Beggars and my thoughts about them.

in beegars •  7 years ago  (edited)

You can meet beggars or mendicants everywhere but mainly in crowded places. Such places maybe the means of public transport (Metro, Electric railways, Busses, Trolleys, Trams). Every time I use public transport, I will almost certainly come across at least one beggar. As the years go by, I have the feeling that the number of beggars is constantly increasing, a result of my country’s poor economic situation that has led to the multiplication of that number. Many are my concerns, countless my thoughts, and my sorrow is only getting bigger.

Image by @nikoleondas

Thoughts and Concerns

When I come across a beggar at the means of public transport, many thoughts and concerns pass through my mind. Questions that end up being unanswerable.
“Is that man really poor? Or is he trying to deceive me?”
“Should I give him some money from the little I have left? Am I able to help him given always my difficult financial situation?”

Types of beggars:

Drug addicts: They are people that beg for money on the pretext of needing it for food or for some other necessity of theirs but in reality they just want it so they can use drugs. They usually wear dirty clothes and unsteadily.

Homeless: Τhey are people that beg for money in order to get some food or buy something warm to wear. They don’t have a place to stay so they live on the streets, sleep on benches, under bridges and generally anywhere they can find a “warm corner”. They usually wear torn, dirty clothes.

Parents of large families: Τhey are people that have many children and beg for money to provide food and other material goods for their children.

Unemployed: They are people that have been left without a job, beg for money in order to survive and sometimes seek for a job.

People with health problems: They are people who beg for money to buy their medicine or to cover their hospitalization costs. They usually carry supporting documents of their health problems with them.

Young children: They are children that usually play a musical instrument and sometimes sing too, begging for their pocket money. They usually hold a box for the coins.
Image by @nikoleondas

Foreigners: They are people coming from another countries, usually in a bad financial situation, that beg for money to survive.

Street vendors: They are people that sell various things such as tissues, pens, lighters etc, to have a small income that will help them in their effort to survive.
Image by @nikoleondas

Scammers: They are people that pretend to be one of the above types to deceive unsuspicious citizens and earn, in that way, some money while in reality they aren’t in such a great need.

In the end, I wonder: “How are beggars going to be in the future if blockchain technology prevails? How are they going to beg if there won’t be fiat money?”
But I think that some people are already way ahead of us, judging from the following picture.


Thank you!

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I have seen more than one youtube video of someone who sits a dummy up against a wall with a hoodie pulled low over its face and a cup and a sign asking for money in front of the mannequin.

Watching the people deposit money in the cup has been enlightening for me.

Do you mean that this person is fake?

Ok this is my big concern about beggars, it's the reason that I made this post.
I rarrely give money on beggars cause I don't know if their needs are real or fake.

I agree it is difficult to judge but if someone was not in need, would he ask for help? I mean give, even though he might be deceiving. At the end of the day we become richer via giving..

I dont know..difficult choices

Sometimes behind from a beggar is hided an organization with scammers so I prefer to give when I know that the beggar have a real need.

Also I believe, if you can do something good, do it, (not only to give money) will be returned back a good for you from other person.

Almost all countries have beggars, maybe the only difference is the number of beggars alone. In my country there are so many beggars, because there are too many, so the government issues a rule "forbidden to beg." The number of beggars is not due to poverty alone but many other factors, such as the number of unemployed, there is a beggar for lazy to work and there is also because it takes money to buy drugs. But many beggars are now scammers, their lives are fine, because they are lazy to work so it's better to be a beggar. Pretend to be sick for people to pity her. In my country a lot like that.

I agree with you.
I can not find who is the real beggar and who is the fake beggar.

When I was kid,maybe 13-14 I went for shopping alone ( yes! been trained to be independed very early).I had with me all my savings to buy some rings.I bought very nice and at nice price so in my pocket I had rest of my savings!!!
On the bus stop Ive been catched by woman at my mum's age.She told me that she is from different city and her wallet has been stolen so she has no money to buy ticket to go home!!!
I gave her all my money....
Can you imagine what I was feeling when I find out that I' ve been cheated!!!
After so many years I still remember this!!!
I know is so painful because some people are real and milions needs HELP.But we can't save the world!!! I think is better to help somebody who you know.
.....good post,good subject

I can understand your good mood give to someone who needs it but when your money goes to a scammer is unfair to those who have a real need .
Τhank you for sharing your experience.