RE: Time to End the Block-Size Blockade - by Roger Ver

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Time to End the Block-Size Blockade - by Roger Ver

in bitcoin •  8 years ago  (edited)

It is more than just the technicals, though those alone make your proclaiming of GB and TB blocks out right insane, it is about maintaining the incentives. A big part of with is, I validate my money MYSELF. And that I can afford to do so, MYSELF. Paying hundreds or thousands of dollars a year on special purpose computers to validate my money is not cost effective, and not a sound and motivating incentive structure Roger.

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And why is 1mb correct? The point is the blocksize should be found as an equilibrium via market forces , not by design of some King. Even if he is satoshi or max or whoever controls core.

It is set by market forces. By the software people run to secure their coins. And right now it is voting 1 MB, and we'll see with the rollout of 0.13 if the market will support and prepare for Segwit rolling out to increase to a blocksize of 2-4 MB. Which is right up to the edge of what the network can handle in terms of latency increases right now.

Nope that is called hard coded. Market forces would mean no blocksize limit and miners deciding how much to put into blocks for what price.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

He wrote " In the not so distant future" - perhaps you need to go back to school and retake the basic English reading comprehension class with the other 5th graders.