Bio Hacking Series - 2 - Mood

in bio-hacking •  7 years ago  (edited)

Wave Emotion Belief Addiction GIF-downsized_large.gif

Welcome to Mood, Part 2 in the BioHacking Series, this is the most important, so we'll begin here.

The brief Introduction post can be found below. It will set the stage for the posts that follow.

For organisms to gain intelligence or the ability to learn from experiences, they need to be able to sense their environment and store those impressions of past events.

First order of the day is stay alive
Followed by Feed and grow strong
Then everybody’s favourite - Procreation! (Crowd goes wild)

Ok so lots going on, lots of impressions, lots of interaction, lots of choices to make.
Memories are stored by repetition and importance - the more important, the less repetitions are required.

Emotion as a programming language
I wrote a 5 part series of short blogs on emotion as a programming language - its on the block chain baby!
It is a fascinating subject that, once you understand it, offers very simple and powerful ways to avoid conflict and go straight to what you really need. It's more in depth than you need for now, please come back to it later when you have time.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

The Priority Report
An experience that threatened the survival of a creature will be stored more easily than one of lesser importance.
Those life and death level signals may turn directly into “instincts”.
Instincts bypass the decision making process and go straight into action.
We call this the fight or flight response. When people are having life and death level reactions to “normal” situations that is trauma. Guess what, we all do this, and we are doing it so often that it has become a strange kind of acceptable dysfunction.

Mood - Emotions - BIO HACK priority 1
The biggest gains we can make are the hardest, but if we can do it, they are instantly and literally life changing.

Few of us modern humans take anything directly from our habitats anymore. Few of the things we do attain are “un-processed”. This means that we must negotiate, pay for and communicate to for everything. How effective we are in interacting with other people is the single most important thing that will determine our happiness and our survival.
(yeah and our shot at procreation..down boy)

Rich people also commit suicide, misery is not as closely related to comfort and pleasure as one might expect.
It really is counter productive to pursue wealth at the cost of relationships.

Our ability to cultivate, maintain and enjoy relationship IS wealth and it is 70% of health also.
Money is a by-product of resource management, rather than clever manipulation. Though that also works, it does not end well.

Emotion is the language of biology - not the words, the pictures or the stories they convey. These are just vehicles used to carry emotion from person to person. We do not control our emotions, they control us.

By the time we "feel" an emotion we are already in it. Under its influence and already reacting, changing, communicating it.

To really "hack" emotions we need to come in at the level beneath them and dis-charge or "dis-spell" their power.
This is the most important conversation of our time - and I am not hearing it at the level of our leaders - it must come from us, family people..."familiar people".

2 kinds of emotion
Those that cause us to pull back or contract - threat or fear based
Those that cause us to open up, relax, receive or resonate - curiosity based.

Death - get over it
We are going to die - we have to - where do you think the minerals, proteins and fatty acids that we are made of, came from?
They came from other creatures who lived before us. Thats the circle of life, be grateful for it.
Point is, fear is a terrible thing, much worse than the "thing" we fear. Which is inevitable anyway.

Fear is terrible because it makes us try to control. When we do that, we withdraw our attention away from our senses and start to "think and worry" to strategise what to do, how to fight what is happening.

As soon as we leave our senses, we run programs, our bodies carry on, our lips are moving, sound is coming out, but we are lost in our control strategies, the opinions we have gathered around ourselves, to make us feel more valuable and safe. We start trying to sell them, to push them on other people. This is not relationship, its toxic, viral, and it does not make anybody happy.

Some people have "better" programs, more "positive" thoughts... but a program is a program and a thought is a thought. Nothing is better than situational awareness, flow state - know state - no state control necessary. Dont worry, you won't be able to stay there for long... try and visit as often as you can.

Life - be in it
You can't think happy, we cant actually remember sensation, even dreaming is far more convincing than waking memories. The texture, the context, the rich contrast in colour, temperature, pressure, sound, taste, these are only available in the present moment. Only available when we "leave our thoughts".

Put your attention in your senses
Feel what your feeling
See what your seeing
Hear what your hearing

Do you know why you cant stay present?
Thoughts are NOT random things that bump into us.
They are the price of having opinions about everything
Labels for everything.
They are the cost of language. The cost of conventions, the convenience of having shared meanings.
Yes you can keep the language, but if you want to stay in relationship with reality - that place where all the people are.
Drop the opinions
Lose the stories
Dont take anything personally.

Allow this moment to be
this is acceptance

Acceptance is the doorway to the place you already were,
Happiness is not in the future
Relationship is not in the future
It is now
or never

Choose Now

Thank you



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nice animated picture! I like your "MOOD"

Thank you, thats very kind.
I have to re-use them sometimes or I would never have time to complete a post.

Hi :)) The person is complicated. Our emotions completely depend on the situations in which we are. Everything matters to our mood. Each person perceives the same circumstance in his own way. But there are always emotions, as a response to the situation. The need for money, the ability to communicate with people, reactions to events - it's all our experience and perception.

Hello :)
Indeed there is nothing more difficult than emotions and communications.

If we are able to question the beliefs we have that cause us to become upset, then we can avoid having the emotions of fear and contraction.

This is more effective than trying to repair relationship damage from expressing the emotion reactively.

The emotions of connection and empathy await those who can let go of the stories that make them reactive.
Those stories are ancient, simple and have been repeating for centuries.

My life work is to let go of the stories and return to the sensations of resonance.
Ironically using words to write what I find is less than ideal :)