Ask Steemit: What's an interesting fact about you that very few people knoW? - 10 SBD for the best response

in asksteemit •  7 years ago 

Announcing the winner of 10 SBD from the previous week

The question from the previous week was "If you could possess any superpower, what would it be and why?" You can read the full post here.

The winning comment this week was from @elderfinancial who commented with the following:

I would choose the ability to shit gold. Just imagine if every morning after you coffee you went to the toilet and boom, you already had your day's work done. Now you could focus on things that really matter, like steemit or playing with your children. Hmmm I think I might be on to something here!

I've also rewarded 5 SBD to @jznsamuel who commented with the following:

If I had a superpower, I'd choose the power to amplify/nullify my emotions - to not feel the pain of a betrayal, to not feel the hurting of a goodbye, to not feel when your steemit post doesn't earn as much, to feel more in love, to feel more dedicated to things. Such a power would help a lot :)

               There were a lot of great answers this week, so please take some time to read through all the great responses.

The question for the Steemit community today is: What's an interesting fact about you that very few people know?

Thanks to @epicdesigns for the Ask Steemit logo

Please include your answers in the comments below. I will be awarding 10 SBD to the best response.

To qualify, you must upvote and resteem this post.

Follow me @nextgen622 for weekly Ask Steemit posts

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

When I was a high school student, my father's company went bankrupt unexpectedly. In view of our economic difficulties, my family had to overcome hardships in our everyday lives. In particular, my mother has undertaken financial burden of raising me for the past ten years. Although I have studied hard and received full scholarships (over 90,000 dollars) from my university, national agency, and my local community for the entire school year, it was inevitable that I would have to take a part-time job or private tutoring to earn money for my housing, food, and transportation expenses as a student. Until now, it has been hard for me to concentrate on studying because of my household situations. This is the story about me very few people know.

I sliced open a person today.
No, seriously. Cadaver lab, doing dissections on dead people. Today, we mostly removed skin and fat from the back, but also sliced the medial border of the proximal attachment of the trapezius, and peeled it aside to see underneath. Fascinating stuff, but takes some getting used to.

This has to win. You've already won it for me.

I had a cactus collection of different species and variety. When they were all consumed by the chickens and roosters of my father, i cried so hard because I had them as a passion. Even now, I can name a lot of cactuses.

wow that's really interesting. Thanks for sharing.

You are welcome :)

I was once almost tricked into jumping into the dolphin show pool at Sea World by one of the trainers. They had asked our family if we would be part of the show before it started, so I got to go up there with the trainer and do some different commands to make the dolphins do tricks, then he told me for the next trick I would need to put my hands over my head and on the count of three jump in...being 7 I was all for this, of course as soon as I jumped he caught me and the crowd laughed...most embarrassing moment of my life up until high school lol. Now it's just an awesome memory.

Bonus fact about right big toe has no toenail on it, none whatsoever, hasn't since 1st grade...just a spot where a tiny little toenail used to be. I won't gross anyone out with the picture, it's not the most pleasant.

Haha nice. Thanks for sharing.

This post is such a great idea! I love that it gets people active in the comments, anything that promotes community engagement is awesome!

When I was young, I had an accident and lost most of my childhood memory. During reunion dinner with my primary school friends, they talked about all those memory together, but I can't remember any of it. At that time, I realized that I lost my memory. Not a single person in my family know about this. Only Steemian knows.

Hang on... Did you only realise that you had lost your memory when you talked to your friends at reunion? Or did you already know?

Only realize i lost my memory when talking with them. The weird thing is, I still remember them, but those activities we done together, I just can't remember.

that is so intense.

I almost drown in Lake Huron as a child. I had to be saved by a family friend who swam out and rescued me. He was the only one who saw that I was drowning.

I almost drowned as a child too. Scary!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I can write binary as a second language, almost naturally. Most people need a translator but I can do it fluently. This ability manifested after being hit really hard in the testicles. Something about it changed me. Look.

01001001 00100000 01101101 01101001 01110011 01110011 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01100010 01100001 01101100 01101100 01110011

Is that binary for "My balls hurt"? ;) There are 10 types of people in this world, those who can read binary, and those who can't.

I am a plethora of useless knowledge. I research the crap out of anything that interests me and become somewhat of an expert on it even though I may not have done it before. People never take me seriously with that knowledge, only because I hadn't actually done said skill, or whatever, myself. The thing is, I learn from OTHERS who have done it.

I can relate. I've spent way too much time on Wikipedia, clicking from one page to another.

Very few people know that I cannot step on crack. Apparently there are crocodiles that come out and eat your legs off if you steps on cracks.... Or it could just be my OCD kicking in?

its your OCD, I have the same :D

When I was just over a year old, I had major spinal surgery and I spent a month in the hospital. Spina Bifida. Many miracles of the Lord that I can even walk and am living a fairly normal life.

WoW, praise God! Thanks for sharing. :)

I can shoot a tennis ball at 50 yards with a bow and arrow. No one but me knows this (and now those who've read this comment know this too).

Haha nice.

I conquered Depression, Obesity, An Abusive Mother, Homelessness, Bullying, 4 Car Accidents and Falling from a roof and I'm only young.

There is nothing more inspiring than conquering a challenge when it comes to my mind.
Born a Fighter, forced to fight and won every battle. Life is amazing and it's full of wonder. I'm the happiest person I know and I've been to hell and back. Life can always get worse and it's always worth being positive about it, why bother with the negative.

Treat life with a ferocious tenacity and focus on your passions and goals, what could go wrong from there?

Love conquers all and there is too much hate in the world.

These are the lessons i've learnt from sharing a few things steem didn't know about me.

Namaste! <3

Well done. Thanks for sharing.

I'm a ordinary mum by day and a wobbly spider slaying ninja by night.

I believe in ghosts. I've always be fascinated by them. When I was younger, I didn't until a few friends of mine invited me to participate in an oujja game. Or that's what I thought it was, till I saw the coin move all by itself and leak out details about me that the others didn't know. I went from non believer to staunch believer within minutes. All my laughing died down and I shut up and paid attention. There were a few rules to be followed. No getting up and leaving the group in the middle of an oujja session without the ghost present saying bye. No looking back, no calling a ghost into the home, no doing it alone, no laughing. etc.. etc. I found out all the rules. And then went home and broke some. I had become so fascinated by the concept, that I just started going to our terrace and inviting ghosts. I asked questions, got their answers, read the world famous ghost stories and so on. This went for quite a few times, till one day I got another set of friends interested and we ended up with a ghost of a person who had been stabbed and killed. It seemed that the ghost wanted us to do something for him. The ghost even gave his residential address, an area near my school. By then, all three of us were feeling very uneasy, and just wanted the ghost to leave. It was sunset time. And we were not sure if we could talk to a ghost after sunset. It took nearly half an hour but we finally got the ghost to leave. We were all TERRIFIED of the whole ghost thing by then. And that was the end of it. It has been 23 years since then and I haven't gone back.

WoW that's pretty full on. Thanks for sharing. You know, actually I totally believe you and I believe in ghosts and the spiritual world too. I have experienced supernatural things too, miracles and the presence of God. What you described is totally aligned to what the Bible says about evil spirits or fallen angels. I have witnessed and have heard many stories of people possessed by evil spirits. But at the name of Jesus and in the presence of the Holy Spirit, these ghosts/evil spirits are forced to submit to God's ultimate power.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you @nextgen622. I do too. I'm a very spiritual person too though not a religious one. I used to practise meditation years ago. I don't now as I find myself regularly short of time. However, I've experienced the presence of a loving person/spirit/presence/guide when I least expected it and most needed it on multiple occasions. I always send back thanks through my thoughts to the Universe when something good happens to me. Nice to meet you... And I wish you lots of good luck and blessings in whatever you do!

I also believe in ghost. I saw someone sitting on their porch once and I said hi to them as I was passing along. I soon later found out they were murdered a few weeks prior. Hmmm

Really? That must have been really scary!

One thing people don't know about me is that I won a national drawing competition in Taiwan when I was 4 years old. My drawing was of 3 elephants. I got a new dress to attend the ceremony in Taipei (an hour from where we were living) and the prize money was pretty good for the time. I also got a silver plate with my engraved name on it as an award. My parents put the money in their bank account saying they were saving it for me. I was more excited by the big plate rather than the money, haha. Good times.

WoW I didn't know that about you. Your creativity and competitiveness started at a young age. :)

Haha. I don't know about the competitiveness part. My art teacher entered on my behalf I think. Need to ask my parents for the details

I am awkward :)

No one knows that I'm afraid of spiders.

I am too shy

Something very few, and I mean, very few, maybe 4 people (until today) best I can count.
I get sick all the time.
At 39, I have never, ever missed a day of school or work, ever.
My immune system keeps up with the illnesses as they come; I've even had salmonella and e-coli poisoning.
My mom told that I had a hard time building an immunity to the polio vaccine when I was a baby; the vaccine had no effect.
My family doctor at the time, whom my parents trusted, instructed them of what he will try...putting polio in me...needless to say, my body took to it and made the anti-bodies. Scariest day in my mom's life, lol.
Whenever I feel "ill", be it headache, nausea, incontinence, syncope, high BP, whatever, I just go on with my day. It takes care of itself in an hour or 2.
No one ever knows.
I do have a cryptonite. Summer or winter; if I'm out in the sun without a hat, in less than 5 minutes I'm keeling over or passing out.

Thanks for sharing. The human body is an incredible design. The ability to heal, reproduce and function is just amazing.

Every Sunday morning I take a light jog around a park near my home. There’s a lake located in one corner of the park. Each time I jog by this lake, I see the same elderly woman sitting at the water’s edge with a small metal cage sitting beside her.

This past Sunday my curiosity got the best of me, so I stopped jogging and walked over to her. As I got closer, I realized that the metal cage was in fact a small trap. There were three turtles, unharmed, slowly walking around the base of the trap. She had a fourth turtle in her lap that she was carefully scrubbing with a spongy brush.

“Hello,” I said. “I see you here every Sunday morning. If you don’t mind my nosiness, I’d love to know what you’re doing with these turtles.”

She smiled. “I’m cleaning off their shells,”
She actually had adopted a turtle family because her son died a year ago in a bomb blast in Germany..... She told me it....... I don't know her.... Nor her son.... But yeah... She cried while narratung that indent.... And that makes me believe it

WoW great story. Thanks for sharing. It's great that those turtles can keep the elderly woman company and give her some comfort.

Well it might sound a bitdramatic or exaggeration... But ear.... I went through hell. My always wanted me to become a doctor... But I always wanted to be a ....i was having my exams of 12th standard....thats when I decide to give It a sho.... At that time I was in a relationship with a girl..... My family was against that relationship.... So I eloped from the home........ Actually that eloping... That was all so that I can become a writer.... But they still think that I eloped for my girl.... And I let it stay that way.... After all I didn't want my parents to feel bad.... because in reality they had forced me to take such an extreme step

Few people know that about 15 years ago I had a toothache. I got a "wonderful" doctor, who instead of cutting the gums began to pull the tooth. The roots remained. Then he started them to hammer and drill. And so two days. On the third day (the roots were frozen) other doctor still cut my gums and pulled out the last root. Since that time I'm afraid of dentists.

The funny thing is that despite my swollen cheek with me continuously familiar men. What their so attracted to my chubby cheeks? :D

For anyone that has read my introduction, you might have learned that I've worked for a few companies in my short 38 years. What is more interesting is that I tend to me a magnet for getting laid off. I've been laid off 3 times in my career, two times from the same company. I was so annoyed by that company that I gave 12.5 years of my life to, that after I left I got personalized plates for my car proudly showing my disdain for them. The plates were a hit, people would often stop just to take pictures or my plates or drive alongside me to tell me how awesome the plates were. I'm sure inquiring minds would like to know what the plates read. :-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What's an interesting fact about you that very few people know?

For me, it would be the fact that... Oh wait! If I say it out loud, then everyone will know and it will no longer be an interesting fact about me that very few people know! :]

Haha true. :)

I can think logically under heavy stress situations. Its nearly autistic and I don't react emotionally to exterior events.

Thank you @nextgen622!
When I was a kid, around 8-10 years old, I used to get sick a lot - my family was pretty worried, I used to get admitted to the hospital often and my studies took a hit. This went on for a couple of years. Initially, we couldn't get a proper diagnosis. Then we went for an expert consultation, the root cause was found to be intestinal worms, went through the de-worming process and thank god I've been healthy since.

The underside of my tongue looks like this.

Yes that is MY tongue, yes those are real, yes they are attached, and they are normal.

Mine are just way bigger than normal dudes!

You can read a little about them here.

Haha what an interesting thing to learn. Had no idea it existed!

When I was younger I was in a hockey camp and I was god awful at it but I managed to score on a kid that is now playing for the Louis Blues.

haha that's incredible! Good on you!

Safe to say after that night I retired my short lived hockey career; My last goal, on a Louis Blues.

I am a flat earther. I think, to the best of my knowledge, that most world-wide events are fake. NASA is fake. Space travel is fake. The history we have been taught is fake. There is no measurable curvature. Anywhere. There are no real pictures of satellites or of earth. There is no evidence that the oceans are gigantic, curved bodies of water stuck to the so-called ball. Me and other flat earthers walk among the blue pillers who are oblivious to reality. But we are changing the world. There are way more flat earthers than you can imagine that are already moving mankind forward. Research flat earth. It will change your life and slap you in the face with reality. The flat earth and the level of mind-control and deception required to pull it off is the ultimate red pill. This is the biggest paradigm shift of our time.

it's always worth treating the world with an open mind. It's also important not to negate the work and efforts hundreds of thousands of scientists have done over the last 1000 years. It's incredible how much of a touchy subject this topic can be to people but i think it's worth discussing! I can't admit to subscribing to the theory completely, i do think it points out some important flaws in the current model that deserve to be better explained. Like, why all the CGI NASA? I don't understand why we're bombarded with lies by these government entity's.

Great Idea, this thread...

Something interesting and unknown about me?
I am into OVERUNITY, which is producing greater energy output than (our) input. Building what I call the "Simplified TESLA Generator" or STG. I am thinking of calling it the STEEM GENERATOR, as it would go hand-in-glove with what we are doing here @steemit! Here's how it is done:
Nature provides an instant and automatic input into every circuit mankind has ever built, every time. Usually this input is overcome rather quickly and soon overshadowed by our increasing waves of electron flow. My theory is to "charge" the circuit with a very fast input, then cut it off before we initiate the overwhelming electron flow that counters the natural response. The input of Nature is then shunted to a conversion circuited, collected, amplified and then used in the normal manner in an inverter circuit (AC) or used in regular DC systems.
I have researched this for almost 10 years, and I am working on a dedicated trigger circuit and a larger (way larger) generation system that will be pulsed at a resonant frequency that maximizes this natural output. Version 4 was so powerful it appeared to be approximately 1200% efficient. I say "appeared to be" because the proper measurement equipment would run me around $3,000 U$D which is lots more than the cost of the device itself LOL!!!

Now you all know something interesting about me that you did not know before!

I actually just wrote a post, elaborating more on my comment about cutting open cadavers, and what my experience has been:

There are only a couple people who know this. I won a wet T-shirt competition when I was 21. My friend begged me to enter and I won hands down. I got 50 pounds and a Bottle of Champagne.

When I was in practice in the morgue, I pretended that I did not care that people were being opened there. But then it took me two days to realize that I was soaked in the smell of formalin. I did not tell anyone about this, it seemed to me that this unforgivable weakness - a doctor should not feel this way.

My first word was "shit" because my grandfather swore like a sailor. My mom was thinking about doing a swear jar on him.

As a grown up woman it may be embarrassing to reveal but I have a habit of watching Barbies. The first time it happened was on my 18th birthday, (the irony 😅 ) when I have just finished my school exams that were so energy draining. The post stress was so problematic, I couldn't find a way to relieve them, nothing helped. And then, like I crave for sweets , I craved for beautiful magical shit. I just knew that it could help me. And that's the story of how I developed this "healthy" habit. Very few people know, because I watch them when no one is around.

I swam with a shark on my honeymoon. No, I mean an actual shark.

I watch the @nakedbakers streams in awe 😍 and because of her I've been inspired to cook naked as well.

I'm the original poster of this maymay, the original caption was "Don't try... Succeed anyway"
Someone else added the smoke to it about 6 months later.
this is the first time I told anyone.

You have a very happy (or high 😁) dog 😊

thanks, over the years I found out the dog was from Russia, had lived a full life and passed away at the time I made the meme, She was female, also the know your meme page is wrong about the origin, it was 2007 and it was on 4chan

I gaslighted my ex without knowing gaslighting is. It was a few years back when i was a completely different person.

Not that its a difficult thing to do, It's why she's an ex.

Not proud of it either. What better ways to share a secret than to do it to everyone permanently recorded on the blockchain for a chance of winning some internet money.



The general public does not know that whenever I put deodorant on, I need to count 20 swipes every on each armpit...and if I miss a number, I start all over.


My real name is Moa-taz.
And I'm a big fan of Bugs Bunny / Taz (Looney Tunes) <3

And the ans is..
Oh shit!
Man what are you asking .
I really don't know.
First do somthing.


I am new to it and still learning.

Every Sunday morning I take a light jog around a park near my home. There’s a lake located in one corner of the park. Each time I jog by this lake, I see the same elderly woman sitting at the water’s edge with a small metal cage sitting beside her.

This past Sunday my curiosity got the best of me, so I stopped jogging and walked over to her. As I got closer, I realized that the metal cage was in fact a small trap. There were three turtles, unharmed, slowly walking around the base of the trap. She had a fourth turtle in her lap that she was carefully scrubbing with a spongy brush.

“Hello,” I said. “I see you here every Sunday morning. If you don’t mind my nosiness, I’d love to know what you’re doing with these turtles.”

She smiled. “I’m cleaning off their sheshells...... And she told me that her son died last year

I don't like cats!