Best Ab Exercises For A Flat Belly

in bestabworkouts •  2 years ago 


1. Dead Bug

With your arms straight above your shoulders, lie face up on the ground. To begin, place your knees directly over your hips and flex your knee such that your calf and thigh are at a 90-degree angle. Next, straighten your right leg and send it toward the floor while simultaneously lowering your left arm above your head. Repeat on the other side after pausing and going back to your starting position. To finish one set, perform 14 alternate repetitions.

To teach left-right coordination between the upper and lower extremities, which can aid enhance cognitive function as well, keep your lower back in contact with the floor and attempt to breathe as regularly as you can.

2. Barbell back squat

Lift a barbell off the apparatus, distributing it equally across your shoulders while you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. You should use far less weight than you would for a regular back squat because this variation of the exercise emphasises the core rather than the legs. As you lower yourself into a chair, send your glutes back and bend your knees as far as they will go. One rep requires you to press through your heels to get back to the beginning position. For a set, perform 12 repetitions.

Throughout the entire movement, focus on keeping your abs tight. You can increase the weight on the barbell once you’ve mastered the movement. However, you can avoid injuries by increasing gradually.

3. Planks

Begin on the mat with your hands and knees bent. Make sure your wrists are parallel to the front of the mat and align your shoulders above them. Step back a few inches with your knees. As if there were fire on the mat and you were attempting to pull your stomach away from the burning, draw your navel inward into your spine. Lift your legs off the ground while tucking your toes under. Reach your heels back toward the back of the room while contracting your quadriceps. To maintain your head and neck long, make sure your shoulders are over your wrists and your gaze is a few inches in front of your fingers. Hold for a minute.

4. Reverse crunches

Squeeze your core and elevate your legs such that your knees are at a 90-degree angle above your hips while keeping your knees bent. So that your legs are in a table-top position, keep your calves parallel to the mat. Lift your knees and hips toward your chest while maintaining core stability. Put your pelvis in a forward tilt. Keep your upper body entirely on the ground. Make sure that nothing higher than the bottom of your back protrudes from the floor. As you come back down, through the table top, and tap your feet on the ground, keep your legs at a 90-degree angle the entire time. Continue the exercise while remembering to breathe softly and contract your abdominals.

5. Bicycle crunch

Your feet should be as wide apart as your hips when you lay on your back with your knees bent. Use your abs to raise your left shoulder blade off the floor while holding your hands behind your head and bending your elbows out to the sides. Bring your left elbow and right knee together at the same time. Straighten your left leg and extend it in front of you at a 45-degree angle while keeping your right knee bent. Bring your left knee to your right elbow and straighten your right leg as you perform on the other side. Maintain the leg-swapping pattern while engaging your core. As you swap sides, rub your inner thighs together to make sure your legs are snuggling in toward the midline of your body.

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