Give me the man, I'll find the crime.

in authoritarian •  3 months ago 


I don't think that it should be a controversial statement to say that celebrating a person's felony conviction and hoping to see the person in prison, while not being able to actually explain what the person was guilty of, is among the clearest indicators of a fascist or otherwise authoritarian mindset.

Before any of you step in to claim that you know precisely what Trump was guilty of, understand that you probably don't. I still find it to be a headache to explain how an alleged federal crime which was past its statute of limitations was brought by a local DA. No, you can't articulate the over thirty convictions. Yes, I'm sure that none of you could even get to five counts without googling it.

It's an old Soviet saying, "You give me the man, and I'll find the crime." In fact, several commentators who have been rejoicing in regard to the convictions have been brazen enough about it that they don't even bother hiding the fact that no charges who have been brought if it weren't Trump, and if Trump weren't running for office.

On the other felony convictions relevant to the election, what Hunter Biden was tried and convicted for was actually pretty clear and simple. Still, it mystifies me why the gun charges were brought. There are probably several million Americans who are guilty of the same crime who never face charges. I wouldn't be surprised if most Americans who have filled out a 4473 don't know who they're actually filling it out for. I wouldn't be surprised if most Americans who have checked the "no" box regarding drug use are regular marijuana users, and don't know that the federal government still classifies weed as a controlled substance.

There have been a few pro-Gun people who seemed happy about Hunter Biden's conviction. I've been critical of those people. I would argue that it's impossible to be a strong supporter of the Second Amendment while also believing that it's okay for an unelected agency to threaten Americans with a quarter of a century in prison for exercising their right to bear arms.

Again, I think the correct, anti-authoritarian response regarding the Hunter Biden gun case is horror. It shouldn't be hard for pro-Gun people to acknowledge that Hunter Biden is a douche bag while also acknowledging that being a douche and a hypocrite shouldn't be a federal felony.

It's impossible to reconcile liberalism with using the criminal "justice" system to go after your enemies.

To paraphrase Robert Bolt's play, A Man for All Seasons, there's a scene in which Sir Thomas More is being called upon to bring a man up on charges for fundamentally just being a bad dude (obviously, Robert Bolt was more eloquent). Sir Thomas More then replied, " You would cut a path through the law to get at the devil?" Of course, the reply was "Yes. I would cut down every law in England to get at the devil." More's response was to ask, "When the devil turns around to face you, where will you hide then? The laws all being flattened." Finally, More concludes, "Yes, I would give the devil the benefit of the law, for my own safety's sake."

Of course I understand that a lot of you think that Trump is the devil. Of course I understand that a lot of you think that Biden is the devil. I also don't care. If you're willing to cut a path through the law to get at the devil, you don't get to call yourself a liberal.

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