Jamie Dimon Says Bitcoin is a Fraud, Well Jamie Should Know Fraud First Hand

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Should he be called Jamie Dim on Bitcoin, how he says bitcoin is Fraud, he should be the last person talking about fraud, look in the dictionary for the word Fraud and a picture of Jamie Dim comes up.

Jamie your are a lying cheating scamming bastard, you cheat your own people the man has no soul.

So my word to Jamie Dimon is FUCK YOU ARSEHOLE


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So if I read it right, China is banning big exchanges from handling vast quantities of Bitcoins for people, but it isn't stopping over-the-counter transactions with it. Since exchanges can and have fled with people's wallet balances, it might be a preventative measure against enormous grand larceny. Maybe their intelligence agencies know something we don't. Or maybe it's just more manipulation, control, and big brotherly oversight. Who knows? History and hindsight will tell us later. For now, BTC plummets.

Exactly their are a few names that I would call him to Dim is way nice. I will only say that Dim Jamie clearly doesn't understand the blockchain technology. Fiat is for the elite and rich backed by lying, cheating and scamming the planet. It is coming to it's end soon thank you.

Regal, you are being conservative where this prick is concerned. The likes of these bastards, have the audacity to slate crypto, saying its backed by nothing. Isn't that the case with the dollar, backed by nothing. They just print unlimited amounts, but that's OK and not a scam, yeah right. Fact, since they took us off the gold standard peoples health and well being has gone down hill. Its the likes of this assehole who are the con men, the truth is they don't like anything they cant get there grubby mitts on, to control and manipulate the masses. This latest stunt is an obvious PSYOP to drive crypto down while they mop up.

The dollar is backed by the promise (or threat) that the USA will continue to govern and do business as usual. Bitcoin is backed by the users who promise to give goods and services for its finite tokens?
I wish Bitcoin's calculations had some practical application in their generation by miners.
Is that what Ethereum does? I picture it as a kind of hive-mind calculator, like IBM Watson or something..

Let him have it with both barrels!

Bunch of Assholes the lot of them! drippy assholes covering everyone in crap

Well he himself would be one of the biggest lies in the modern society


Jamie Dimon. Who this guy thinks he is ? SOV.