10 ingenious ways to add during the Dip

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

Okay here are some ways that you may not have considered to help add to your position during the dip, now that some Credit Cards have been prevented from buying Crypto.


  • Cash out Refinance, you can refinance your home and take out cash using your homes equity to buy the dip.
  • Cash Advance, you can take out a cash advance on your Credit Card to buy the dip.
  • Second Mortgage, you can take out a second Mortgage to buy the dip.
  • Payday Loan, you can take out a Payday Loan to buy the dip.
  • Signature Loan, you can take out a loan with just your signature at a slightly higher interest rate from most banks to buy the dip.
  • Take out a lone against your vehicle, most people don't know but you can use your vehicle as collateral for a loan to buy the dip.
  • Sell Jewelry, this works best with engagement rings but any gold or diamonds will work to buy the dip.
  • Borrow from a loan shark, if you have bad credit, you can always borrow from a loan shark and put up your body as collateral.
  • Car "Accident", you can slam on your brakes when driving so you get rear ended to buy the dip.
  • Sell blood/Semen or Eggs, you can sell your Blood, Semen and Eggs (Even your first born), in order to buy the dip.

If you have not figured it out by now, I am joking! Please do not do those dumb things. Normally the articles on this blog are of a more serious nature, but every now and then it is good to throw in a bit of variety. But seriously guys, if you are resorting to these measures to buy, anything (not just investing), you may want to take a real hard look at your spending habits. Here is the real advice from this article:

For 2 months, use a debit card to pay for everything that you buy, including your Bills so you can see what you are really spending your money on when you receive your bank statement. This will keep you honest when you have to look at it on paper (not including your Mortgage/Rent/Gas/Electric/Oil/Coal). Look at what you are spending on the following, when you have the statement from the past 2 months in your hand, on paper go ahead and total up when you are spending on things you can eliminate.

  • TV (Cable, Satellite)
  • Music (satellite radio)
  • Internet, (ISP, VPN, Porn whatever).
  • Phone, home and Cell (The phone itself and the waste of money phone plan).
  • Cigarettes, Vaping, complete waste.
  • Lotto, complete waste.
  • Fancy car, (buying a 4wD truck when you live in a place like Florida and you don't do construction or have any reason to have a truck). Buying an expensive sports car for any reason.
  • Subscriptions (magazines Xbox live, ETC).
  • Entertainment Going out, clubs, eating out, ordering in, lunch at work, alcohol, skiing, amusement parks, vacations. etc)
  • Waste, buying stuff you think is cool for no purpose, IE (Game of thrones coffee mug, Keurig).
  • Clothing, buying designer clothing or any clothing you do not need.
  • Jewelry, buying any jewelry.
  • Food, Are you using coupons, are you using discount cards, can you buy some of the stuff online on Amazon or Jet.com cheaper (Diapers formula), can you buy store brand?
  • Getting your hair and Nails done at a Salon, Girls do this for each other for free, or a few glasses of wine.
  • Decorating your house (Christmas lights, Halloween shit, Valentines Day Crap).
  • Holiday Celebration, Going out to eat on Valentines day will cost you 2 to 2.25 times the price and 1/4 or the privacy because the place will be over crowded.
  • Laundry service, paying to have your laundry done.
  • Home improvements, why do you need fancy tiles in your bathroom when your just going to pee on them.
  • Automobile repairs/maintenance and upgrades. 1, you do not need "Rims" 2, you can do most vehicle maintenance yourself with Youtube (pay for oil change with coupon the savings is not worth the hassle), and if you buy a 20 dollar code scanner (or go to auto zone free scan), you can repair your car in most cases for a lot less. for example, O2 sensor would cost you a lot to get a diagnostic for your "Check Engine" then for the repair but you can scan and replace the sensor for like $30 bucks.

Okay I think you all get my point, do not go over the line "the crazy line" to buy the dip, but there is many areas where you can tighten the belt in order to have extra money to buy the dip and even find discounts beyond what the average people spend. Please understand, if you have enough money to buy all of the above and still buy the dip, then please disregard this post because you apparently have it under control and are doing very well. However, if you are trying to raise capital to buy this dip, you should seriously consider trimming the fat in your budget through any of the avenues I have mentioned. If you look at previous articles I have a few ideas to save. This article has 2 ideas that can save you a lot of money.

Aside from that there are many ways to save, try "thepennyhoarder", ask cheap people and just always get 3 prices before you pay for anything. Please comment, this piece is meant to start a conversation, even if you disagree friends.

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Useful information for me and everyone, about bitcoin, thanks for sharing

My pleasure friend, please pass it along so more people can find it.

Ha ha, been trying to sell my sperm, but cant even give it away - OK so that was below the belt.. I thought you were serious at first...nice --you got me. Could not leave you alone with the spam!

LMAO, I figured with the market acting up we could all use a good laugh. Glad you had a good laugh!

I read the beginning and thought it was nuts :) then got down to explanation :)

LOL, yeah I was in a funky mood last night from all this crazy market action so I decided to do a funny article and branch out a bit.

What a nice post I like your picture is gorgeous. I admire your work. Thank you very much for the post.

Thank you so much for that, I am honored!

I was reading that first list and was like "what? cash advance on a credit card is terrible advice! 2nd mortgage? Payday loans! What the fuck?".

Glad to see you were joking haha! You got me for a few seconds.

LOL, I know, I was conserved that if I listed too many that people would not read the whole thing, but I figured if I got more ridicules with each one people might start to guess I was kidding and hang in their to the end. Hop you had a good laugh! Thanks for sticking it out to the end.

401k loan buy the dip 😜

Shhh, lol!!!