My local 24 hour bitcoin atm is back online with LTC BNB ETC DASH KMD TRX at Lestats coffee shop Adam's ave San Diego california

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

I only paid under 1 dollar to get 20 bucks cash from a crypto atm using just a text message confirmation no ID and used litecoin and it confirmed in under a minute and I got my cash in my hand and was gone... @coinflip is great- and I did get a jammed machine once but they fixed it next day and had an alternative machine a few miles away

This one is at Lestats Adam's ave San Diego and is 24 hours - the other Lestats has a btc atm but it charges insane 20%+ fees and makes you scan I'd to get any cash like your a drug dealer or something.... and this one is only 6% and nothing more than a text for 900 bucks and below

See this is a perfect system to add eos and steem and they are working in it- but wont add steem unless we all email and call and request it... they have a national network of machine and adding steem is a PERFEct Starting point for a ground infrastructure for fiat time steem conversion at a local level that @ned can request partnerships with ....he can have special deals to allow people to signup at the machine for a steem account and pay the 3 steem around a dollar to get a wallet and account which he can then give a free small upvote to balance it all out.... I think people would love this... and coinflip can use their account on steem and make posts and offer special services using the steem blockchain.

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Man that's cool! my local Coinme atm only sells bitcoin. I would love to buy BNB with those low fees.

Posted using Partiko Android