The image is made of own imagination and thoughts (competition 58)

in art •  5 years ago 

Time for a contest again, where you are the author

Digital art made by @xpilar

Be creative, Make a good story out of my digital picture

You join easily,

You post your story with my picture on your blog.

Yes your blog

and you also post the story in the comment box
here on my blog and with a link to your post

Those who choose to write a story and publish it on their own
blog page gets rewarded by me with an upvote for it on your site

Remember to add the link here when you have posted so I can see it

city under wather 1 A.jpg

See the picture better CLIK HERE, view full size

Here you see a bit when I create the image in
the 3D program before I put on effects and colors

city under wather 1 vise 1.jpg

city under wather 1 vise 2.jpg

I am grateful for a comment about my Digital art

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
Be creative when creating the story

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

La creatividad es una fuerza interna que lleva al ser humano a plasmar según sus habilidades,
permanece latente mientras se va experimentando para determinar cual es la verdadera vocación.
Cuando queda identificada, drena esa energía como un torrente para expresar lo que hay dentro
de sí.En muchos casos con el estilo que le agrega el fundamental aspecto de un verdadero arte.
Hay creatividades que quedan proyectadas desde lo más remoto de nuestra subconsciencia
motivada por el cúmulo de conceptos entre los que están el mecanismo de defensa –de protección-,
Y en el caso específico de tu imagen xpilar, los elementos pudieron haber surgido de algo semejante,
debido a las estrategias que constantemente el ser humano tiene que implementar por causa de los fenómenos ambientales.
Allí se percibe una edificación a la orilla del mar cerca de una pequeña y decorativa cadena de montañas que engalanan el ambiente.A a la que se le añadió ciertos refuerzos con estructura metálica resistente
“para preservarlo” de las constante erosiones provocadas por las partículas de arena sopladas por el
viento, además del efecto de los oleajes, mientras los turistas disfrutan de su estadía, y, con cierto grado
de seguridad. Ah, y donde no deja de asomarse, “allá, en el horizonte", la luz, de un nuevo amanecer.La
que no debe dejar de brillar tanto externa como internamente, para poder estar en armonía con tan hermosa creación.

Hi @brismar

You have your own ability to describe with words that are at a high level.
Are you a teacher, professor or possibly also a priest? just a little curious 🙂

Thanks for your descriptions of my digital art

Hola, gracias xpilar por tu apreciación. Sí, soy Maestra en educación. Soy socia de SACVEN (Sociedad de Autores y Compositores de Venezuela) carnet N°11112, y autora del libro "DESTELLOS" que aparece en la descripción personal de mi perfil, en esta red social, y de otros cuantos que aun no he publicado. Me es muy grato profundizar y describir tus magistrales diseños, (mientras El Creador me permita tal capacidad) en diversos campos del ramo, que espero perdure. Cada quien con su don Uno complementa al otro. Bendiciones.

Thanks for your feedback, then my thoughts were somewhat correct.

Yes, I like that you comment on my digital photos.
As you say. ada quien con su don Uno complementa al otro.
👍 Bendiciones.

this has to be the best yet in under water series so cool :)

thank you so much @blazing

Hola @xpilar esta es mi participación en tu concurso de Art Digital. Espero haber cumplido con todos los requisitos.

Hello @xpilar this is my participation in your Art Digital contest. I hope I have fulfilled all the requirements.


thanks for the great story @ jexus77

coffeea Lucky you @xpilar here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness

Hi @daniella619

Well done, I haven't seen that myself.
So I had to try to flip the picture myself.
And your description was correct, hehe

It took me some time to figure it out

Hello, this is my first participation in your competition, I hope you like it! Regards!!

thanks for the poem @sughey


Hola @xpilar, acabo de realizar una publicación usando tu imagen, este es el link

Espero que el relato sea de tu agrado, gracias.

Hi @amart29

thanks for the great story with part 4


Hello My post .. Thank you for making creativity flow through your images. Congratulations.

Hi @tormenta
thanks for the great story and picture :)

  ·  5 years ago 

thank you @cloudblade for your thoughts and great description

thanks for the great story @panksero

Hi @xpilar here is my entry. Thanks for this post.

Hi @vgalue

Scary to use mobile phone while driving, thanks for the story

thank you @renataboreal for your thoughts and great description


thank you @nevlu123 for your love story

thanks for beautiful poetry @zhanavic69

Hey @xpilar, here is a little bit of BEER from @cloudblade for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

Hello friend @xpilar
Here's my entry, I think I was a little bold in what I did, see what you think:

Hi @josevas217

thanks for the great story and great composition with the pictures

Hi @botefarm

this was a new and fun way to describe the image

Another competition is here.
Thanks @xpilar for this.
This is my post

thanks for great description @ddn688

Thanks to you too

Hi @lisfabian

thanks for the wonderful and mysterious story

very nice imagination my dear friends

Colour challenge underwater city

thanks for the description @golden.future

very beautiful art and drawing contest...

thanks for the description and pictures @skylaa

Wow nice picture

Posted using Partiko Android

thanks for great description @teresah

thanks for great description @elcorrecamino