Buying 700+ more ENG after I spent 1000 paying to list PEOS. I will be finishing up SAND SCOtT settings & Nitrous for :)

in ass •  6 years ago 

So since steem wallets are down from the recent hardfork on @bittrex @binance and @poloniex i had to use @blocktrades

But usually I use Bitshares to withdraw from poloniex to my ackza770 account then send to @blocktrads but poloniex gave me an INVALID ACCOUNT error for ackza770 AND even @blocktrades LOl i had to wats emroe money selling on poloniex for btc then buying LTC lol more fees, but only 0.15% , then i SUCCESFULLy withdraw from to Blocktrades deposit address to get 700+ Steem

Ok now i have my steem inmy steem wallet and for nayoen who needs to learn, you just make sure you have Keychain chrome/brave extension to make thinsg easy and go here

OK now i was able to buy 700+ ENG from here

Anyone interested in learning more about the Steem-Engine protocal and Semi Dex Exchange come here:

AND Now I will be finishing settings for SAND San Diego City Token tribe soon.... ASS will be a compendium an extra bonus for all SAN DIEGO residents, ill give them my OWN stake in the form of upvotes. I will them incentivize students in san diego schools to post on to get paid just like residents but for posting their homework or even videos of them doing pushups, fitness, challenge dac style and I may get CHL listed on as well

ANYWYA I WANt to see more people on steem but I have to wait for steemit inc to help us onboard users THEN ALL this work weve done will be worth it. We are forces to make beautiful websites to draw each other into each others tribe tokens and its working great!

ALSO, we are going to have a LOT more front ends for steem engine liek @steemfinex, and steem engine technically IS a Dex, even with its use of steemp instead of Steem. If we could just have SteemP as an EOX-EX token on newdex and steemp then people could buy and sell directly with EOS, and im sure other main net versions of steem engine will emerge in the future. third party SE token trading even using @banjo and @discordtip could be a possibility.

( PEOS Discord Where you can not bother the devs oin official PEOS Telegrama nd focus on marketing, + Ill get pEOSP Pegged PEOS steem engine token within the next day or two or so, since we paid to add it! )

ALSO @aggroed could switch to a new pairing ENG instead of steemp. I wonder why he didnt use ENG for the base pair and have steemp as just another stable coin, steem backed peg, I also hope for new tools to manage the BTCp and LTCp EOSp pegged assets which i see GREAT hope for! I am trying to get @eonwarped to display my (And 's 0 Wallets with a row just for BTCp just like they have for ASS ASSPOWER and STEEM and STEEMPOWER

Anyway i want a way to use @discordtip between discord accounts with PEOS for private transactions, maybe @banjo could do it if banjo had an EOS main net account and could facilitate private PEOS transactions using new peos wallet


ASS Token will never be forgotten but now I am going to be posting using the ass and sand tag with a great local focus and eosdac powered SAND DAC and maybe a @dlux-io @dlux @disregardfiat steemdac using just steem but i already have SAND on EOS as an EOS token!


I am going to have a great local tribe with all local san diego steemians getting a nice stake, and lets face it very few people are even on steem so whoever is left AND part of San Diego in some way will get a piece of the initial distribution allocation, and of course every San Diego resident 1 to 3 million will get a chance to claim at least 1 Free SAND token just for living here :) Carrying a local airdrop out may be a challenge but I will have extra SAND to make up for any double dipping by residents, but I would assume the need of a steem account will be the largest obstacle and no one will want to try claiming a token not worth much.

But eventually I hope to get so many local people involved based on the fact that everyone who wants one in San Diego will get a chance to receive one staked and really feel like they are a part of the project, which is one of the largest problems with promoting anything, people need to feel they are involved. By using basic existing social media accounts and TASK I can pay validators to verify if a user is in San Diego and then release the 1 SAND to their steem account. Or eventually if @inertia ever creates a voucher system for @banjo i could load 1 sand to Banjo and allow someone to give banjo a generated code that could be used to redeem that SAND later whenever I may not be there. I may find other ways to do this same thing that may not require @banjo but vouchers would be worth me buying hundreds or maybe thousands of banjo tokens!

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A lot more to share @ackza

this is kind of frustrating though

Yes it is, but eventually @bittrex and @poloniex will reenable steem wallets so will binance and we will be able to trade again

at least we have @blocktrades which may not be the best rates but its not that bad