increase the bounty on the good work with him and then the man left.
Khan then rushed to the world to bring him home, but as he went, an elderly woman was also on his way to ask for food. "She is hungry and has not eaten a bite in a long time. Can you give me what God has given you?" And he took Khan to rush to the place of the world of Galilee, but he was on his way and found a boy Of orphans, and said to him: any uncle, I have not eaten a long time and I am very hungry Do I have where I sleep tonight? The boy did not grow up, and after that Khan went to the place of the world of Galilee. And he rushed to speed up, and when he arrived in the world apologized to him strongly for what happened to him from the delay and cut him what happened, thanked him the world that he did, and told him that he loved him from receiving himself, and the joy of the world very what he saw the work of men and humility And the world told him that he would not bring enough of what he did today to those in need he does not want to carry a Impact of that food and drink, but Khan insisted that comes with him and solve in his home, the world he agreed at the end of it, and went with him and he calls him more good and humility.
On the other hand, the king of the village knew that the world was going to the house of Khan. He felt very jealous of that act. The world did not come to him one day. How can he attend a house of the parish, which is the house of Khan? So the king of the village went to the world asking him to go to his house and feed him food and drink from his drink and do with him like he did with Khan. The world said to him: Go to your house and set it up.

Then he rushed to the world to come and receive him in his house, and while he was on his way, he found a man asking him for food and begging him to do so. But the king was very angry and rebuked the man for his work, and how he begged And then he met a young woman who asked for food, drink and shelter, but he went and went for him. The other, even arrived at the place of the world.

When the man arrived, he said to the world, "The food is ready, and while I am coming to you, so and so, I cut off the story and neglected all of them in order to reach the world. The King did what he did wrong and realized the great error that he had become, and then pledged himself to be humble to the poor and the weak as Khan did.

Hi @jessicaalex

Thanks for your thoughts and a good story

  ·  6 years ago 

Humble is a virtue.
But most people,
His humble is for the rich and the strong.
He is facing poor people and weak people, he would very proud.

I'm not a traitor

The husband stood astounded and felt angry and shook his body, holding that paper in his hands strongly, read what he wrote with eyes sharpness almost coming out of the Maqtatha unbelievable what he sees, it is a message and link to the place of a coin written only one sentence: "your wife is treacherous" Many and take a resonance frequented in the ear of your wife traitor traitor ... traitor ..

His wife in her bedroom laughed sarcastically and here the husband entered the room, angry, she tried to hide something behind her back and we looked at her. He said, "What were you doing and what were you hiding behind your back?" She did not care and did not respond, but tried to hide her mobile phone with a stubborn determination behind her back, smiling sarcastically.

The husband got up and tried to take the phone by force. .. And did not leave a smile sarcastic lips, took the phone from her hands to know the lover, and found a picture of the message received in the morning and knew the line of his wife, "your wife traitor."

Yes, she sent the message to her husband has learned the betrayal of her husband and his relationship with his colleague work, and knew that he goes to her apartment to spend with her some time, wanted to feed him from the same cup, will not be able to do and betrayed, sent the letter to retaliate him and I avenged and sent him to the gallows after he killed her Not cheating.

Hi @hifa

thanks for your thoughts and story

  ·  6 years ago 

I feel that she does not think it is betrayal, but pursues a new life.
It’s like plants running into the desert and creating new worlds.
So is it right or not? Sometimes it’s really hard to say
Maybe her original environment is too bad.
So whenever I hear people saying: his wife betray
I always think , Maybe is her husband too bad!


An important advance has been generated in the ecosystem of the planet Mars, the atmospheric conditions have been improving little by little since the XPS system was put into operation.

Very positive are the results that have been evidenced on Mars, thanks to the benefits provided by the XPS some of the factors such as temperature, radiation level and water quality have experienced a remarkable improvement according to the standards for the development of life.


In detail it can be pointed out that the temperature has been reduced to 20°C due to the elimination of toxic agents in the environment, reaching a new range of 15°C to 45°C. In addition, the level of radioactivity has decreased, thus showing a better behavior of gases such as ozone. On the other hand, water is the element that has obtained significant improvements, with it the efficiency of the XPS system has been verified for the treatment of the environmental conditions of any part of the universe.

All the improvements have allowed the growth of vegetation where before only dunes were formed, clearly showing an advance in the development of life on the planet Mars, experts say that more benefits will come thanks to the implementation of XPS.
  ·  6 years ago 

Your description is very good,
I feel so too think,
Plants are really a miracle of life.

Hi @jadnven

Thanks for your thoughts and a great description

Every day sit in the same place that shabby sofa prepare the seconds that emanate from the wall clock that beats my head like the alarm and as the seconds increase the remaining seconds of life will be reduced with me and any life is not at the age of eighty Look around me to bring back the deadly daily routine to find that cat with fewer teeth than the rest of my teeth to realize that it needs more death than I need, those curtains, oh those curtains, if I could tear up the rest of its worn threads to see that outside world through that window Shattered, but who argue?! How can I see the sunlight from those huge factories that filled the area, and how can I breathe after it has become the filtered lungs of those black fumes that I no longer know are fumes? Or pull thunder. I never looked like I was looking out of the window to see all those vast orchards and play from morning to evening without fatigue. One day, time will take from me all my childhood happiness and turn it into stones and iron piles producing all these toxins, They say it's factories! The plants that make only the smoke and the waste that I think one day it will become a beast eating the old ones who have no life in them any human being speaks to them ... Yes, without shame, I mean myself! And how the youth to pass and the ages are as old as I have been and washed away with my husband, whom I did not know before the meaning of being the most beautiful woman in the world, because there was no women in his world other than me, ah if time or come forward to go to another life in which he gave even one moment I remember all The days of that year that we lived together before he died in front of that damned truck, yes I still remember it ... A rusty blue driven by a drunken young man running away from a man who almost killed him with a rifle for stealing his rusty truck. Make my seventy-six days beyond hell unbearable. What's that sound ?! Do you know? I forgot that voice as if it were a scan of my imagination, a moment please, visitor, I told him to arrange the place that had passed seven decades and I did not open the door to a visitor, except the boy who has the bike now and I see the qualities of his grandson in it. Life is hungry. I said with great enthusiasm I prefer my son ... and opened the door with its loudness and the entrance with dust of the years, and I did not know that this moment will be the last moment in my life, and I passed before I know from the door ... Video Science Fiction What do we see in television and storyboards Of inventions will remain fiction? Watch this video to learn how many scientific fantasies have become a reality

Hi @kertmason

thanks for your thoughts and the story

It is said that a lazy boy named Hans was grazing the sheep against his will. One day he was thinking, "If I had a wife who cared for the sheep instead of me, so that my youth would not be lost at work I wanted to invest my youth in rest and enjoy the bed." Famous as lazy like him and her family rejoiced that someone came to address her and who came to address her! It is Hans lazy and as the saying goes (a cook and covered). He married Hans Elza and lived in a small house and took Elza to take care of the sheep every day and one day the husband went out with his wife to graze sheep and not because he became active, but because he was tired of sleep he wanted to come out and tired a little so that he feels the taste of sleep after fatigue, "Why, my dear husband, do not we sell these goats and buy a beehive from our neighbor instead?" She asked. He said to her, "You have a clever wife, really you are wonderful, are not the bees better?" He goes out every day to collect the nectar without going out with him and we tire ourselves and come back in the evening with a lot of honey and we only have to take this honey. "Honey is easy to store, but milk is faster than corruption." So they went to the neighbor and Badla Al-Anz in the cell and the neighbor accepted it willingly. And they spent the night and the day on their bed relax and put on the bed above the top of a jar of honey and beside the bed and put sticks to let the jar easily need to get up from the bed, and one day Hans said to Elza "Women love to eat a lot of sweets and I think you have been equipped to "My wife said to him," What do you think we sell from this honey and buy a goat for the price we sell from her milk and buy a cow and this so that we have enough to need? "He said," Yes, it is a wonderful idea, but we need to sponsor them, we will not waste Our best time at work! " "What do you think, a child?" Elsa said. He said to her, "So this is the best solution," and she said to him, "How is it that if you stick and do not hear your words, or if he is lazy he does not like to work?" He said to her, "I will put his head on this stick." Honey on the ground, but they said in Brod, "We have relieved who are the cattle and we have satisfied who are the son of the sinner, it was a shock tired our nerves Come on us sleep to rest from this shock

Hi @austinedward

thanks for your thoughts and the story

Beautiful picture @xpilar!

I would like to live by the sea
So almost at the water's edge
To sand, horizon and mountains
And the wave kisses the tracks
I would like to live by the sea
To believe in my face blew
So that I lived, not knowing grief
And in the evening, putting a chair
On the terrace for a cup of tea
I watched the scarlet sunset
Quiet beach, illuminated by the rays
And on the waves of gold roll
I would like to live by the sea
Listen to the singing of the waves in silence
See the sky, the sunset and the mountains
But for now it's only me who dreams!

  ·  6 years ago 

People always dream about he want's thing,
But often it is can not to get it,
he only can to dream,
Read your article,
Caused my sentimentality.

Hi @serkagan

thanks for your beautiful poem

The lion is the king of the jungle and the little mouse tells that lion is the king of the forest and the strongest of its inhabitants was once asleep when a small mouse in the same forest began to run around him and jump over him and make annoying sounds, which worried the lion's sleep and made him wake up. When the lion rose from his sleep he was angry. He put his huge fist over the mouse and bellowed and opened his mouth to swallow the little mouse with one bite. Then the mouse shouted with a trembling voice of fear, hoping that the lion would forgive him, and said This time this time this time and not the other King of the jungle I promise you not to do this again, and I will not forget your knowledge with me. I can respond to you someday. How can you help me as the Lion King of the jungle and you little mouse? Laughed the mouse, laughing. Al-Sudaad decided to release the mouse simply because he told him what he had laughed at. He lifted his grip on him and let him go about it. The days passed on that incident until some hunters in the forest could catch the lion and tie it to a tree trunk. Then they set out to fetch a cart to take the lion to the zoo. When the fishers were absent looking for the cart, the little mouse passed by the tree with which the lion was tied, to see the lion in an unenviable predicament. The little mouse bitten the ropes used by the hunters to fix the lion and his family. Yes I was right, a little mouse can help the king of the jungle he said happily. Not only is he measured by his size, but by his act, and everyone will need to help others someday, even if he is stronger than them.

Hi @danielsamuel

thanks for your thoughts and the story

In one country there was a prince and this prince lived in the palace of Hu and his wife and his small child and they have a loyal dog wonder people from his relationship with this prince and his family this dog has a special place in the heart of the Prince treated him and treated his family and loyal to go with him All trips and places even while going to catch. One day the prince's wife died suddenly the prince grieved with her grief. After a period of her death she decided to go on a fishing trip to forget his grief and start a new beginning but he hesitated about the matter of his child. Where would he put it? And who will trust him to take care of his son? He chose his loyal dog because it was better for the job. The prince went on his journey but did not enjoy it because his dog friend did not accompany him as he always did, and because he worried about his only son with the dog he decided to return early to his home. When the prince approached the house the dog came from a distance running and he was very sick, and the dog was covered with blood !! The Prince was terrified and started yelling at the dog what happened? what happened ? The dog hops around it. The Prince ran to the house, frightened and rushed to his child's bed and found him empty. All the covers and the house were stained with blood. He felt only anger and regret that he had left the child with the dog without human care and began to cry and cry. While he was crying, he heard the voice of his little boy. He got up and ran to look for him. He found him in the next room playing on the ground. Next to him was a wolf-like animal lying on the ground, covered with blood. The prince completed his crying with regret for what he had done and knew that the dog did not kill his child but killed the wolf who tried to eat him. He quickly returned to rescue his dog and found him dead. Since then, the prince has never smiled and lived sadly against his friend

Hi @angelinafederer

thanks for your thoughts and the story

Hello sir @xpilar, I try to describe my thought. I Hope its related.

First I have to say the initiative to listen to what was said and imagined by other steemian about digital art is very fun and useful. You get a lot of valuable input here. I like reading some of the comments and making it as inspiration in my posts. Thanks for that.

Well, about your digital art now, I like it because I'm glad you made nature as a digital art object. As a lover of nature, I imagine that the 4 elements here are an interesting blend. The Grass, the sand, the sea and the sky of different colors. Each implies a different life. The land inhabited by sand mixed with soil can give life to plants, the sea gives life to fish and other sea animals and the sky with the sun makes the colors varied. All are in the same planet, Earth.

All of this is dedicated to humans. As humans we are given the mandate to maintain it, when we are excited to see the beauty and naturalness, at the same time we have obligation to keep it, when the heart feels sad when nature is destroyed, at the same time the obligation comes and arises to us to repair it.

My best regard @khaimi

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @khaimi

thanks for your thoughts and a nice description

  ·  6 years ago 

say very Good.
Humans should protect nature,
Care for plants,
Not to destruction them.

It is said that not long ago in time that a fisherman lived in a small house next to the end, and this fisherman every day wake up and go with his tools to the forest to catch an estimated species of birds to sell, and one day the fisherman went out into the forest and began to prepare And when he guided the gun towards the target if a girl on the degree of ingenious beauty has not seen him since the awareness of the world appear before him, so that he could not speak to her with the intensity of what the beauty of her paper, and in a few minutes this girl disappeared in front of his face , So this young man decided to go to this place every morning until he saw this The girl again speaks with her.
And this was what happened, was this young man whenever he sleeps he went to the same place where the girl saw to see from afar, and one day he decided to be surprised by the fact that he has a chest in her chest, and sets with her a date to ask her hand from her father, but in The next day when he went to the same place did not find the girl and remained on that several days and the girl never appear.
The young man began to search for this girl in the outskirts of the town asked by all the people who know him and those who do not know him, but he could not find them with all this research, and then risked by one of the ideas to draw a picture showing the features that established in his memories, The boy drew this picture and spread it all over the town. After a few days this young man came by phone. The young man replied that he had found the girl who spoke and talked to him. The first thing the girl told him was: Why do you want me? Why do you exhaust yourself in searching for me?
He said to him: "I want to marry you. There is no way to live with you. I want to go to your father to ask for your hand from him. We get married and we live and we build our house, but the girl She told the young man that her father wanted to marry her from a rich man who grew up many years and she did not love him, he said to her: I go to ask your hand from your father.
Then he went directly to her house and spoke to her father about the matter and asked him for her hand, but the girl's father made a stipulation stipulating that he should bring him like the wealth of the man who offered to his daughter and he agreed to it within a week only.
The young man sold all his possessions and went to trade to earn and win and earn money to win the girl, so he worked day and night, leaving no moment or minutes, but he worked hard and worked hard and fought time. He worked all these days, but the young man could not raise money. In this simple period, the young man decided to go to the girl's father to give him the money he had received and to ask him to give him another week.
The young man went to the father of the girl at the height of sorrow and grief and embarrassment, but he was surprised a big surprise as he opens the door of the house, so many guests and a big party like a wedding, and thought the young man from the time that the girl's wedding on the wealthy man owner of a lot of money, but the father of the girl rushed him and told him : He will not find a better than a young man like him to be a husband to his daughter, and he says to him: I have proved your need for my daughter; and you are the people to marry them, the girl's engagement with the young man and married and became their lives to the happiness and happiness, and gave two children in the most beautiful beauty, and their lives in the most love and affection And familiarity.
This was our story today, a story that was very interesting to a very large extent, and took us to rejoice in the love of love that is never full of man, this is the story of the young man and girl who met the love and affection and mercy and ended up to marriage and happy life, This is a life of tranquility that is a manifestation of love that afflicts the hearts of lovers. If a man loves, let his love be pure, clean, clean, free of impurities, hypocrisy, betrayal or treachery, Get him only to yoko Loving honestly not hypocrisy in love and betrayal

Hi @sadstory

thanks for your thoughts and story a nice story

They are lovers in a dangerous time.

The story of a poor couples to be, both has to struggle for their lives from childhood age, not long after they finished their primary school level the guy mother passed away; life becomes so hard for the guy that he couldn't longer further his educational career, he decided to learn vocational skills to support his blind father and his two younger brother.

Few weeks later, he was coming from where he is learning his technical work coincidence police was chasing a group of thug's unfortunately he was arrested as one of the gang's members, he told them who he was but police didn't listen, they took straight to police station with others gang's members as well.

When an information reached his family, his dad who is blind was led to the police station; they ask him to bail his son out but he couldn't get money, the old man went home and started seeking helps from neighbor, lucky he got the money and bail his son out! When the guy gf heard from where she was Hawking she run home straight she met her bf in tear, she wipe his tear and care for him ... Few later he started his technical learning on his way back again when he got to the place where he was arrested with gangs he bursted to tear and sited besides the road, a young rich lady was driving her car around and see this Young man, she stop by parking her car and talk to him, not long their relationship started growing non-stop, this this guy doesn't have time for the poor gf which they started together from nothing; few months later the rich buy him a car and this poor man life changes, he built house's for his dad everyone was hailed him and prayer for him

On Xmas Eve, him and his rich gf went to partyand while they are on their way to house, they are crossed and shoot dead dead, not all glitter are gold's..

Thanks for the the good work Snr @xpilar for share with us.

Hi @davidad

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

You are welcome Snr. @xpilar


An atheist man once challenged a man and the world set a date for the meeting between him and the atheist man, and the date would be attended by people from all sides. The atheist man arrived at the appointed time and world was late. The atheist said to those present: I am afraid that I will defeat the evil of defeat. This has been proven by my words that this universe has no god.
Suddenly the world came and apologized to the attendees for his delay. He said that the reason for his delay in coming was that he did not find a boat that would bring him to the beach. The Muslim world completed his words, but suddenly there were wooden planks that gathered together until I formed a knee and came to you immediately.
The atheist man says that your world and your jurist are crazy. How do you gather wooden planks and be a boat without a man making them? How does the boat move without being moved by people? So he smiled the world and said, What do you say about yourself, atheist? You say that the vast universe we live It has no God.

The wisdom of a woman

Omar ibn al-Khattab raised the pulpit one day and delivered a sermon to the people. He said in his sermon not to exaggerate the people in the ponies of the girls and the women. He completed his words and said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his companions did not increase the dowry to 400 dirhams. AED 400.

Al-Faruq said: "Yes, I said this." The woman said, "Did you not hear the words of Allaah?" (And one of them came to Qantara) Al-Kuntar means a lot of money, O Commander of the Believers. Here Omar ibn al-Khattab said: "Forgive me, and go up the pulpit again," and he said: "I have guided you not to increase the dowry. Whoever wants to give his money as he pleases.

One dirham

One of the jurists went and said to him, My brother died and left an inheritance of 600 dirhams. When the inheritance was divided, they gave me only one dirham. The faqih thought a little. He said: Does your brother have a wife and mother, two daughters?

The wife of the deceased has the price of inheritance, and is 75 dirhams, and two daughters two thirds, and this is equal to 400 dirhams, and his mother a sixth and this is worth 100 dirhams.

And the rest shall be distributed to his twelve brothers and to his sister, and the man shall take the weakness of the woman. Thus shall every brother take two dirhams, and the rest of the inheritance is yours, which is only one dirham.

Hi @victoria6

thanks for your thoughts and good story


Example of Life

There is a phrase widely used by our parents that says "Nothing is easy in this life", so strength and will are indispensable to counteract the difficulties we face.

There are many examples that we can use to motivate ourselves and have a good perspective on our growth.

Nature through flora gives us the opportunity to show us how to overcome adversity, a group of herbs burst from a dry and salty soil to grow and deliver their greenery to the outside for the benefit of their environment.

Every seed grows and strengthens if it is willing to grow, no matter the circumstances, there are no excuses that allow you to retreat in the desire to develop and transform your body.

If there is one person who has difficulty coping with the hard life, just look at the countless examples of perseverance that exist around him.

Don't stop, the growth of you alone depends on you and nothing else.

Hi @adeljose

Thanks for your thoughts and a great description

The orphan girl

In her uncle's house, this miserable, orphaned girl lived a miserable, miserable life. She worked as a maid in her uncle's house. The insults always descended on her head, and then this girl turned into an inner school. The schoolmaster hated the girl very much because no one knew him. This school is very neglected in everything in the organization, arrangement and food, until the disease appeared on the students because of this neglect and died a number of students, including the friend of this girl close.
After this problem, the decision to change the director came, and the principal of the school in her time improved the study and improve the level of students, and then improve the level of orphan girl.
With the passage of time and eight years after the study of the girl in school, became a teacher in the same school for two years, and then left the school to work in the field of private education, and wealthy wealthy to contact the girl to teach and educate his daughter.
Romantic beach
This girl went to work and met the owner of the job, and the acquaintance between them, and began to educate the girl girl small, and was conducting talks between this rich girl after finishing work with the girl, and over the days began to admire the rich girl, he found a special girl deserves to be The lawyer came to the news that this man is married and his wife is alive, the man agreed to this, he married many years ago a girl of girls discovered that his wife and his wife survived, and he agreed to marry him. Madness did not want to be released Vbqha serve in the palace Mercy by them.
The girl felt her heart broken and she decided to leave her fiancé because he did not tell her the truth of the matter and she considered herself to have taken him from his wife and went to her uncle's house, but the man did not control himself and took him very hard. The girl stayed at her uncle's house for two years, , And then this is the case for her cousin offered to marry her; she refused to expel her, and she created the predestination to meet the first man whom she loved and learned about the death of his former wife, and asked to marry her again and he answered his request, and made their wedding and lived a good life

hi @robertokossy

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

At the university, a young man saw his colleague, who noticed that she was a very good and very religious person. She loved her very much and loved him too. The two of them met inside the university among the rest of the classmates and colleagues, none of them exceeding the limits of the relationship.
After the completion of the university years and after graduation and graduation from the university work young man in a respectable job, and months after taking over the job made the engagement of the girl and married and lived a happy life and passed them after the problems and obstacles that spawn any marital life, but their love was greater than all these problems

Hi @jaxsonevan

thanks for your thoughts and a nice story

A rich man invited a group of people to eat a meal of fresh and delicious fish. When a man named Achaf came, the rich man advised people to take the biggest fish and hide them away so that no one would eat them before.
But when he came to Asheb, he told them that he would not eat the fish because his father had died in the sea and the fish had eaten the remains of his father. The people said to him, "You have to take your revenge from the fish and eat it in revenge for the spirit of your late father.
And suddenly he saw the great fish that the people hid from him. He understood their intention. He stood up and grabbed the big fish. He claimed that the fish had spoken to him and told the people that the fish said that they were young at the time of my father's death, so they did not eat from my father's meat. All in retaliation for the spirit of your father

Hi @oscarliam

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

Love is a must for man to live to live to breathe life, man without love can not complete his life so, but must be love to impart beauty in human life, and the person who does not love must be dead, love is life, Love is the sense that man has directed towards the beloved in order to perform the duties of his duties such as engagement and marriage, and Love, which is without a sermon and without marriage, this love is not real, but is a loss to the young man and the girl at the same time together, And we warn of this kind of love, and the story today is a beautiful story of a girl and young man attracted heart to each other were like one heart, and faced the young circumstance but he managed to overcome the circumstances and win his love

Hi @stephencody

thanks for your thoughts and story


This seemingly ordinary grassland is actually the last grass on earth. I am also the only human being. I have been guarding this grass. I have lived for more than 1,000 years by cloning equipment. I am ten years old this year, my father who is last me, just died. Every poor me can only live thirty years old.

Hi @helloroger

thanks for your thoughts and description

What a wonderful art work, I like the combination of desert and all this green

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you

Dear sir,

There have a great thinking of yourself for this art that my imagination, finding up a water resource in any desert is really so difficult, if we are able to find it's really great hopeful for us, it's seem to be difficult to find out planet on desert, if it is it's a message of hope.

With your great digital art i'm feeling like that, Our struggle life is like as a desert, some symptoms from our life make us hopeful and make us more confidence about our life to move forward.

Thank your for your good message

Hi @steemaddiction

thanks for your thoughts and description

Greetings friend @xpilar, this image reminds me of the beaches of Falcón-Venezuela, they are very beautiful and between their sands you can see a small set of green areas, I like your work.

Nice to hear, thank you

Hello @xpilar, nice to meet you again. Your digital image is very interesting to describe. according to my description, your digital image shows that life must be done with the struggle. there is no turning back. also with plants in the middle of the ocean. even though he grows in the middle of the ocean, and although he grows on dry land, he still grows. he continues to grow.

bergitu also tried to work on this steem platform. even though the price of steem and low are currently low, one must keep trying to give the best, and not give up.

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice to hear

Dear @xpilar,

Firstly i'm appreciating your talents for digital art, dear here i'm trying to share my thought trough your art.

I'm love to thinking about our country all the time, how to i can contribute for my country, which platform can help me to spread my thought to my country people, what i want to do for my country people, among them steemit one my favorite one, here i'm always searching for good thought and creativity and pick them, and try to apply them for our society and country people, here i'm really motivated by you to making digital art.

In our country unemployment problem is the biggest problem for our generation, because of scarcity of work, our youth are so talented but they are not technical, because they are not getting facilities.

Digital art can be huge for our generation to solve unemployment problem a little bit, if i can present it very positively thorough them, sir i'm trying to gather knowledge on digital art, that i can explore it.

Thanks a lot.

Hi @shadonchandra

thank's for your feedback

You are most welcome.

On the Phone it looked like it Was real at first glance.

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you so much @flipstar

I imagine playing in the sand with my cousins, the sun burning and the breeze. Hiding in the undergrowth to find us and spend the day laughing for mischief.
I like your art.

thanks for your thoughts and a nice description

image has a fantastic color mix I see it as the entrance to a magical world it looks sensational and although there must be a lot of cold the magic does not allow it to be cold we must enjoy every moment that comes our way

thank you so much @frankhood

A fantasy atmosphere full of color and part of the sky, I imagine that it is already at dusk. An abandoned island, where relaxation is paramount, the sound of the sea and tranquility. It seems to be uninhabited.

Hi @gustavoadolfodca

thanks for your thoughts and a nice description

Oh yes @xpilar, the beach on the warm sea makes me very happy, especially now, when it’s snowing and frost outside, there is a strong desire to go to this fantastic place and be in paradise!

Nice to hear, thanks

A very beautiful picture and this endless seascape looks just amazing. The wild beach by the sea tells me about an untouched nature, can only cause admiration!

thank you so much

@mukhtarilyas, grass on the edge of the lake. @xpilar, When low tide is formed natural relif in the gap of the grass. The pattern formed is very dependent on tidal and tidal waves. or natural relifs formed by heavy rain and flowing through the grass. thank you

thank you so much

Poto di laut ditemani oleh rumput dan matahari yang menyinari laut sehingga terlihat sangat indah...

thank you

Maybe this is cook island near New Zealand, at least it reminds of that.

thank you

Super nice artwork, This makes me think of perhaps an expensive beach hotel in Italy or France.

thank you so much

Im feeling that im living in other world and in ocean there is nobody beside me nice fiction

thank you so much

This is one of the most photo realistic imaginations :D

thank you so much

what a great pic.

thank you

I am seeing here Mission impossible is possible.
A drowning man will clutch at a straw .

Posted using Partiko Android

thanks for your thoughts and description

very nice digital-art my friend @xpilar

thank you

Nice artwork as usual!

thank you

Any time anywhere possible anything in the world .

Posted using Partiko Android

thanks for your thoughts and description

Wow!!!! Really this is lot of beautiful art imagination.. Beautiful combination..

thank you so much

This design is wonderful its enter my heart i like this imagination sea

thank you

Absolutely superb creativity I like it and to continue your activities @xpilar...
Upvote and resteemit done.

thank you

Hey @xpilar ,
That's a great idea of imagination.. keep it up and Carry on your activities

thank you

How are you @xpilar..
I see your post after some days but not fact I see your post and I am happy now..
Upvote and resteemit done..

thank you

Your are a great artist I think and actually I love art and your create your own imagination ..just like it.. thanks for sharing..

thank you

Hellow @xpilar..I appreciate your post and actually your every so very attractive and marvelous and I will wait for your next post..

thank you

The deserts that have life, I say so because there are grasslands that grow. Your imagination is amazing @xpilar. Searched but hard to get.

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thank you

Great design of digital art This image seems like a place which is covered by water. A very cold water

Nice to hear, thanks @simonblake

Great art design..

thank you

Wow, that looks so realistic! Great Artwork @xpilar !

thank you

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

hello @xpilar
beautiful digital art my friend.
this art is looks like dessert and planet at dessert.. blue sky with clouds make it more beautiful.. another awesome digital art my friend. thanks for share with us...

Nice to hear, thank you @tussar11

Nice imagination. It seems like some nice, romantic beach side. It would be pleasure to chill out in that place 😘

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice to hear

nice one xpilar can you share some tutorial to make masterpieces like that!

Hi @ hichemfetoui

You can find information here great website i will check them in my free time

If i didn't know better i would say you took a picture of the beach with your iphone :)

thank you so much

Chill evening sun at a beach! :D

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you

Very interesting imagination design color if there is a place like this on this world many people will come and witness an extraordinary beauty Greetings success for you

Nice to hear, thank you @isabellalucas

Beautiful image, you are a very creative and dreamy person.
The beach, the sand, the water... It's great.

thank you so much @anasuleidy

Good image, I like the way the clouds are arranged, and the green area looks somewhat three-dimensional, good work.

thank you so much

Very beautiful and fantastic digital art. You are a artist @xpilar. I like your work.

thank you so much

great and very nice digital-art my dear friend @xpilar

thank you

I like this creation, it gives me the perception that it is a view of a paradisiacal place, the wild but welcoming nature. The mix of colors is at a perfect point

Nice to hear, thank you

nice picture. It looks like a desert, but with vegetation, lots of grass

thank you

the beautiful and excellent art.
amazing your work @xpilar

thank you

thank you again @xpilar

Beautiful imagination photo i liked this mixed colors you are professional designer

thank you so much

Beautiful picture @xpilar and this fiction image is amazing

thank you

Frankly Very beautiful picture and your creativity delights me

thank you

best regards @xpilar Imagination is a dream of something better than reality and those who do not think about their non-reality see nothing but their feet and usually fall

Nice to hear, thank you

An amazing sight, I always like the beauty that is still natural.
Great @xpilar

thank you

Wonderfull painting imagination thank you for share this art

thank you

Your every digital art I see and that's a best one than other image..

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

thank you

Why did mack-bot flag you?

I don,t know @xpilar

Hello @xpilar, all a work of art your image, it seems that you traveled somewhere and took a photograph looks very real.
Extraordinarily beautiful image, blessings to you.

thank you

Why did mack-bot flag you?

Hello friend @xpilar, I have no idea of your negative vote, maybe you don't like my way of commenting.
@mack-bot I would like to know the reason for your negative vote

hi @ leca

I think many are struggling with @mack bot now

the owner of @mack bot is @patrice, try to write to her

That looks so realistic, I almost can't believe it is not an actual picture!

thank you

Why did mack-bot flag you?

Lost in the desert!
Every morning I wake up hoping for a rescue, I've been lost for more than a month, the plane I was traveling with had a problem, I got it from heaven and I'm the only survivor.

Take everything I thought was good for my survival and now I walk towards all the senses waiting for my rescue, it is good that I found this beautiful space where I could rest and recharge my strength.

Congratulations as always it is a pleasure for me to review your beautiful publications!

thank you

Why did mack-bot flag you?

Friend, thank you for your trust! the bot error has already been resolved, I am released ... By people like you, steemit remains, Agradesido @xpilar

Are you sure you didn't go outside and you know take a picture...

hehe, yes for sure
spent a few hours on the PC to make it

Lost in the desert!
Every morning I wake up hoping for a rescue, I've been lost for more than a month, the plane I was traveling with had a problem, I got it from heaven and I'm the only survivor.

Take everything I thought was good for my survival and now I walk towards all the senses waiting for my rescue, it is good that I found this beautiful space where I could rest and recharge my strength.

Congratulations as always it is a pleasure for me to review your beautiful publications!

Congratulations @xpilar!
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Thanks for sharing your valuable post @xpilar.
Keep it up

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