BlogHide Resteemsresteemedcjsdns (89)in hive-160196 • 3 years ago길길/cjsdns 세상에 널려 있는 길 내길은 어떤 길인가 길을 못 찾아 방황하는 사람들아 길은 찾는 게 아니라 만드는 것 이란다. 찾으려면 망막하나 만들려 하는 마음 생기면 그게 곧 길이다. 길/cjsdns 길이 없어 못 간다는 사람 길은 있으나 두려워 못 간다는 사람 길은 없으나 만들며라도 가겠다는…resteemedcjsdns (89)in hive-160196 • 3 years ago동반 성공동반 성공/cjsdns 말은 좋다, 동반 성공 그러나 이는 무척 힘들다 너무너무 힘들다. 그러기에 더욱 의미 있고 빛을 발하는 것인지 모르겠다. 살아오면서 동반 성공이란 말은 많이 들어왔어도 사실 실생활이나 사회에서 동반 성공이란 말뿐인 경우가 허다하다. 그렇지만 실질적으로 동반 성공을 목격하고 부러워한 것은 애터미를 알고부터이다.…resteemedrme (90)in hive-129948 • 3 years agoকমিউনিটি একাউন্টগুলির নিরবিচ্ছিন্ন পাওয়ার বৃদ্ধিতে একটি মিটিং অ্যাডমিন এবং মডারেটরদের সঙ্গেপাওয়ার আপ মিটিং একটি কমিউনিটি'র সফলতার পিছনে সব চাইতে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করে কমিউনিটির কিউরেশন সিস্টেম । ঠিকঠাক কিউরেশন না হলে ভালো মানের ব্লগাররা কমিউনিটিতে ব্লগিং করতে অনিচ্ছা প্রকাশ করেন…resteemedrme (90)in hive-129948 • 3 years agoIndian Museum ভ্রমণ -পর্ব ৫২ [শেষ পর্ব]Indian Museum ভ্রমণ -পর্ব ৫২ পূর্বের এপিসোড : Indian Museum ভ্রমণ -পর্ব ৫১ হ্যালো বন্ধুরা, শুভ দুপুর বন্ধুরা, কেমন আছেন সব ? আজকে লিখতে মোটেই ইচ্ছে করছে না । টায়ার্ড খুব, সাথে মনটাও…resteemedcyberrn (85)in hive-136561 • 3 years ago20220315 | 아침 고구마호박고구마 10kg 34,800원! 며칠 전 6개 3,000원 주고 샀던 호박고구마. 7개에서 4개는 아래 사진과 같은 상태! 부르르~ 호박고구마 가격과 야무진 모습에 홀려 사들고 왔다. 고구마는 잘 보관하는 것이 중요! 그럴 자신이 없는 나! 그래서 모두 굽기! 냉동실 한 칸이 거의 고구마!resteemedsimonjay (77)in photography • 3 years agoFood PhotoShare 19/3/2022Photography or a image I feel often captures those treasured moments in ones life but I also find that just like the act of writing our collective pictures can also be an art-form. The beauty and…resteemedelmundodexao (63)in hive-109690 • 3 years agoMacrophotography The Little Frog's Visit. ♥♥ Macrofotografía La Visita de la Ranita.Hello Steemians friends… ☺☺☺ Hola amigos Steemians… After many days without seeing the little frog that hops around my garden, he finally came for a walk and I managed to take some pictures that…resteemedsimonjay (77)in steemit • 3 years agoDaily Steem Price Update 15/3/2022Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 15/3/2022. I have been posting the Steem price update since almost the very beginning of back in 2016 along with other…resteemedsuccessgr (86)in hive-101145 • 3 years ago[카카투자] 220220 _ 비트적금 5일차비트가 많이 떨어졌네요 떨어지거나 말거나... 적금은 매일매일 합니다. 제가 꾸준하게 하는건 좀 하는편인데요 우선 100일 목표로 해보겠습니다. 나중에 30일차 60일차 100일차에 가능하다면 포스팅 올려보겠습니다. 암튼 비트가 떨어져 계좌는 또~~~ 많이 빠졌군요 이것저것 아껴서 열심히 적금 부어보겠습니다. 요며칠 용돈…resteemedsuccessgr (86)in hive-101145 • 3 years ago[카카요리] 220220 _ 참치두부조림오늘도 어김없이 앞산에 등산을 다녀왔네요 하루에 밥을 2끼를 먹고 16시간 공복을 유지중이라 늦은 점심겸 저녁을 먹기로 했습니다. 냉장고에 남은 음식재료나 음식이 있음 제가 대부분 처리를 하는 편입니다. 오늘은 두부 반모가 남았네요 그래서 그냥 두부부침을 할까 하다.. 얼마전 유튜브에서 본 참치두부 조림을 해봅니다.…resteemedsimonjay (77)in photography • 3 years agoCat PhotoShare 25/2/2022Photography or a image I feel often captures those treasured moments in ones life but I also find that just like the act of writing our collective pictures can also be an art-form. The beauty and…resteemedhappycapital (87)in nutbox • 3 years ago11th Feb, 2022 STEEM and SBD holdings by exchangesExchange STEEM SBD Upbit 143,605,299 6,541,150 Bithumb 14,234,039 0 Probit 82,596 4 Binance 24,343,114 3 Huobi 2,317,467 0 Bittrex 35,322,421…resteemedhappycapital (87)in nutbox • 3 years ago..resteemedsimonjay (77)in steemit • 3 years agoDaily Steem Price Update 15/2/2022Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 15/2/2022. I have been posting the Steem price update since almost the very beginning of back in 2016 along with other…resteemedsimonjay (77)in steemit • 3 years agoDaily Steem Price Update 14/2/2022Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 14/2/2022. I have been posting the Steem price update since almost the very beginning of back in 2016 along with other…resteemedraven203 (84)in new • 3 years ago갑자기 급등새벽에 반등인지 모르겠으나 비트가 갑자기 10%넘게 반등 다시 시작인가요~ 떨어지지말고 1억까지 가즈아resteemedrme (90)in hive-129948 • 3 years agoফলাফল ঘোষণা : প্রতিযোগিতা - ১১ || শেয়ার করো তোমার সেরা ফটোগ্রাফি -শীতকালীন প্রাকৃতিক দৃশ্যহ্যালো বন্ধুরা, শীতকাল মানেই ভিন্ন এক অনুভূতির সিজন, ভিন্ন প্রাকৃতিক দৃশ্য উপভোগ করার সুযোগ আর এই সুযোগটাকে সুন্দরভাবে ব্যবহার করার জন্যই আমাদের এবারের আয়োজন ছিলো শীতকালীন প্রকৃতি নিয়ে। যেখানে…resteemedrme (90)in hive-129948 • 3 years agoফলাফল ঘোষণা : প্রতিযোগিতা "NFT এর জন্য আর্ট নির্মাণ করুন আর পুরস্কার জিতুন"Source (my own nft art) : গত সপ্তাহে আমি একটি ইউনিক প্রতিযোগিতার আয়োজন করেছিলাম । এটি ছিল "আমার বাংলা ব্লগ" এর সর্ব প্রথম এমন একটি আর্ট কনটেস্ট যেখানে আপনার করা আর্টটি NFT এর জন্য ব্যবহারযোগ্য ।…resteemedjondoe (85)in bitcoin • 3 years agoBitcoin is all setup to have a very good FebruaryBitcoin saw an RSI breakout and it broke then 4 month downtrend As it stands now, bitcoin is all setup to have a very good month of February and possibly beyond. It broke the 4 month long…resteemedjondoe (85)in bitcoin • 3 years agoTed Cruz buys the dip on Bitcoin!Bitcoin's biggest friend in Congress put his money where his mouth is... Ted Cruz bought the dip on bitcoin. According to a filing last night, Ted Cruz bought some bitcoin on the recent dip.…