Some Painting Fun to pass the Rainy Days away... :D

in artisteem •  6 years ago 

As you may remember, we are kind of overwhelmed lately. Anxiety is really hitting hard here, but we are trying new ways to deal with it and we have found some things that are helpful. Turns out we are dealing with OCD also, yikes!

It has also rained a TON here in south GA. They said around 6-9 inches, but according to what I have seen, there has been about 12 inches of sky juice! It's crazy!

How can you pass the rainy days away, you ask? Well, around here, as you probably know, we like to PAINT!

Usually, it is only @Sneklady and I who wish to paint, but this time the youngest 'Squid' joined in! We were thrilled to be able to share painting with him. He is not usually artistically inclined but he wanted to give it a try.

Without further ado, here are the results!

I'm still struggling to take good pictures of paintings, and I am pretty dissatisfied with these results, so if anyone out there has tips for me, that would be fantastic!

Painting by @SquishySquid:


Painting by @SnekLady:


Painting by 8 year old Squidling:

Honestly, I am frustrated with how the paintings show via photo. They really do look much better in person.

We had a load of fun doing these, though. We followed this video on youtube and really just enjoyed the crap out of it. I have yet to suck my husband or teenage son into painting with us, but that's okay, not every hobby is for everyone. ;) We actually have painting at the library coming up this weekend, and I am super excited to see how we fare, and to share our newest paintings with you guys!


Thanks, as always, for stopping by! Please, leave a comment and let me know how you are!

Have a lovely day Steemians! Thanks for all the sympathy in my last post. It brightened up my day! ♥


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Creative Commons License
This work by @SquishySquid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


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oh wow, these paintings are lovely. Have you tried taking them outside and snapping the photo in natural light?

Thank you very much!
That is a great idea! Ill try that next time. It was a rainy day and my interior light just didnt cut it...

My mother and sisters have participated in a number of wine-and-paint events, and always tend to turn out paintings with their own unique takes on whatever the program intended.

My youngest sister struggles with anxiety and OCD, and that made our trip to MN a bit difficult, especially on the return when we were both also very tired. You have my sympathy!

Haha, yes, it is so cool to see how everyone in the class ends up with a different painting, even though we were all painting the same thing!~

Thanks for the sympathy!
Its been a struggle for sure. You never realize how intense and upsetting anxiety and OCD can be until you or someone you love is plagued by it...

Feel free to steal my candy cane earrings idea if you want an easy project for the kiddos! If you want to use slightly-ireegular seed beads instead, they also work well. I will be leading a library class this Saturday. All you need are some 2" head pins, 4mm red and white beads, ear wires, 6mm jingle bells, and chain nose pliers. With the right coupons and sales you could make a lot for just $20. I don't know whether the ordered pattern would be soothing or extra-frustrating for someone dealing with anxiety and OCD though.

Ill show my daughter. She loves fancy dangly earrings, and she enjoys making jewelry. For her, I think the pattern would be satisfying. And its not like it is a difficult pattern.
I appreciate you sharing the materials needed, that will make it super easy! :D

Just remember that the head pins are fine for seed beads, but strung beads may not work depending on the source!

Good to know, thanks!!

Wow, these paintings are wonderful! I am so glad the everyone joined in on the fun, a great rainy day project. Really beautiful work!

Thanks so much! ♥

I think you all did a marvelous job with your paintings! Winter is a difficult time of year, in my opinion and experience. It brings out the worst in everybody. My youngest was diagnosed with OCD when she was about 10 or 11 years old. She had been driving us all crazy for at least 5 years, and I had no idea what was wrong. We found a great counselor who really helped her manage it, but the OCD still creeps out when she is stressed out or extra-tired. I hope you find workable solutions over there!

Thanks! Painting is so fun!
You certainly DO understand then!
She has had it for years now, but it was always low-key and manageable, but lately it has just exploded into something ridiculous... We are making progress and are trying to give her the tools to help her cope, but it is still a struggle daily...

The only painting I have ever done is the fences and the house, maybe someday I'll slap some paint on a canvas and see if I have any hidden artistic talents.
It looks like all three of you folks have them, nice work indeed. How long does it take from start to finish on a painting like those?

Haha give it a try, it is fun, even if then end result is not what you expect. But with these lessons, they give you step-by-step easy instructions, so anyone can do it.

This one took about 20min to do the background, then we had to let it dry. (Ate some lunch, played some board games...) Then the remainder probably took about an hour to an hour and a half, depending on how perfectionist you want to get, haha. My 8yo was actually done in about a half hour, I think I took an hour. My daughter took an extra 30 min because she was really trying to get it right. :)

When we take the class at the library, it generally goes on for about 3 hrs, because you have to wait for the rest of the class and so on...

Thanks for stopping by!

That sounds like just right amount of time for a rainy day for sure. I may decide to do it at some point in the future.

Paintings always look better in person. Only thing I can suggest (because I'm totally not a photographer and the only reason I can take decent pics at all is because there's a decent camera in the phone and I know just enough about things like composition to be a hazard to everyone in the general vicinity) is to put some lamps around it to try to get a bit more and even lighting and to maybe prevent the camera flash rom going off.

It otherwise doesn't look as bad as you think it does :)

Yay for littlest joining in!

Yes, more lamps probably would have helped. I tried with and without flash and no matter what settings I used, it wouldnt come out quite right. Oh well.
Most important thing is we all had a great time. ♥
Thanks for the kind comment!

Hello @squishysquid, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

How cool! Thanks so much! ♥