RE: Bad Whale Harassment - berniesanders flagging again to keep me down

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Bad Whale Harassment - berniesanders flagging again to keep me down

in badwhales •  8 years ago 

Kind of Ironic that he calls himself Bernie Sanders who bashed the 1% frequently when campaigning yet this user/whale acts just like the people his namesake frequently bashed. :P Perhaps the name was chosen because it was a good buzzword at the time and there may be no ideological affiliation in the actual choice of the name.

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Sigh... yeah. Well, I will keep calling it out.

Kernel I have reached out to a guy that helped me when I was being attacked- I told him that you provide high quality content and reminded him that free expression is critical to the success of this platform.

Indeed. The concentration of power prevents free speech in many cases because people are afraid to get involved and speak against those with the power. None of my posts where that great today, but this issue of choosing who can and can't get rewarded certain amount is not good hehe. Thanks for the support, but the guy you talked to is he going to join steemit? Or whats up? I'm a bit confused.

I don't fear squat and will fight oppression of free expression relentlessly regardless of the consequences because the consequences of NOT doing so are far more detrimental to what truly matters- our souls.

And I'll keep flagging your rants and posts that earn for no reason.

Perhaps the posts earn because people say they are worth something... who are you to try to overstep what others have decided to do? Clearly the reason he is earning on the posts is not no reason - its because peple are agreeing that censorship is taking place... and your actions are proving them right.

Learn how the system works. The whole point of the flag is to allow users to determine how rewards are allocated.

Also, he only earns because the same bots vote on him repeatedly, something he used to bitch and complain about himself. Hypocrisy at its finest!!

Ahhh I see, so you wouldn't have a problem with me bringing in a couple thousand new members then specifically to downvote all your posts? I mean as long as they do so with the understanding they must maintain some level of activity to be "users" right?

Before telling me to leran how the system works, why do you go out and study a system that actually works correctly without this level of abuse? Maybe start somewhere like stackexchange, where everything is done by privilege so no one can bot join and bot vote for or against posts.

Seems to me, you are just blatently admitting its a personal vendetta and that is a key factor in defining if something is censorship, or done for the community.

Do as you wish.
It's not my problem he draws attention to his posts where people like me notice they're not really getting any views and it's just bot votes.

Welcome to Steemit, good luck to you!

The KKK endorsed Donald Trump. He denounced them. Spicer told a reporter who asked him why Trump doesn't denounce every moron who endorses him. Spicer said that would be utterly stupid, and counterproductive. Maybe this person you flag should denounce these bots, so you will have less to worry about? And if after he denounces them and they continue, well, at least he did what he could on his end.
Will that help?

@berniesanders - In my opinion krnel produces some of the best content on this platform- so what that he freely discusses the inequities that can occur on this platform? Your actions are proving his point. Ultimately he is trying to make the platform more equitable for everyone which I believe in the long run is a win/win scenario. Sure you can pounce upon him and down vote his quality content but exactly what is that accomplishing? I just had Iflagtrash doing that to my posts the other day and without some folks who value free expression I was ready to cut ties and abandon this platform. I mean what the hell is the sense in creating quality content, building a following only to have ONE GUY that you've pissed off destroy all you've worked for- is that really what you want this platform to be?

Nobody with half a brain or self dignity is going to spend the time it takes to produce quality content only to have ONE person come in and systematically devalue their hard work. You are proving the very points of the steemit platform inequities that he makes.

I like steemit- I think it's a great concept/platform and I want to see it succeed and It takes hard work creating quality content to do my part in making that happen but when I see a guy like krnel being attacked for exercising free expression and standing up for what he thinks is right being slammed down and discouraged it only makes me, and I'm sure many others who like krill's content, withdrawal from the platform.

Nobody want to live under the threat of tyranny and frankly you're looking like a bully by targeting him by systemically down voting his content. Please get your ego in check- no man is an island- you may have done nicely so far on this platform in monetary terms but it really is a drop in the bucket compared to what I think you could see in monetary gains but that's not going to happen when you piss off quality content creators who will eventually DISAPPEAR.

Seems to me it's cutting off your nose to spite your face. I urge you to cease your targeted attacks against krnel and consider the harm this sort of targeting does to the future of his platform and subsequently your own best interests. Thanks for reading : )

You're welcome! Although I disagree with a decent portion of your comment, I'll give it a shot and see how it goes! Cheers!

Outstanding- win/win!

Woah I came to Steemit because I heard there wasn't any censorship. Now, I heard another negative thing about Steemit. Straight from a whale's mouth.
But wait. Bernie will listen and try something different?
Well that's a positive .... Bernie might change the tide. THANK YOU