RE: How Did I Do? Beer Run/Haul Review #6

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How Did I Do? Beer Run/Haul Review #6

in beer •  7 years ago 

So no FOunders up in Canada? that sucks, you aren't too far north that maybe you could find some in Washington and bring it home, it is really good. I didn't hate the LSS, it wasn't bad, 3.5 is a decent rating, kind of the baseline for beers I like. Not sure what the taste in Belgiums is that I don't like but it is there and I don't like it.

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I have a friend who's the same way. The yeasts they use or something. He can't stomach any of them. No Founders that I've seen here in BC anyways. I think each province has different laws on import and such, so might be able to find it in another. Or a distributer here needs to bring it in.