Learning to Hug

in autism •  8 years ago 

My two sons have severe autism. We also have a daughter in the middle who is typical. They are 13, 10, and 7 of age.

TJ is the youngest. One of the thing's TJ has always done, that is more typical, is imitate (sometimes). Mind you, this is not something often observed in autism.

His older brother does not imitate. Or, if he does, it's over extremely long observation with hand-over-hand. I don't call that true imitation. I think we're just writing directly to muscle memory for later retrieval. It works, but it's very tedious for everybody.

In fact, if I were to identify a single thing that defines autism, it is the lack (or diminishment) of "monkey see, monkey do."

Now, maybe that's just my own limited observation, but it fits.

TJ's favorite movie, right now, is The Incredibles. I let him pick which movie to watch, and he always picks that one. Used to be Finding Nemo. Before that, Toy Story III. Before that, it was Wreck-it-Ralph.

When he watches these movies, he imitates them. He will try to say the lines and they don't always come out. But he really likes acting out the action.

Lately, as of about three weeks ago, TJ has learned to hug. I don't know if many people can possibly realize how huge this is. Real hugging. Like this:


In fact, exactly like that. He's imitating the movie.

The fact that his hugs are a direct result of imitating a cartoon doesn't bug me in the slightest. Everyone imitates. TJ can't make the connection with people as easily. The characters on the screen allow him to imitate like everyone else.

Maybe it's because the screen is more interesting and colorful. Or maybe the characters are more simplified and easier to process.

I'm not sure and I don't think I care. He hugs now.

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I wouldn't care either... as a dad, if he started hugging... I'd be proud as hell that he made such a huge leap. Congrats and thanks for sharing.

Thanks @inertia, we can all learn from posts like this and they add value to me and to Steemit. How you must love those hugs! @inertia I just wrote an article about showing kindness to the handicapped, would you be so kind as to check it out and let me know what you think?

Amazing, it doesn't matter how one learn different skills :D I have asperger and find it easier to relate to animals or characters in animated movies, especially when I was a child. Or even books. I don't really know why, but I guess it's clearer in a way, less to keep track on.

Good news for people who teach autistic children.

Movies are powerful educators . But what is most important here is that no matter how he learned it, he has someone to hug. He has people who love him and want to hug him. Beautiful.

This just made me cry, cuz! Give those kids and your sweet wife hugs from Cousin Suzi. 💗

that's beautiful.

The best to you and your family.

Sweet! Who cares that he learned it from a movie! He learned it! And hugs are a very powerful thing. Such an easy/great/fast way to communicate love and nurture affection. I'm a huggy person, so this really made me smile :)

Whoa, this is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.


<3 This is wonderful!

upvoted @inertia keep hugging well man!


  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment