BitShares (BTS) Update: Here is the Vertical Move We've Been Waiting For!!!

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)


If you're ever wrong, be wrong on the UPDSIDE!! So, my wave e didnt' happen. But the a,b,c,d did occur so that makes it 4/5 accuracy...:-)

Here finally is the veritcal price move I've been waiting for!

Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
These Technical Analysis Books: Elliott Wave Priniciple & Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are highly recommended
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?

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Legal Mumbo Jumbo: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**

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it looks to me like we are forming a cup and handle pattern. Do u think so too.

to you think it may make sense to take profit at the precious ath, wait for the handle to form to then stack up again a bit lower?

Just hodl!
It happened to me three times in a row with EOS.
You end up buying back at a higher price level.
It corrected, but too fast to jump back in end you lose 20% or more.
So I just buy more at the dips.

I think you are correct my friend ! I tried taking profits on BTC and buy in when it dipped. The problem was it never dropped to fill my buy orders and absolutely mooned meaningI couldn't buy back what I had before - lesson learnt ! Even if BTS hits $0.46 and then drops back to $0.16 I think I might just hold and wait for the bigger price moves upwards ?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Exactly. You never know if it will drop back to $0.16.
E.g.: It might be $0.26 and then start mooning while you are asleep.
Then you wake up and it jumped to $0.56.
I just hold and buy the dips, if any. 😉

Seems like a sensible strategy to me
My friend !

When it hits a past ATH, it usually blasts way past it.

Look how low we are in terms of ATH in BTC:

Current: 0.00002204
ATH: 0.00016400~

We are at 1/8 the prior ATH versus BTC. But, this pattern is typical for a lot of the old cryptocurrencies having all the new coins/tokens saturating the market.

The most intuitive for sure...

I do believe that Haejin sometimes projects even better numbers than he releases, but would rather people be happily surprised at his undershot at the price than disappointed if it fell a few cents short. Not to save himself the criticism, but to be realistic about hedging his projection, seeing as no one know 100% for sure exactly where a price will land.

He is......I've been looking. Yes I'm a Homer/Cheerleader/Promoter......I don't care....that only happened because I watched and watched and watched people all over the web. I challenge anyone to find someone who even comes close to the accuracy rate and the pure gut instinct Haejin has for this market. If that person is out there, they certainly aren't showing themselves or sharing their knowledge. I won't hold my breath for the sake of not dying, but I'll be waiting.




TY for Pumping @haejin Crypto Master @scarlet7
Very happy to see success on ♨ steemit for those who share our interests😀

What's his master plan? Retire on Steemit proceeds? What if he leaves?

As Haejin repeatedly states, it is best to learn to do your own analysis. That's what he is doing... My feeling is that he will perform this Great Service for some amount of time but then stop. Life is like that. He will have provided all the necessary tools and wisdom for everyone who is willing to put in the work.

So, if/when he leaves you will say: "I was fortunate to be taught by a great Master Technician who freely shared his secret sauce with me and others in the community. Now I am able to perform my own analysis."

Perfectly stated @dmwh.

He could have retired before steemit ever came to be I believe (I don't know his bank account, I'm just guessing). The plan has always been the same. Teach others how to manage this market with a humble and grateful intention. To give back to the world for what he has learned through his lifetime. To help US.

You mean angels do exist?

Satoshi Nakamoto existed?

ME! one day ill take haejins place lol

is he the crypto jesus?

i know i sound like a broken record...
BTS EOS Steem for life!!
Big 3 will set you free!!!!

I hate myself for selling EOS a while ago.... But I love myself for buying Steem and BTS. so its all good!
Cant win them all

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

we all learn from our mistakes...honesty buying eos before the network launch i feel is still a good price its just we have ingrained in our head that it was at 50cents below so we dont wanna buy ...

Good point. Don't let the fact that it's more valuable than 3 weeks ago let you lose sight of the fact that it's going to be even more valuable 3 months from now.

You can always jump back in.

Right on here @tt-dogg. To me EOS isn't really about a trade. It will come down to how many EOS tokens you have in your ETH account (matched with a registered EOS key) once the crowdsale ends and the token is locked.

Check out the EOS FAQ. Pay particular attention to item #21.

I've already started wondering if I would be willing to sell my EOS at any price... If I sell, then I won't have a claim on any tokens that get created on a future EOS based blockchain.

That's one of my favorite records.....

100% agree! World-changing, life-altering technology. And great investments!

Can I get a what-what for NEO?

steemit - fantastic.gif work!

BTS is moving so fuckin fast!!! I thought I had more time to accumulate!!!!

Same! :)

me too


Or blocktrades

what platform do i buy on please?

Open ledger and Binance are two options

BitShares exchange is my preference...get it from the source

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Still pretty accurate though :)

Loving the bitshares!! It’s gone up 6 golf I think, since I bought in and that’s nothing compared to what it will do long term.

how do i buy??

Download bitshares wallet/ exchange software, transfer in bitcoin etc and trade right on the platform. Alternatively several exchanges offer it (including poloniex I think).

thank you what trade do i do sorry?

There are plenty of tutorials on Youtube

Another great analysis! So should we expect a pullback here to wave 2?


Too many Chalices of Wealth at the moment!

LOL...was thinking the same thing...I stopped trying to chase everyone of them...streamlined...BTS is my foundation and dream coin...

EOS and BTS that's basically my foundation.
And 10 other cryptos to kill the FOMO.

Fasten your seat belts and get ready for the flight - destination Moon! 🚀

I hope so. Do you think we will break the $0.46 ATH in this run? If we get even a quarter of the BTC ATH, we will see a $10 BTS.

Master Haejin has set stort term target (top of wave 5, just now about to procede to wave 3) at 0.52
This could happen within 24 hours.

Be wrong to the Upside ♨ Can I use that Haejin my friend?
Powerful BULLwave BTS🚀🎉🍾🏄

these days, for bts, you dont want to risk selling it to take those small short term profits, because if you did, and missed it. it has a long way to go to $300 !

I wish you ALL MASSIVE profits!!!

Bitshares just partnered with first FDIC insured Cryto Bank AriseBank. ICO pre sale right now for AriseCoin. Please do DD, amazing company who wants to take down the FED and Coinbase

They want to take down the FED and Coinbase ? Isn't that a bit contradictory ?

Good question. Not according to them. They feel Coinbase is starting to work with "the man". Also, Coinbase is centralized. The vision is a decentralized network that can never be shut down.

Thanks Haejin

My bts chart

2 weeks ago

Updated this week:
13th Dec

14th Dec

16th Dec

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

this is currently wave 3? I thought we were still on wave 1 and I was waiting for a retrace as the beginning of wave 2. I've got my sell orders placed at 43 cents. Then new buy orders at 32 cents before the run to 50+ cents and reevaluate.

So I've had to reevaluate in light of a stronger wave 3 than I first thought. Here's my updated chart as of today. I left the old count in there for reference:

I think this is only wave 1 of a higher order. BTS is going to be massive, as @haejin says. But on the smaller time scale, I still think this is only wave 3.

One thing I am learning is that I have to factor FOMO into the charts more and project less conservatively. As you can see in the new white count, it has a much bigger wave 3, and an extended 5th.

amazing! Please share your updates that is fantastic work, So appreciated bro.

Worth noting, I've also started to use the TD indicator to time the waves a little better. That's why I moved the top of wave 3 in by a couple days since we are on a TD 6, so should get ~3 more days of upside.

may I ask what your sell points are (or what they would be if you were going to try and accumulate more). Or is it best to wait till it's a bit more predictable to starting accumulating?
Much appreciated.

So I've made a few mistakes trying to time wave 2 and 4 on the small time scales, but in all honesty it would have been better if I held.

I made that mistake with EOS as well. Bought lots at 0.50, but sold out at 1.50, instead of accumulating and selling at the end of wave 5 (~$11 or so). That would have netted me a 6 figure profit...just had to wait.

My advice would be, try to buy the dips now, and then take profit at the end of wave 5, which for me is around 0.90 - $1. I believe @haejin posted a bts update which I haven't gone over yet.
At this stage, a few cents here or there wont matter in the scheme of things. Im hoping bts will make up 10x what I missed on EOS ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I did the same thing with IOTA when I sold at $2.20
For BTS I managed to get a big sell at 51.5 cents earlier this morning and bought back in at 42c so picked up alot of BTS for free (woohoo!).
I saw Haejin's $1 wave 5 post and had that in my sights too. Would be amazing to pick up a nice chunk when the next wave pattern begins moving hard.
I think his most recent post was looking at a wave 5 target of $1.60 FYI. Here's link incase you didn't see yet:
Anyway thanks again for your help.

Unbelievable forecasting. Great work!!!

Thank you :D bts has been good to me!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

your a legend.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

(You said it'll crash back down (then corrected). The way I see it, as long as it'll resettle at a substantially higher level than before, all is well...
Also, this is the fun in day trading. Those who are alert, have better chances to get rich quick.
They're all adrenaline junkies ;)

Is this a huge cup & handle forming on large scale? After hitting $0.52 how deep do You think handle will go?


Fantastic prediction Haejin, thank you for all your efforts. Greetings from the UK.

Unicorn status official

Thanks haejin! QTUM rocketing at the moment could you take a quick look?

I'm loving this!

im gutted only just seeing this I've been trying to learn how to trade not there

BTS had a very rough time this autumn, but never doubted it for a second

Vortac any ideas on what the next 'buy' target is on BTS? I sold at .42 but I'm worried after the 'e' skipped out completely and went skyward I may have sold way too early. What kind of retrace we looking at here? Any ideas? Much appreciated.

I think it will hover for some time between 35 and 45 cents and then surge again, with more good news coming soon. Of course, most traders are selling during spikes, but it's seldom wise to sell the whole position at once.

thanks for the advice

Surf's up! Cowabunga! Great call!

Thank you!

Thank you.

Alright I will forgive you this time for missing your prediction...since it is making me a ton of least on paper...does anyone here actually take any money out...I am absolutely paralyzed on what to do...Today's gains seem illegal...but...selling is so tax costly here in good ol' USA...almost 40% hit Federal and State...and I already will owe a bunch that is still tied up in "coin"...are these "real problems"?

Personally, I'm in a stage that I want to accumulate 10k BTS (1,434 at the moment), then HODL till $350, then sell half of it and then never ever ever sell the other half. took the words right outa my mouth LOL..I too am thinking about the pathway partial exits..I guess back through GDAX....

Yes..know how to cash out...just seems unwise to lose so much to tax right now...but...these gains are Haejin what? We need the master to help us exit? I can no longer think for myself...never saw this coming!

Go back and look at Haejin's previous posts on BTS...

I believe his recommendation was at around .04 cents. It is now at .37 cents which is roughly a 10x gain. Now, consider even a trimmed down target of $100. From here that is a 270x gain.

Obviously not a guarantee that it will happen but...

I am well aware of Haejin's multiple projections of multiple coins all going to the moon...including BTS $372 some day...meanwhile...those of us who are trying to make reasonable decisions on what to do with this new money...having been around long enough to realize that anything too too good...and this phenomenon is beyond too good...

So while I have all the respect in the world for what Haejin has and continues to provide novices like me...and would love to believe that Haejin's analysis is cast in stone...which he himself humbly admits is not the case...and seeing how regularly trends can shift....would like to know I acted prudently...

Well said.

Some advice that I once received: Know the difference between a trade and an investment.

For a trade, you already know your exit (or ladder of exits) before you buy. Once you've bought, enter your exit ladder into the order book. Monitor the trade and adjust depending on changing conditions.

For an investment, hold until the reasons that you bought are no longer valid.

You could certainly sell enough to recoup your initial purchase and let the rest ride. It really depends on your reasons for buying. Was it a trade or an investment? If you can answer that question you'll be on the right track to deciding your exit plan.

Solid advice thanks.

I think most people would be over the moon if BTS gets to $100 ! How is it going to get there ? The news or event that arrives to justify the forecast could possiby a major hack of a centralised exchange such as coinbase or a clamp down by governments

any ideas on the next bet opp to buy in on this will be? I sold at 42 cents thinking we'd see a dip back to 32c but after it skipped the 'e' wave I'm worried I missed it.
Would appreciate your experience/input.

If it flags above the previous AllTimeHigh then it will likely not drop back down too much.

Check out my reply above to bobreedo. You should identify whether you are trading or investing. You don't want to sell your investment and then can't get back in when price impulses away too quickly.

There is Always another trade around the corner.

good advice. I guess I am trying to acquire as much as possible for investment purposes and trying to get in and out. With volatility so high it's probably wise to be happy with what I have until things settle down and become a bit more predictable.
Thanks for your insight.

any ideas on the next bet opp to buy in on this will be? I sold at 42 cents overnight thinking we'd see a dip back to 32c (on haejin's projection) but after it skipped the 'e' wave I may have let greed get in the way of longer term joy here.
Any ideas?

My belief in you is worth the 100 dollars I'm putting into BTS.

I enjoyed the ride to $0.39

Where do you think the top is?

+$400 :)

Ayyyooooo!! Do the rest of the counts still apply Haejin? The 2, 3 , 4?

Different pathway, same destination! Thank you Haejin. By the way it's been a veeeery long time you haven't provided a good old BCH update! Please!

Bitshares being bery bery bery good to me.....

I like it very much...

Right Jobu?

All this talk of the IRS taxing every trade is going to really push Bitshares price. Been on the site needs a lot of work but will be awesome when ready.

Thank you Haejin, I check in with you daily. I appreciate all of your info!

Thanks Haejin! The top of the chart is cut off, cannot see the 3rd or 5th waves

You are the best!!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Can anyone help out with price pathways here?
I sold at 42 cents (had a sell order).
My original buy back was 32 cents or 0.00001820 btc before the run to 50 cents.
Is that too aggressive?
Trying to work out where I should buy back in because I'm not sure if we're still in Wave 1 or this is wave 3?

I don't care now, I am going to hold BTS for at least 2 years, let's see how it goes.

Hey guys! I ve bought a couple if Bitshares since the last two months. Always did this via openledger with the pair LTC to BTS. But now i found out it is better to switch with blockrades, i get plenty more. How you buy your BTS ?

Congratulations @haejin!
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how about bts/btc ? @haejin Thank you for your update :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

"BTS/BTC is lagging the BTS/USD. Using the BTS/USD as the leading indicator. In other words, BTS/BTC shoudl follow." This was the reply he gave me in another thread. So I take it as look for profit taking after this run up with a healthy recovery.

Will someone please explain to me the the significant difference of btc/bts pair vs usd/bts pair or any other btc or usd pairs????

Grazie dall'ITALIA Haejin ...sei un Mito !!!!!!!! divulge the seed

Hmmm... I got in at 0.48. Now it seems it might to a cup and handle. Did I make a mistake...?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment