[Winners] Halloween Poster Contest | 할로윈 포스터 수상작 발표

in artisteem •  6 years ago 

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[Winner Announcement] Halloween Poster Contest

Hello! This is Artisteem, the ultimate blockchain community for artists. First, we would like to thank everyone who participated in the contest. Your support is the fuel of this community. We Artisteem have reviewed every single artwork carefully. Shall we see who the winners are, then? (drumroll)

1 – 50STEEM

@whornung - [CO] UNFRIENDED

2 – 30STEEM

@kiwifi - [CO] DEER REVENGE

3 – 20STEEM

@smeralda - [CO] Cemetery

Congratulations to the selected artists! We Artisteem enjoyed looking at artworks from different perspectives. Let's move on to the reviews for the award-winning pieces.

First, let's take a look at 3rd place.
@smeralda - [CO] Cemetery
First, we would like to laud your effort in writing a detailed work process and even a synopsis. Your choice of positioning fonts in the poster and your photo of cemetery are spooked us all!

Next, the 2nd place artwork.
@kiwifi - [CO] DEER REVENGE
Again, thank you for your time in writing a detailed background and process in your post. We love how you turned the deer into a grim reaper and little details of your poster that make it look like a real movie poster.

The long-awaited # 1!
@whornung - [CO] UNFRIENDED
Where do we begin--the skull, or the animation? @whornung definitely gave us the chills in his carefully made motion artwork. Do not "unfriend" Artisteem, or we might haunt you, guys ;)

Thank you for your hard work. We hope you enjoyed the creating process! Again, your support is much appreciated.

*The selected three artists will be paid within a week.
*Art review always includes subjective perspectives.
*We have tried to write reviews from different perspectives from our end. Thank you for understanding.

We artisteem will work harder to create a better environment. Don't forget to comment and stay active!
Thank you.

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[수상작발표] 할로윈 포스터 콘테스트

안녕하세요! 크리에이터를 위한 공간을 만드는 아티스팀입니다. 먼저 콘테스트에 관심 가져주시고, 참여해주신 모든 분들의 성원에 진심으로 감사드립니다. 여러분이 보여준 열정만큼, 아티스팀도 열정을 다해 작품을 감상했습니다. 그럼 콘테스트 시상자를 발표하도록 하겠습니다!

1위 – 50STEEM

@whornung - [CO] UNFRIENDED

2위 – 30STEEM

@kiwifi - [CO] DEER REVENGE

3위 – 20STEEM

@smeralda - [CO] Cemetery

선정되신 아티스트 여러분 축하드립니다! 아티스팀에서는 다양한 관점에서 작품을 감상하였습니다. 시상 작품에 대한 감상평 한줄 함께 보시죠!

3위 먼저 감상하겠습니다.
@smeralda - [CO] Cemetery
먼저 친절한 창작배경과 시놉시스까지 써주셔서 감사드립니다. 포스터에 폰트위치와 으스스한 묘지사진이 소름돋네요!

다음은 2위 시상자의 작품입니다.
@kiwifi - [CO] DEER REVENGE
@kiwifi 님 또한 배경과 과정을 자세히 써주셔서 노력이 돋보입니다. 귀여운 사슴을 그림리퍼로 변신시키고 포스터에 세세한 디테일들이 실제 영화포스터 같습니다!

대망의 1위!
@whornung - [CO] UNFRIENDED
어디서 부터 말해야될까요? 해골? 애니메이션? @whornung 님은 환상적인 모션아트를 통해 이번 할로윈 진정한 무서움을 보여주셨습니다! 여러분, 아티스팀 "언프렌드" 하시면 귀신같이 쫓아갈지도 모릅니다 흐흐....

좋은 작품 출품해주셔서 감사합니다. 즐거운 작품창작 과정 가지셨길 바라며, 작품에 대한 열정을 보여주신 참가자분들께 리스펙을 보냅니다. 다시 한번 여러분의 많은 성원과 참여에 감사드립니다.

*선정되신 3분께는 일주일 내에 시상금이 지급될 예정입니다.
*예술은 언제까지나 주관적인 관점을 포함합니다.
*감상평을 통한 시상자 선정에 많은 공감 부탁드립니다.

꾸준히 발전하는 아티스팀이 되도록 노력하겠습니다. 앞으로도 많은 관심과 적극적인 참여 부탁드립니다.


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All the entries look good and it must be hard to judge them all.

Congratulations to the winners! :)

They all look convincing and are deserving to win 🍻🎭 congrats @whornung @smeralda @kiwifi 🤗

Congratulations to all!

I say, congratulations to the winners and continue the best works.

Thanks for your interest! Please follow @artisteem to get updates on development and notices.
Join our Discord server community for more information: https://discord.gg/bycktuE

COngratulations to these three awesome winners! :D

@whornung, @kiwifi and @smeralda congratulations for winning the positions and keep up the Artistic work.

@artisteem Team, Keep up and keep motivating and keep supporting the diversified Artists.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed team. 🙂

Congratulations to all the winners, the works are really created with a great fantasy and imagination, all the works have something spooky fits well ti spirit of Halloween. Good idea of the competition and it is nice to know that there is a platform supporting the Art works :)

Hello and welcome to www.artisteem.com! Please follow @artisteem to get updates on development and notices. Join our Discord server community for more information: https://discord.gg/bycktuE

Congratulations to all the winners!!!

Thanks for your comment! Please visit www.artisteem.com and submit your works.

Congrats. Excelente art.