Wishing you a reflective and happy holiday weekend.

in bible •  5 years ago 


To know you are loved enough that Christ would sacrifice his Son for you, even in your darkest times, at your most sinful, when you can't even bear to love yourself, is the ultimate gift of redemption. If we can be loved even at our worst -- if we are worthy of the life we have been given even at our lowest -- we can be empowered to change for the better.

Through God's sacrifice of His Son do we find this liberation. We are liberated to not give up on ourselves, on each-other, or on the belief that goodness and light will always overcome. We are liberated from our past, and liberated from being defined by it -- as long as we do not take for granted that acceptance and we enter into a chance of redemption with love. With love, and with a commitment to now walk forward in the path of Christ and the values of Gospel.

Without redemption, hope can not be found. But to understand redemption, we must understand the evil we are being liberated from. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ to grant us redemption and eternal life, is the ultimate sacrifice to help us understand the liberation God has gifted us. God gave us His Son, He gave us a second chance, He gave us hope.

"We are saved not by what we do, but by what Christ has done"

With that, I'd like to send my blessings to all of my brothers & sisters on this Good Friday. We may not be able to join together in Mass, but I have faith that the love of Christ will reach you and your family wherever you are. God bless and be with you always.

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